Monday, July 18, 2016

Let My Children Go! - Part 4

It has been said, there are none so blind, as those who will not see, and deaf, those who refuse to listen.  The stench of crime and corruption reaches the leaders of our nation, and yet they turn their heads to our plight and carry on.  For those of you who reject your senses, and ignore the cries of your brethren, a special spot in the Lake of Fire is reserved only for you and you alone.  To those ignorant or naive of the darkness looming over our great nation, open your eyes and force your gaze upon those who are willing to bear the torture of the destruction of the family unit, and fight to right wrong, unlawful and illegal behavior in those who claim to serve their citizens.  I hereby call you to ACTION

                                                                                                   - The Mighty Sword

This is the last of the "Let My Children Go" I had to post the 2 most recent pix I made for it.

The paragraph above, however, will be posted and reposted...again, and again, and will represent, for all of America and the world, as well as each and every individual State, County, City and family residents that have endured the suffering, pain and agony of this Government's actions against them; as well as their inactions, in their direct attack and eventual destruction of each and every person involved...parents, grandparents, mothers, fathers, siblings, immediate families, relatives, friends and neighbors.  The American people as they stand now, united, with their faces turned towards the sky, crying out for their Government to take heed to their plight, shall not endure this torture for much longer.  We ask, now, that action be taken...or action may come, regardless.

So sayeth the Mighty Sword.