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Please, consider once again and do a search for, my affidavit of truth found in this blog. Should anything happen to me in the next few days, please, look for me, and get me and my family their justice.
Mr. Grassley, or to whomever it is that actually reads these letters;
3. I want to bring to justice the entities involved in the Department of Human Services in Polk County Iowa, for all of the crimes committed against my wife and myself, IMMEDIATELY.
4. I want my daughter returned to our care, POST HASTE.
Anonymous has been presented in Washington as a domestic terrorist threat. Be it known that Anonymous has no intent to do a protest in Washington. I am representing Anonymous in their behalf...as myself, and myself only. I am Anonymous...and not. I share their beliefs, but have every intention to make myself known. I am Christopher Bruce. I am the Mighty Sword. Most importantly, I am a parent and a patriot of these United States, and have no intent to be anything but respectful, proper, and lawful.
The answer to 1984 is 1776. This is a powerful statement that will be brought more to light, should these and other issues be ignored further by our Government; and those who now wield power over its citizens. This of course, includes those of your offices. Maybe...just maybe, a meeting with me would most certainly be in your better interests. Others who might follow may not be as rational and forthcoming as I. Keep that in mind, before ignoring this further.
Christopher Bruce The Mighty Sword.
For the past several years, Anonymous has taken upon itself the task of Awakening the Masses to corporate and political corruption that has become a plague threatening our very principles and ways of life. The Awakening has largely been a success; with a resurgence of activism and constitutional demonstrations across America, as well as a surge from the populace of the world demanding their own freedom and liberty. This effort has often been associated with Unplugging from the Matrix:
“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth; nothing more.”
Often times, we become distrustful of everything that we are told. While it is crucial to question everything, part of that requires studying the facts and acknowledging when the truth is presented. It has become habitual for people to assume that every negative thing in the world is the result of a false flag operation, or a corrupt government or corporate organization. It is easy to place the blame on those you despise, whether it is your local or federal government, your police department, or any other convenient entity. This often leads to jumping to conclusions rather than examining the facts that are available. In doing so, we have unplugged from the Matrix in which we were born, only to plug ourselves into an alternate Matrix that we have created ourselves from the fabrics we still cling to from our first reality.
One example of this second stage, a self created Matrix, was previously explained in Operation Romper Stomper. Americans have become so distraught over war propaganda that a blanket belief exists where hatred for Muslims is now encouraged. If one changes their viewpoint after studying the facts about the alleged infiltration of our government by the Muslim brotherhood, one would quickly realize that this descendant of the Third Reich is supported by other forms of the Nazi menace that ravaged the world during World War Two; the very same entities that were funded and supplied by United States
Another clear example would be the public reaction towards officer involved shootings, and in some cases murders. We have a growing issue in the United States as well as the world where life often resembles that of a Police State. It is documented fact that the Supreme Court ruled police are intended to uphold the law, rather than protect and serve the citizens in their community. The Pentagon has been running programs to provide local police departments with militarized equipment no longer being used in illegal wars over seas. Peaceful Protests are often met with SWAT style tactics, while journalists and demonstrators alike find themselves arbitrarily arrested and abused for expressing constitutionally protected rights. Training courses for law enforcement such as Urban Shield work with police officers to respond more like a tactical military force against their own citizenry, rather than peace keepers meant to maintain order and security. Laws are being passed that further strip the people of these rights, criminalizing what should be considered an obligation by any self respecting citizen of the world.
However, despite all of the causes for the rise of such tyranny, we see activists who do no more than blame an individual regardless of what the facts may show. Far too many people would rather stand on the street and scream Fuck the Police at the top of their lungs, than propose legislation that calls for revised training and Officer Accountability. We see the mentality flooding the streets that All Cops Are Bastards. We see accusatory statements against all police, and statements that if there were any good cops they would stop the bad cops. However, we see no mention of the fact that when a good cop does in fact arrest or stop a bad cop, they are ordered by their superiors to let them go. In one specific case, a woman was harassed by officers from multiple departments for arresting an officer who was in violation of the law. You see, good cops are suppressed by the system and are met with malice any time they demand the very accountability that we demand ourselves.
The problem lies within the system. The training officers receive that tells them the public wants to kill them, instilling fear in an otherwise respectable peace officer. The complete disregard for Use of Force procedures, which have also been altered over time to include more and more acceptable use of deadly force.
Tomorrow I am coming to Washington D.C. I have been strategically hovered here in P.A. waiting to pounce, and tomorrow is national "Pounce" day.
For 10 very long months now I have watched as my wife had her baby wrongfully stolen from her care at just nine days old, and watched as The Department of Human Services, in Des Moines Iowa, has systematically destroyed her life, my life, and the lives of countless others all over the state of Iowa, and I and those same others have had more than enough of our respective "Travesties of Justice."
I am going to be in Washington tomorrow, and will remain there until action is taken to reverse the decision of having our rights terminated, and our daughter returned to the mother's arms. I wish to meet with you concerning this. An appointment as soon as is humanly possible is requested, as this is an emergency of the highest order.
