Friday, July 15, 2016

And Away We Go!! (Part F - December)

For December...a busy month!!  


Here, after two months, the judge says "Yeah, sure, give him his rights back.  He's gonna lose now anyway...
Order to give the father his rights to view the prosecution's documents again, after 2 months of nothing.

The first of many motions filed by the father to prove this little conspiracy to keep the baby away from her true parents...because they didn't like that we were fighting them and writing about this.  Note here that we first, asked the worker from CFI we had, who was constantly lying in her reports on the mother to get lost.  Then, later, there are texts and voicemails where they tried to file harassment charges...the first time, in order to stop the father from writing about what was going on.

Filed, well after Dale Mays' deceit against the best interests of his client, the mother, showing both the judge and Dale guilty of cover-ups.

Gotta make sure the baby's attorney gets HIS pay too, right?

Court reporter mem and cert for December's BS

Both the subpeona and the motion to quash that subpeona for the attorney for the mother, honored LONG after it was said, by the judge, that he was no longer on the case...when he dismissed my motion to correct him and the judge's actions in their cover-up of trying to charge the mother for her services.

The order to quash that subpeona.

Court Reporter mem and cert...BORING!!

This order came out after the "continued" hearing on December 11th, when the judge scheduled the first hearing to hear what the parents had to say about their case at 11:30, then, right in the middle of accusing DHS of false charges of harassment against the father, said 'LUNCH' in the middle of his sentence, and continued it for a week.  Finally seeing that these people were going to fight him to the death, the father gave up in this 19th hearing...for the mother's sake...and said to DHS and the Judge that he would finally give in and play ball.  DHS answered this by making the father take a urine test right after the hearing (ANOTHER falsified test, done by the owner of the contract for drug testing, because he didn't like that the father tried to serve him with a subpeona), and re-accused both parents of the same crap.  This truce lasted a whole 4 hours.

The results of that false positive, once again showing the father as BARELY dirty for Meth.  Imagine that...RIGHT ON THE CUTOFF AMOUNT.  The father would, of course, show this one as BS in his evidence...though this was never admitted, as you'll see in January

A motion filed by DHS, claiming to "not be able to get a hold of the mother, and the father asking them to never contact him again"...both BS.  The father, ever alert to the bogus actions of the D.A., was paying close attention to the filings, and immediately answered with his denial.  The judge, naturally, in his fairness, granted that travel, and expressed that the father gave no good reasons for denying it.  I'd say just that the fact that I was the father alone should have been more than reason enough, in and of itself.  The original motion didn't get scanned, nor did his "honor's" granting it...I'll have to check on that when I get HOME.

A 2nd motion to supress the blog as evidence, brought up to date, and with the times...and with an incorrect term to throw off the DA and the judge.

A statement to the court and motion to dismiss the case.  Naturally, the father knew this wouldn't happen, these idiots were way too eager to terminate the parent's rights.  Not that that's gonna happen, mind you...

Another motion to supress the drug tests, with the added 2ND bogus test results, and an explanation of what happened there.

A letter to the defendants from Charles Palmer, the 100 yr. old (81, in realty...could just as well be 100 though) director of DHS, who, of course, more than likely has his blinders on (with someone serving the Governor pulling the strings, I'm sure).  After, naturally, is my grave which I have yet to ever receive a response...mostly, I'm sure, because he didn't know how to respond to my accusations...because I was in the right.  This was after contacting Senator Charles Grassley's office for help (it says right on his website that he "helps" with state agency problems.  Problem is, if it gets "legal" at all, then it's a question of Senate ethics...then all of a sudden they couldn't help anymore.  After asking them to please NOT contact DHS (for fear they might make our lives even MORE difficult), they did anyway...and here is his response to us, followed by OUR RESPONSE to HIS stupid and very uninformed response.

Another libel report from CFI.  The worker was gaining trust that nothing would happen to her, you can tell.  This woman was the only one out of all of our DHS dealings who you could tell had a conscience, but it's obvious that she's on the way to losing what she has left as the reports continue.

CFI for December....and the lies continue...

The continued libel and lies of DHS.  This one contained a special paragraph for me, in order to anger the father.  Please note the record of the SINGLE FATHER, who managed, through her well-paid lawyer, to get custody in February.  2 OWI's, an assault charge, etc.  Definately a man who, after having sex with the mother and leaving her to fend for herself, deserves a chance at fatherhood...Now, don't get me wrong, I'm a guy who's all for 2nd chances...but ASSAULT?  2 OWI's?  Over 4 simple misdemeanors, the last committed over 12 years ago, and before that, nearly 20 years before that?  And the mother who has NO record????  You know damn good and well what this is about...I didn't play hand-baby with DHS, said bad bad things about 'em; and didn't bring any monies into the state, so I'm a bad boy, and we'll lie, and falsify drug tests a plenty to prove it.  Game ain't over yet Katie that.

Novemeber's CFI report, chock full of lies, like the rest....

The thing I just love about the more recent docs of DHS's, is that they're big on the "Abandonment" it is in the courts.  Anything they can use.  The story here, is that the father had prepared a statement for those of the "FTM" for this month...and upon my entrance, with the mother, had asked the VNS facilitator (supposed to be a mediator between us and DHS) if it was OK for me to read it before the group.  It was polite...aside from the accusations against DHS of course, and because this would have had to be read before the fosters...well, we couldn't have that..she was actually OK with me reading it, then in the middle of the conversation about it, the DHS bitches came in and politely shut it down.  The facilitator turned, looked at our caseworker, then said..."but, really, you should handle any problems with you that you have with them in private."...that was enough for us.  We turned and walked out.  Some family team meeting huh?  The parents hadn't been allowed to speak in the other two, so why would we have been allowed to participate in this one?  We weren't surprised.  I love that they marked that we did NOT attend.  We did attend.  We just walked out on it, when not allowed to participate.  Wouldn't anyone???