As a lot of folks on Facebook are already well aware, I have made my intent clear to do something that requires crystal balls, which I have in abundance. It would appear that I am to get no justice in America, and have my daughter those of the crooked and corrupt court of Iowa are going to watch with baited breath, while I try a move so bold as to either get what I want done, which would be to have our daughter returned to the mother's arms, where she belongs, and has belonged since day one, or go to jail trying.
Here, for the world to see, is the email these crooks received on Friday, in their inboxes:
"To all the crooks continuously committing crimes against the citizens of Iowa, the US, and the World:
On the 1st of November, I will be going to Newton, Iowa; to the home of Ronald Shaver, the biological "Father" of our daughter - who had sex with my wife one time, and left her out to dry for over a year, and never once checked up on her to see if she was OK, but because DHS sought him out to find someone, ANYONE, to take our daughter away from us that wasn't family (even though they had already offered her to the mother's sister, then never called her again) and who raised his pinky and said he wanted to be involved in her life; even though he had 2 convicted OWI's on his record, and an assault charge, and was single, they then gave our daughter to him, so they wouldn't have to give her to us or the mother's family, even though we were married, had no record - to pick up our rightful daughter, who should have, by this time, been returned to our care, and our parental rights restored.
Even though the director of DHS, Charles Palmer, himself, even stated that "The child should have never been removed from the mother", and agreed with the decision of the Administrative Law Judge, that all allegations were bullspit, and had us removed from the child abuse registry...for neglect of all things, niether the district court judge or the Supreme Court will consider this case, un-terminate our rights or give us our child back...even though this case should have never been in the hands of this Jurisdiction, due to the mother AND THE CHILD having more than enough Indian blood to be considered to be under ICWA rights. What's more, neither the district court, nor the Supreme Court have the right to deprive ANY parent of their God Given or Constitutionally provisioned parental rights, and the Supreme Law of the land is to let parents raise their children as they see fit...this has been ruled many times in case law.
So, on November first, at noon, I will be coming to the home of Ronald Shaver to take the child in question back to the mother, where she belongs. I imagine that you will, at that time, arrest me. I say, go for it. I do not mind being a martyr for what's right; you've had your chance to make things right, and yet you refuse to release our daughter. We have expended every legal way to have her returned, all shot down by your crooked and corrupt judicial system. Now it's time for me to stand up for what's right.
You are, of course, welcome to have me arrested, but keep this in mind - I have well over 2200 facebook friends that are behind me, all destroyed by CPS in their respective states; the entirety of Anonymous, the National Liberty Alliance, and several talk show hosts, several reporters, several newspaper folks, and TeamLaw standing behind what I'm about to do. This story will be added to my blog, where I have more than a half a million views btwn. the blog and my Google plus profile; and will be uploaded constantly to Twitter, where I have a very large following of over 5500 people, over half of which are also involved in this...and the other half that include very famous people (including Montel Williams, the talk show host), several hundred patriots, rock and country bands and singers, and politicians.
This email will also be copied and sent to all the Congressman, Representatives, the Governor, the Lt. Governor, and anyone else in the community of Des Moines Iowa that I can possibly think of. My coming to Newton will be also live recorded on several talk shows around the country, and my arrest, if that's the way you wanna play it, will be recorded and uploaded for all the world to see. As you may have already guessed, the FBI and all law enforcement are, also, fully informed of my intent, as is Ronald Shaver, the father.
Keep in mind, as well, that I am a sovereign national now. I have no ties to the Corporate US, and I am not a member of your system. I am free, and only pledge allegience to myself, and I rule over myself. I do not comply with your rules or laws, nor do I "Stand Under" your statutes and codes. Touch me, arrest me, and you will have real trouble holding me. My support network will flood your offices with calls, and you will be duly harrassed until my release, and my daughter given back to us.
Be it known, also, that yet ANOTHER rescindment of signatures has been sent to the Supreme Court of Iowa, retracting all signatures, agreements and contracts with the State of Iowa and The U.S. Corporation.
It's time to do the right thing by the mother, and for you folks, and Ronald Shaver, to give this child back to the parent who wanted her, all the way from the beginning until she was 6 months old, not at the last minute like the abandoning father, who unfriended the mother and never once checked on her to see if she was pregnant or not.
This letter to you all, along with the persons it has been sent to, will be immediately placed on my blog,
You can, as always, read it here, at
Christopher Bruce
Legal Father, whether the courts say differently...or not."
