Friday, July 15, 2016

And Away We Go!! (Part D - October)

As Promised!!  October is in full swing.  Here is where things really start to heat up, stories begin being told, and lies flow like rivers.  The parents, of course, realize, after the adjudication (the father knew from the git-go) that there isn't any way our daughter is coming back.  By the end of October, this is more than evident...with clear and convincing evidence.  Just before this hearing, because DHS didn't care for the father's new series on "How to beat the DHS Railroad Job", they cut off his visits, then, in expectation of his fury, waited for him to call them.  He did, then they filed charges of harassment.  This father, however, was more than ready for their treachery, thanks to his recording of ALL interactions between the parents and DHS, and readily QUASHED their efforts.  The mother's court appointed attorney would betray her trust by claiming, since she had done another affidavit of her finances, that, even though she was homeless at the time, and had JUST started back to work, making $700 with NO expenses, that she would now be required to pay her attorney fees; even though by the time this was ordered (and shown NO PLACE IN THE ORDER), the parents had filed a change of address, and had expenses a-plenty...yet no additional affidavits were required to be filled out to prove THAT.  Added to the fact that the father had, since DHS had cut off his visits, posted documents of the court, and had been deemed unable to defend himself (because he could no longer get court documents filed by the other side), this cut off the parents for nearly two months with a means to defend themselves against the court and the D.A.  Just one of many shady deals made by this court since, the parents have been, since, fighting a losing battle.

But most of you are more than aware of all of let's do it.  Don't forget to keep checking the other months, and documents I may have forgotten about, or had to re-scan get added to the the commentary, slow in coming currently, is due to be added.

October!  ENDULGE!


The denial in removing Dale Mays as the mother's attorney...this time.

The Court reporter's mem and cert...ho hum.

Ah, HERE we go.  The first Family Team Meeting, formerly called a Post-Removal Conference (remember, back in July?  Same players, same accusations, same results) but now called an order to show yet ANOTHER reasonable effort made the parents in order to help them reunify.  OK, so then why do these things get filed as evidence against us, in order to go right to termination?  Hm.  Doesn't sound like much of a reasonable effort to reunify to about you?

The paternity test of "A Child", the legal father (myself), and, evidently, the DNA of the murdered alleged father.  Both came out as NOT being the bio father...enter RON SHAVER, the TRUE bio father...someone I had yet to hear of.

The first of many falsified reports against the mother's ability to take care of our daughter.  Remember, back before the removal, while Liz was waiting for her daughter to be wrongfully taken from her at Methodist, she was learning her mothering skills with breakneck speed (progressing they called in in their JULY reports) with breakneck speed, and with little or no effort...yet after two months, she's still not able to properly diaper the baby?  Unbelievable...isn't it?

The First of many DHS reports where they lie...and lie...and frabricate...and embellish...which, of course, is no suprise, considering the crimes they commit daily.

The CHANGE OF ADDRESS, filed with Judge Price just five days before he claimed that we were still homeless (in the order from October 21st's Disposition hearing, further down).  "I don't look at that sort of stuff" was his answer at the next unscheduled hearing we attended...yet that motion to have the father removed from the case at the was top o' the list in the permanency hearing, when it was filed 2 DAYS before that hearing...amazing, isn't it?

Yes, it's the Disposition Hearing Order for this hearing.  More made up facts.  Ah thrill.  I was unable to attend, due to the fear of being arrested for publishing documents.

Court Reporter's Mem and Cert (yawns)

The order for Ron Shaver's Paternity

The order for our daughter's SSecurity card...another yawner.

They must have to order this monthly, since DHS has had this right (as well as the parent's NON-right) since day one.

Proof of Dale's Deceit...we'll show how the judge handled this little number in December.

This is about the time this father figured out he could start writing statements to the court...and their lives haven't been the same since.  Here's his first.