Monday, July 18, 2016

PCJ, my PCJ (Free at Last!!)
Boy, if this ain't the truth...only, mostly, because of
this state's corrupt legal system and those in charge
of it...something that will NOT be a problem soon.

Well kids?  John P Sarcone didn't get his way.  He wanted the father to have his bond revoked until May 5th.  He didn't get that.  I don't think he considered the probability of me getting a judge he couldn't pay off.  Everybody say  AWWWWWW!!!  And Bitch Gosch and Bitch Nieman didn't get their way either.  They got half of what they wanted, but they didn't get me put away until the assessment, and they still have to testify (and get their careers destroyed in the process).  And remember this, America, best of all?  No contact orders do NOT apply in court hearings or jury trials.  :D

Now, There are, of course, as in any law, loopholes, of which I have one as well.  Now, because of the no contact order, I cannot speak or contact these women in any way, even electronically...which of course, includes this blog.  Well, I may not be able to talk TO them, but I can still sure as Hell still talk ABOUT them, as I have, and will continue to do so until the end of time.  So, for example, I couldn't say "You're a Go***mn Bitch, Katie Gosch", because then I would be addressing her directly; and "communicating with her via electronic communication."  I CAN however, turn to my neighbor and say "Katie Gosch is from Estherville, Iowa.  Her parents still live there", etc., and I'd be good.

I also couldn't say "Emily you're a lying little c***sucking c*** either, because, again,  this would contitute me as engaging in no contact order breaking.  I can, however, turn to you, America, and state, for the record, that "Bitch Gosch and Bitch Nieman live somewhere on Vista Drive in West Des Moines. Iowa...and I'm guessing, but I believe they stay in the same house too", and I'd be juuuuuuuuuuuuust fine.

So...Now we got that outta the way.  Now it's on to the PROMISED (and that will be attended, no thanks to the dirty rotten deceitful and soon to be unemployed District Attorney, John P. Sarcone) assessment appeal, which, thanks to one honest and fair Judge Birkenholtz, I will INDEED be in FULL attendance, with EVERYONE testifying to breaking their respective felony laws.  Call it the groundwork for "Many Suits to Come", eh?  :D