And, just to make this little ordeal more public than it already is, we will be filing this affidavit with the courts, and forwarding it to a little agency in our state, the Iowa Department of Public Safety and Iowa Professional Standards Bureau, which will involve and alert the State and County sheriffs of my intent, and perhaps elicit their help to make sure that things go over more smoothly. I highly suggest, that if any of you try this, that you file this affidavit immediately, reading like I have written mine...
The State of Iowa wrongfully, as well as admittedly stole our daughter, Trilynn Brueggeman, from biological parent Elizabeth Bruce, and legal father Christopher Bruce, on the date of 7/21/2014, and in the course of 6 months, terminated both parent’s legal and biological rights, as opposed to the Constitution of the United States, and the Supreme Court law of the land, that has ruled many times that those rights are naturally every parent’s rights, to raise their children as they see fit, and be in possession of those constitutionally provisioned parental rights, regardless of the state’s intervention. The Department of Human Services/Child Protective Services administrative offices, in 2 separate assessment appeals, once by an Administrative Law Judge, Maggie LeMarche, and once by Charles Palmer himself, the Director, both ruled that “The child should have never been removed from the parents”, and that we should be taken off of the child abuse registry, and our records expunged of the allegations. The case has been sitting in appeals to termination in the Iowa Supreme Court for seven months. They refuse to hear the case, because the laws broken and the corruption goes so deep, that to bring it to the fore would expose them for their fraud in taking our child, even going so far as to completely ignore DHS/CPS’s own administrative ruling that says, in so many words, that they were wrong in taking our daughter.
Thereby, I plan to present this public notice and affidavit, that I will be traveling to the home of Ronald Shaver, the biological SINGLE father, whom the courts awarded sole custody of this child, in an effort to request that he give the child back to her rightful parents. I have, at this time, exhausted every possible legal remedy to get her restored to us and our rights put back in place, but it would appear that the courts do not wish to dispense proper justice, nor admit that they didn’t even had jurisdiction of this child and her parents in the first place, considering the mother and child both had adequate Indian blood in them to show the need for tribal intervention with the Cherokee Indians, and that right to their jurisdiction in the matter was taken from the mother illegally by the social worker that removed her, and continued to withhold that intervention during the course of the entire case, until just before the rights were terminated. Not only that, but all contracts, agreements, etc. were broken...with the United States Corporation, as well as with any state corporation sufficiently, with our rescindment of all signatures on all documents in November of 2014, and is filed in both the District and Supreme Courts. No court in Iowa has the ability to exercise Jurisdiction over these parents OR the child, from that date. We the parents also claim to no longer be citizens of this state or this country’s corporation, and are, as we speak, Sovereign Nationals living in the United States Corporate boundaries only, as free citizens. We affirm that, not only have all contractual agreements been dissolved with this state, we also affirm that we no longer fall under the Jurisdiction of any state, city, county, or country Jurisdiction, and thereby have every legal right to reclaim our rightful property, one Trilynn Brueggeman, from the care of Ronald Shaver, post haste.
Signed, Christopher W. Bruce, legal father, married to the mother, and Elizabeth Bruce, rightful biological mother, on this date, 10/25/2015.
Christopher W. Bruce
Elizabeth M. Bruce
See folks, the only way you will be able to reclaim what's yours, is to stop "Standing Under" the city, county, state and U.S. Government's rule. Be who you are, not who they have assigned you to be. Be free of their rule, as well as their jurisdiction. Stop paying for the right to travel, the right to speak, and the right to practice what you wish to practice. You are not a ward of the state, nor are you an employee of Government, paying off the futures you were traded to get. Be a sovereign national. Don't let the Government tell you when you can drive, when you can go to another country, take care of your own children, or teach your kids the bullshit common core they're trying to shove down their throats in an effort to dumb them down.
Get with it America. The only way we can stop this corruption in Government is to get rid of the Government, and rule ourselves. Rip up your identification. Burn your social security cards...hell, there isn't going to be any social security left by the time you get to our current retirement age, why do you think they keep increasing it? Birth Certificate? Tear it up. You weren't in on that agreement anyway, you were way too young. Driver's license? Do you currently need to ask the Government if you walk to the grocery store? Then why are you asking for the priveledge to drive...when you already have a right to travel any other way? Car registration? Gun Registration? Really? So what, someday they can declare them all null and void and someday take your cars and guns? These are inaliable rights folks, we all have them. We can speak about whatever we want whenever we want, do you really feel the Government gives you that right? Because they don't. By signing up for these things you are "Standing Under" the codes, statutes and are given priveleges by the Corporate United States, and paying out the ass for it. Stop doing so, and Government has no more power....over you, over your money...or over your rights as a sovereign national. Be a living breathing man or women, and shed the rule over you. The more that do it, the quicker we get rid of all of our problems.