On June 5th, all over the world, droves of wronged parents will be gathered in protest from 12-4, and my special brand of this protest in Washington will be no less of a major event. I plan to immediately attempt a rally of news media to both our Iowa events and to our Washington portion. I have aligned myself with Anonymous in this effort, though I wear not the mask they do. I want Washington to know who it is that accuses them of their injustices against America and humanity. This stealing of our children for no viable reason, for whatever purpose, shall, quickly, come to its end; and that end begins on June 5th...starting with my child.
I will try the right way first. I wish to meet with both you and Chuck. This story is hardly unbeknownst to either of you, as I have, time and time again, regaled you with the events that have occurred on numerous occasions...and have been denied justice, have been denied intervention; and have received nothing short of a bureaucratic runaround, as well as the Government's silence in my request for accountability and transparency in these matters.
Many entities are aware of my trip to Washington; it's hardly a secret. I contacted the offices of the DOJ, the FBI, and others and alerted them of my presence, as well as all of my desires. I will make these desires obvious to your office as well.
1. I wish to have my case reopened and examined, without further ado, and to bypass the crap that continues on a state level where my case is concerned. I have chosen to go over their heads, because I receive nothing that even resembles justice, even on the Supreme Court of Iowa's level. I wish to not wait any longer for these entities to embarrass or belittle me further. Justice is not available as an option to me there. Hence, my trip to Washington.
2. I want to bring to justice the entities involved in the District Court of Polk County, Iowa.
3. I want to bring to justice the entities involved in the Department of Human Services in Polk County Iowa, for all of the crimes committed against my wife and myself, IMMEDIATELY.
4. I want my daughter returned to our care, POST HASTE.
5. I would like a reasonable compensation for the destruction of our lives, both private and public.
Anonymous has been presented in Washington as a domestic terrorist threat. Be it known that Anonymous has no intent to do a protest in Washington. I am representing Anonymous in their behalf...as myself, and myself only. I am Anonymous...and not. I share their beliefs, but have every intention to make myself known. I am Christopher Bruce. I am the Mighty Sword. Most importantly, I am a parent and a patriot of these United States, and have no intent to be anything but respectful, proper, and lawful.
You might wonder if we of Iowa, the United States and the world know just how deep the rabbit hole goes. Know that we know it all. This stealing of children and the destruction of the family unit must stop, and it must stop TODAY. I will give up both my life and any remaining freedom to make it so. I have no issues with being a martyr for justice, make no mistake. Should I continue to receive no justice, the limits of how far I will go to change this will meet with no bounds and no resistance.
I have, in my possession, as well as in several key and secret locations across the US, several copies of enough evidence to destroy the government of this country, and bring it to its knees. I strongly suggest that you meet with me to discuss this calmly, rationally, and logically, or I will be forced to expose what the Government of these United States has done, is doing, and intends to do further, and there will be nothing in place that will stop that.
I have, in my possession, as well as in several key and secret locations across the US, several copies of enough evidence to destroy the government of this country, and bring it to its knees. I strongly suggest that you meet with me to discuss this calmly, rationally, and logically, or I will be forced to expose what the Government of these United States has done, is doing, and intends to do further, and there will be nothing in place that will stop that.
The answer to 1984 is 1776. This is a powerful statement that will be brought more to light, should these and other issues be ignored further by our Government; and those who now wield power over its citizens. This of course, includes those of your offices. Maybe...just maybe, a meeting with me would most certainly be in your better interests. Others who might follow may not be as rational and forthcoming as I. Keep that in mind, before ignoring this further.
Christopher Bruce The Mighty Sword.
Attached: A statement made in TX by those of Anonymous.
Courtesy of Anonymous North Texas
Courtesy of Anonymous North Texas
Greetings Anonymous and Activists of the World,
For the past several years, Anonymous has taken upon itself the task of Awakening the Masses to corporate and political corruption that has become a plague threatening our very principles and ways of life. The Awakening has largely been a success; with a resurgence of activism and constitutional demonstrations across America, as well as a surge from the populace of the world demanding their own freedom and liberty. This effort has often been associated with Unplugging from the Matrix:
“This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth; nothing more.”
However, we have noticed that a crucial aspect of this process has been highly disregarded. What happens to someone once they realize that they have been lied to for their entire life? Many have described it as an overwhelming shock; often full of every negative emotion imaginable. Anger, rage, fear, helplessness, senselessness, hopelessness... This is a perfectly natural response; however we must be mindful of how we recuperate from such a state of being.
Often times, we become distrustful of everything that we are told. While it is crucial to question everything, part of that requires studying the facts and acknowledging when the truth is presented. It has become habitual for people to assume that every negative thing in the world is the result of a false flag operation, or a corrupt government or corporate organization. It is easy to place the blame on those you despise, whether it is your local or federal government, your police department, or any other convenient entity. This often leads to jumping to conclusions rather than examining the facts that are available. In doing so, we have unplugged from the Matrix in which we were born, only to plug ourselves into an alternate Matrix that we have created ourselves from the fabrics we still cling to from our first reality.
