Monday, July 18, 2016

Let My Children Go! - Part II


Whelp, needless to say, I've been spending a goodly amount of time at the 'puter these last 72 hours.  Lots, tons and scads of things have been coming together for the STILL LEGAL parents.  Interesting things have happened, toes are being stepped on, and the smiles are coming back, as I continue in the psychological portion of the war that I love so very dearly.

Let's start with this li'l beauty.  The petitions, one to have our child and our rights returned to us, and the one to have our crooked judge be removed from his position, are very nearly gone.  NOT QUITE if you would, please, continue in signing the judge's.  His is the one that's lacking as yet, and we would MOST appreciate more signatures!!

And now the one for the judge...this one is in BAD need of signing!

On that particular note, we would like to add yet another way we have discovered to have our judge removed from his high horse.

This will, of course, be sent off, TODAY!!  I won't bore you with the "Attached" section, you folks are pretty familiar with this crooked Judge's actions, already:

I think it might be best to mention that I have zero or very little faith in this document's power, or that I have about as much faith in it as I do the Disciplinary Board in the matter of Attorney Dale Mays of the snake pit Benzoni Law Firm, and Kathryn E. Walker.  It's quite all right, though, between the Iowa Supreme Court and U.S. Federal court, well, we'll get 'im.

Utilizing another virtual jab to DHS and their respective stomaches, we will be posting this in efile today, in order to get rid of, COMPLETELY, the charges against this father FOR 1ST DEGREE HARASSMENT, WITHOUT PREJUDICE, and HERETOFORE!! -

And now, the coup de grace.

To start with, I filed a letter to around 50 different souls around the state, in order to garner a bit of attention...for myself, for us as a couple, and for the many new groups we are associated with of late.  This one went special delivery to the Governor of Iowa, and was told to the others that it was.  Here is that letter:

"I am a father of one of the many children you have stolen in this state.  We are being heard, soon enough, in the Iowa Supreme Court, where it is my intention to bring forth the statewide corruption and the callous ruin of families, utilizing federal crimes that you use daily.  If this does not work, we will be filing in the U.S. Court, and charges WILL BE BROUGHT AGAINST THIS OFFICE, no differently than any other.

Your office has protected these people, all involved from prosecution, but ONLY ON A STATE LEVEL.  Those immunities will NOT apply at a federal level.

There is, on file, and filed online as well, in several places, an Affidavit of Truth, and record can be found in several cases with my name, in efile.  This protects me, in the case of foul play on your part.  A copy of this letter and the show below have also been mailed to the FBI, and several papers and news stations in the Des Moines Area.  Be Advised that I'm coming for you....lawfully."

Below this letter, I included the most recent episode of our new radio show, America's Deadly Sins.  It was sent to the Governor, and, as promised in the letter, was sent to everyone in power in our state, as well as the local news stations.

Then I mailed another, just today.  This one went out to the Governor of Iowa, as well as the same 50 people, and included this body text, as well as two links to part 1 and part 2 of the Nancy Shaeffer speech, which was given, before her death, to the World Congress of Families V:

This woman was a sentator in the U.S. Senate.  This woman wanted to do something about the corruption involved in child removal and adoption in EVERY state, as well as about CPS as a whole.  When she brought legislation to congress, they took all the teeth out of it and destroyed her bills.

They then proceeded to oust the woman from her seat in congress.

After she left her job, she continued to advocate for the cause.  Here are two videos, part 1 and part 2 of her speech to a major advocacy group.  Here, you will find EVERYTHING I accused this agency of, and more.  Remember, I didn't see ANYTHING of this, nor knew what happened last year, until maybe 3 weeks ago.

After this presentation, she was working with a company to publish a book about everything she knew and had found out in her investigation, as well as what was in her report to Congress.  She had also planned, as the 2nd portion of a one-two punch, to put out a full documentary on the corruption involved in this.  Her and her husband were murdered just a couple of days before the book was to come out.  Georgia investigators presented this as a murder suicide, the husband shot her, then shot the chest.  Try that, and you'll see that's probably the most difficult way to kill yourself with a gun.  It was documented, in other videos you'll find when you watch these, that this was a setup, and definately MURDER.  These two people had been married for decades, and loved each other greatly.

If this doesn't show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes, my friends, nothing will."

God I love the internet...don'tchoo??

Now, if that weren't enough, I had to bring myself to mail off, to the same 50 people, yet ANOTHER one, with, attached only these two photos, and the subject line of "Expect Us"

I think that oughta raise just one...or maybe a thousand eyebrows, dont you?

Finally, it is my intention, right after this here post, to email to these same 50 entities, and announce the collaboration of the most notorious "Captain" and myself, in our respective roles as informants to the more "uninformed and unenlightened" citizens of America.  We will, of course, include the URL's where they can find our shows.  Hopefully, SOME of them just...might...LISTEN!!