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So America, it's finally come to this, right?
Finally, it's time for the Federal Funny farm. Now, this wasn't, by any stretch of the imagination, fun, nor was it easy. These people are no better than the district court. Why? I think it should be obvious, really. See, the higher Federal Court? Is no less corrupt than the rest. How do I know? Well, lemme tellya.
First, they didn't wanna file the Complaint. They tell me only the U.S. Attorney can do that. But, thanks to more recent information that I just recently discovered, they don't wanna do it either. Why? Because our courts are already in Martial Law mode. They don't wanna do anything for us lower- classed citizens, anymore than the Supreme Court of Iowa, the District court of Polk County, nor the Supreme Court of the land, or Washington D.C. does. The Judicial Branch is now stalled, waiting for the sounds of military boots on our streets, and refuses to listen to us piss ants any longer.
No, my suspicion is most correct folks...Washington doesn't want to address the problems we sniveling citizens have, Federal Court doesn't really wanna address any problems we're having with our lower courts, and the U.S. Attorneys no longer want to do their jobs...because they are already in Martial Law, and have been ordered to stall what we desire to receive; something we haven't received in quite a while. Real, honest to God Justice. That hasn't existed in this nation for many a decade, and now that the truth of what our Judiciary has pulled over our eyes is about to come out in spades, well, it's come from the top that they are just going to have to put us off, don't take on anything new, and sit on whatever remains.
Today, "The Death of the Justice System"comes out on Crown Oak Press (crownoakpress.com), after it has been quashed for release for over 15 years. This of course will be the first deadly blow. There is sure to be an awful lot of really upset Americans after this one. Did you know that there are, out of the 93 U.S. Attorneys in our country, only 8 that DO NOT come from Chicago? Did you know that there is a Supreme Court Judge that said (when talking about court audio tapes that you, Mr. Joe Citizen, are entitled to receive in cases that you are involved with) “If you could get them, then everybody in the world could get them, and we would be playing them every night on Channel 7, Channel 5, Channel 2, and Channel 9, and Channel 6 and Channel 32 whenever they wanted them"? These are just a couple of the thousands of things that you will be reading about in this book. This will inevitably piss an awful lot of people off, and the people will be marching in the streets to get the justice they've been denied over these last few decades, in every court in the land.
Then of course, will be financial collapse, then Martial Law for the rest of America. Then, there's just gonna be chaos and absolute insanity from there. Expect the white U.N. tanks soon fellas and femmes, because Senator Kerry just signed the U.N. weapons policy bill...and even though Congress or the rest of America might fight it, doesn't matter. As long as we have our current set of idjuts in power, well, we will end up fighting those same idjuts soon enough.
Do you feel it America? Do you smell a little revolution in the air? Breath it in, because it's imminent, and quite real. The end of us is on its way.
I will, of course, continue to torture those in my little game, even though nothing will be addressed...only because I CAN.
So today, without further ado, I present the Petition for that Writ of Habeas Corpus:
And its "attachment" to the case, the Criminal Complaint Citation that I had filled out, but wasn't able to file. Now, keep in mind, they're not calling it a criminal complaint citation, because they refuse to file it as such, even though Article 18 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution states that they must file this for ANY CITIZEN, or plaintiff(s), absolutely, and is mandated that they do so, for ANY CITIZEN, anytime, under penalty of misprision. No, without the U.S. Attorney, they say, they cannot and will not file it...so the only way I could get it in was to file it as an attachment to the Habeas Corpus, which they are calling a "Civil Case"...and the U.S. Attorney says, that because they don't handle Child Removal cases involving the state, for whatever stupid reason that it seems to be the case all over the country, in every office across the land; it won't be identified as an official criminal complaint citation...only as an attachment...meaning, it will not be addressed as a criminal complaint citation, and nothing will ever be brought against or done about the corrupt assholes in my state.
Does that mean I quit? Am I done torturing them after this? HELL NO. Enjoy what we have so far, I suppose...and when someone tells you that this is the way to go, and that it works, rest assured that, no matter how much you know the law? It doesn't, and it won't. Why? Because justice for us isn't in the cards. It hasn't been, it isn't now, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be in the future.