One example of this second stage, a self created Matrix, was previously explained in Operation Romper Stomper. Americans have become so distraught over war propaganda that a blanket belief exists where hatred for Muslims is now encouraged. If one changes their viewpoint after studying the facts about the alleged infiltration of our government by the Muslim brotherhood, one would quickly realize that this descendant of the Third Reich is supported by other forms of the Nazi menace that ravaged the world during World War Two; the very same entities that were funded and supplied by United States
Corporations in order to turn war into the For-Profit business that we know today. Despite what your evening news may tell you, this is not that of a people or religious agenda any more so than previous belief systems. The obvious sign of being stuck in one’s own Matrix would be the numerous people who inform others that Osama Bin Laden was an asset for the CIA, that Nine Eleven was an Inside Job, and that the United States has been training and funding ISIS, all while simultaneously warning you about the evil of Muslims and the terrorist religion of Islam. Such arguments provide a direct contradiction to each other that appears to go unnoticed more often than not.
Another clear example would be the public reaction towards officer involved shootings, and in some cases murders. We have a growing issue in the United States as well as the world where life often resembles that of a Police State. It is documented fact that the Supreme Court ruled police are intended to uphold the law, rather than protect and serve the citizens in their community. The Pentagon has been running programs to provide local police departments with militarized equipment no longer being used in illegal wars over seas. Peaceful Protests are often met with SWAT style tactics, while journalists and demonstrators alike find themselves arbitrarily arrested and abused for expressing constitutionally protected rights. Training courses for law enforcement such as Urban Shield work with police officers to respond more like a tactical military force against their own citizenry, rather than peace keepers meant to maintain order and security. Laws are being passed that further strip the people of these rights, criminalizing what should be considered an obligation by any self respecting citizen of the world.
However, despite all of the causes for the rise of such tyranny, we see activists who do no more than blame an individual regardless of what the facts may show. Far too many people would rather stand on the street and scream Fuck the Police at the top of their lungs, than propose legislation that calls for revised training and Officer Accountability. We see the mentality flooding the streets that All Cops Are Bastards. We see accusatory statements against all police, and statements that if there were any good cops they would stop the bad cops. However, we see no mention of the fact that when a good cop does in fact arrest or stop a bad cop, they are ordered by their superiors to let them go. In one specific case, a woman was harassed by officers from multiple departments for arresting an officer who was in violation of the law. You see, good cops are suppressed by the system and are met with malice any time they demand the very accountability that we demand ourselves.
The problem lies within the system. The training officers receive that tells them the public wants to kill them, instilling fear in an otherwise respectable peace officer. The complete disregard for Use of Force procedures, which have also been altered over time to include more and more acceptable use of deadly force.
And finally, we see these examples playing out through what is supposed to be our own media. It is now common for people to disregard the Mainstream Media as being fact-less and biased on any given story. We often criticize media for taking things out of context, and manipulating a story to suit their own opinion rather than presenting the facts without alteration. We know that nothing is Fair and Balanced because all too often a story with multiple facilitators only has one side. There is always more than one side to any story, and it is a conscious decision to pretend there is not.
Unfortunately we are now in an age where our own independent media sources are guilty of the very practices that are condemned against the mainstream media. We are stuck in a paradigm where we have decided the truth from an early stage, and rather than evaluating the evidence available, people would rather seek out only the information that confirms their beliefs. Sense of integrity has been lost. Credible source material has become rare. For many, the line between news and satire has been practically eliminated. The worst of all of this, is that we as a movement have allowed this to happen.
These are the reasons that Anonymous North Texas has decided to launch Operation Matrix Three. You have had your time to unplug from the First Matrix. You have fed off of emotion and bias that created your own Second Matrix. Now, it is time to unplug completely. Truth is indisputable, opinion is not.
Anonymous is an Idea. It is the idea that Truth shall prevail. It is the idea that bias should not dictate our lives or the lives of anyone else. It is an idea that everyone – regardless of occupation, race, religion, or background has the right to justice – to freedom. It is the idea that humanity is one. It is time to stop letting our emotions override rational thought. It is time to stop letting the system divide us among ourselves. This is not us verses the police, it is not us verses veterans and active duty military, it is not Christian versus Muslim, it is none of these things that the media would like you to believe. It is us verses a system that has become corrupt. It is time to return to truth and fact.
These are the reasons that Anonymous North Texas has decided to launch Operation Matrix Three. You have had your time to unplug from the First Matrix. You have fed off of emotion and bias that created your own Second Matrix. Now, it is time to unplug completely. Truth is indisputable, opinion is not.
Anonymous is an Idea. It is the idea that Truth shall prevail. It is the idea that bias should not dictate our lives or the lives of anyone else. It is an idea that everyone – regardless of occupation, race, religion, or background has the right to justice – to freedom. It is the idea that humanity is one. It is time to stop letting our emotions override rational thought. It is time to stop letting the system divide us among ourselves. This is not us verses the police, it is not us verses veterans and active duty military, it is not Christian versus Muslim, it is none of these things that the media would like you to believe. It is us verses a system that has become corrupt. It is time to return to truth and fact.
We are Anonymous
We are Legion
We Do Not Forgive
We Do Not Forget
Operation Matrix Three Engaged
Expect Us