Well America, as you (that know me) know, my part in this fight is somewhat diminished of late, thanks to the corrupt courts and individuals of Polk County, Iowa.
The youtube channel I produced isn't going as well as I had hoped (at a later time, I plan to redo those videos in order to produce a more INTRIGUING product there); so instead, I have decided to produce something a little more...enlightening? Productive? I'm not entirely sure.
What I am sure of, is that this is something that I feel needs to be done, somewhere where it will be noticed.
So...here it is. I am doing a series called...well, you see what it's called. What do I need from you? Well, you can start by taking down this email address:
Then you can send me this information:
The names of all the wicked, evil and corrupt courts you know of, what state, county, city and district they're in. Then list for me all of the folks that make it so, and any info that will help others identify those individuals, as well as what they've done...to you, or to others you know about. Any pictures that you can find that identify these people would also be appreciated.
Whaddya think? Yeah me too. Let's get it on.
Has it been done? Sure it has...but in smaller pieces, and on lesser venues. Come to me. This one will get noticed, I guarantee it.