But to the players in our little circus? The game is far from over. Someday soon, our money will be worthless, just like yours, and your positions will be duly terminated, due to martial law...and guess what? You'll be just like me. Powerless, and broke. And when that day comes, and your land is repossessed by our ever-greedy government, your assets worthless, and your power gone, thanks to martial law, and you're running just like we are? I'll be waiting at the city limits with every parent you did wrong. Then we'll see what's up, right? I'll be there, with bells on...well, okay, maybe just one or two bells. Don't wanna seem too wimpy, I suppose.
So, it occurred to me, as I was trying to file this non-separate action that I, a natural born sovereign citizen, linked to common law, the law this country was founded on, while reading Article 18 of the USC, Section 4, which states that the plaintiff(s) Complaint is mandated by...whoever, to be filed by the federal clerk of court; against whomsoever the plaintiff should please, but actually ISN'T allowed to be filed by me, except through a U.S. Attorney, even though it be a punishable offense for them not to do so...and that, if only the U.S. Attorney is allowed to file it, and refuses...wouldn't it stand to reason that I could file this against yet another official...like, say THE U.S. ATTORNEY HIMSELF, for not doing HIS job? And that, due to the OBVIOUS conflict of interest, he couldn't file it...against himself? So who files it then? I imagine the very people who refused to or said they couldn't file it to begin with. I'd say the Clerk of Federal Court would HAVE to then, wouldn't you say? I think that'll be my next step.
Please forgive the copy quality of the Polk County Copy. Evidently, they can't afford real toner anymore.
Also, a big thanks to Randy Osborn, the Polk County Clerk (who didn't remember me at all from the time that he scammed me per my judge's order, following Judge Asshole Price's little trick of cutting off my access to my defense in my case)....for telling me that Polk County, Iowa, supposedly, doesn't record their court hearings (even though I know damn well they do), and telling me (like all the rest of the assholes in my case, once again) that I have no right to the recordings (that they say they don't make anyway) of my court case, because I had been thrown out of it...even after I had fought it for 6 months solid. I swear, one more person says that to me...oh, never mind, you remember. Ripping balls off and all, I've had enough of these fucktards. Their day is close at hand.
And thank you, most of all, for cinching your obvious demise by claiming that they make NO TAPES, or CD/DVD recordings that you can purchase. For one, dumb ass, there are tapes. We know this and so do you. How do I know this most of all? This man refused to sign this...an affidavit that shows whoever I should show it to, that due process, or the right to my recording, whether in the case, or not, was denied. And he wouldn't sign it, leading all who might view it to be an obvious admission of guilt.
I mean think about it. Why wouldn't a man sign an innocent piece of paper for me that states he doesn't have recordings that I can buy, with the exception of paper transcripts? Could it be because they don't make any (with all of those microphones in the room....RIGHT)...ONLY TRANSCRIPTS, that can so easily be falsified, and there is NO OTHER RECORD of this proceeding, except hearsay (and, oh yes Mr. Osborn...if all you have is a stenographer who is hearing the word HEAR...when it could be HERE, then transcribing a word wrong that could, quite possibly, change the entire meaning of the sentence used....that my friend, with no backup whatsoever is HEARSAY on the part of the stenographer. Nice try, my interesting Judeo-Christian Friend....but that would be totally unrealistic)? Any logical person on this...or any other planet knows that there must be reliable record kept than that of the stenographer, who could be, if not outright falsifying documents, distracted by the buzzing of her phone in her pocket while she listens to the hearing, and that she might just miss something rather important, right? Don't try and pull that BS on me folks. And as I got witness to this jerk trying to lie his ass off and say I have no access to the recordings to the cases that I was thrown out of (one of those two, and only because the crooked district judge did so) that I do, in fact, have every right to, and WILL GET, NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES JUDGE ASSHOLE SAYS IT, OR YOU SAY IT; it doesn't make it factual, nor does it mean that I didn't belong in it.
I am an integral part of this case...and you'll feel that all the way down to your tippy toes...especially when THE COMMERCIAL LIEN COMES OUT, next up. All he was asked to do was sign a paper saying there weren't any recordings of the court hearings...or that he refused to give them to me...I'd have to say that's a pretty simple request of an honest man. A dirty birdy, however, by not signing it, speaks volumes. Like so many others, Mr. Osborn left in a rather big huff trying to get the last word in that my recording of his words meant nothing to him.
By the way, I have 2 affidavits from two witness that heard every word from the moment you met with me, and your day, BEFORE your day, is forth-coming. Enjoy yourself now while you still have your cushy little job making the worthless money it will soon be.
Love, Christopher W. Bruce.