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By the By, for those of you wondering if this picture is a joke? A Funny Meme, mayhap? I suggest you wipe the smile off of your face. This is DHS's current list of watch, where "Domestic Terrorist activities" (YOUR activities) are concerned. NOTE: FOR YOU IOWA VISITORS, THIS STORY (AS WELL AS MANY MORE THAT WILL APPEAR HERE FROM THE STATE OF IOWA) HAS BEEN IGNORED, AND REFUSED TO BE REPORTED BY SEVERAL REPORTERS THAT HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING IT FOR SOME TIME. REPORTER THE FIRST: DARREN TROMBLAY, MANAGING EDITOR CITYVIEW MAGAZINE 515-953-4822 5619 NW 86th St #600, Johnston, IA 50131 EMAIL: DARREN@DMCITYVIEW.COM REPORTER THE 2ND: MICHAEL CRUMB, AMES TRIBUNE.
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Circulation - (319) 291-1444 or toll free (800) 798-1730 Newsroom - (800) 798-1702, Fax: (319) 291-2069 Call the Courier - (319) 234-3566 KIMT IOWA AND MINNESOTA 112 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE MASON CITY, IOWA 50401 PHONE: 641.423.2540 FAX: 641.423.9309 NEWS TIPLINE: 1.877.KIMT.TIP EMAIL: NEWS@KIMT.COM NEWS DIRECTOR - JAMIE COPLEY I SHOULD ALSO MENTION HERE THAT NO NEWS STATION OR PAPER IN IOWA
NOTE: This article is a continual work in progress. for anyone who would like documented proof of anything said, in this article, please email at me cbstraight8@gmail.com.
Comes now, CHRISTOPHER BRUCE, STILL THE LEGAL FATHER, in his Affidavit of Truth:
To whom it may concern: if anything happens to me, then Wrongdoing May Have Been Done.
i, Christopher William Bruce, am of very sound mind and very sound body. My cars and home are well maintained, i am in very good spirits and looking forward to a very long and rewarding life. i and others are involved in lawful actions of holding county and state officials to the proverbial fire of upholding their Lawful Constitutional Oaths by means of Lawful Affidavits and Criminal Complaints containing abundant evidence charging them with Felonious Acts against the People of the Country and in placing Lawful Commercial Liens potentially worth billions of dollars on both their Surety Bonds and their personal assets, and further, seriously impacting the defendant’s ability to hold any future office. Therefore, if “anything” happens to myself, I have an “accident” or go missing and end up dead; be it known here that i, Christopher William Bruce, did NOT commit suicide or have an “accident” and further, i am not careless with poisons, old food, toxins, flammables, firearms, nor have any known enemies. i am asking that if anything happens in the form of a negative or deadly event, even if it seems to fit well within the scope of what’s “Normal”, i seriously request that very capable and responsible persons with excellent skills and expertise, take a really good look into the Who's, What's, When's Where's Why's and How's of my demise; as it may in all likelihood be, in fact, a purposeful Act, There but for the Grace of God go i. i certify the foregoing is true, correct, complete and not misleading to the best of my knowledge so help me God.
/S/Christopher Bruce
Christopher Bruce
914 E US 30, Lot 4
Carroll, IA 51401-2600
Introduction to "The Ball"
Well folks? It's past Black Friday, once again, without promised incident, and I have to wonder...are we full of it? Are we participating in a huge gigantic Psy-Op, hosted by none other than our friend in white and blue, directed at us idiots that choose to pull them up, just to get stuck online all day and drink in all these false flags? I took three days off, what, four days ago? And here I am still, trying to write this article that was supposed to be the article of the year. One can only shake his/her head.
For those of you that are JUST joining us...yes, you of the moral community, you have to wonder, and wonder a lot, just what the heck I'm blabbering on about. Well, it's funny you should ask. Because this post is where we tell it all. Where we make it all known. Where everything you wanted to know...as well as everything you didn't, can be found. Welcome then, to the Whole Ball O' Wax, and everything that it entails. This post will now be my flagship post. I've been saving up for this one, simply because "The Plan"...was to get you here, so that you could see this...this...thing, in all its wicked and evil glory. "What thing?" you ask? Well, trust me when I say that it is, without question a thing, yet, it's a thing carrying a 100 heads, and 1000 legs, complete with individual hairs on each head, and a hundred toes on each foot.
Now, as you know, this blog's purpose...it's PRIMARY focus, is on my case, and the evils of Child Protective Services, as well as to expose the crimes committed to families all over this country every single day. This article, however, will serve in defining what our nation's REAL problems are...not just with CPS, but with every issue. It’ll make proper PROVEN accusations, draw lines, name names...the works.
NOTE: THIS ARTICLE, WHEN IT IS FINALLY COMPLETED, will be translated into several different languages, then will be shipped off to other nations, along with the "Letter" that we sent to you, and "The Plan." We are working to bring an end to being the playthings of our Elitist Masters, who, whether you are aware of it or not, are the folks are the people that are TRULY in charge of this little experiment that we believe is "The American Dream"...when it's truly more like the movie "The Truman Show". Remember that one, with Jim Carrey? It's a lot more similar than you know.
A warning to my friends on Facebook: First, I'd like to begin by speaking to my friends...the victims, then continue to expand the audience exponentially. Let's start with our current roles on FB. You know who I mean. Our friends in blue and white, who have, essentially, sold us down the river to those in law enforcement and their federal counterparts.
To those of you that have been wronged by CPS, who have crying and whining our stories and problems, as well as each of these group heads posting solutions to fix these problems? This only serves the enemy, and is killing us instead of winning the war. But here's the thing...this isn't just about our problems with CPS. This concerns you patriots as well. Don't you realize that the entirety of the enemy...IS RIGHT HERE? I know you really do know this, but is it stopping you from delivering to that enemy ALL OF YOUR PLANS, in high resolution Hi-Def and in living color? For one, we all know the FBI, CIA, DHS, CPS, WHATEVER...ALL of these people are right here with us and among us. They have everything they need to win this war, here...and need look almost nowhere else. They are an organized team, with a plan to win, and are, because of our actions, doing so by taking our solutions. If they're not just looking at them in public, they're infiltrating our groups and downloading all they need to get laws changed, and get around everything we come up with.
For those in our CPS groups, they can take things said by parents with open cases and use it against them in court, and use that for reasons to commit more atrocities, or to claim those parents as mental cases, using what they’re saying and posting. And, of course, the bigger crooks, like the FBI or CIA can use things to shut us down, or build cases against us. We're so busy in our little groups (where the leaders have part, some, most of the problem's solution...but no one has it all), that we aren't seeing the bigger picture. We are LOSING the war, and we're gaining in numbers nearly every day. Some are having their children returned...but the problem is, as they're giving back one or two, they've already taken 10-20 more to replace them. More importantly, as it always has been, we are sorely divided, and troll targets. Therefore, we need to transfer our direction, our use of FB, for a sole purpose, and that purpose only....exposure; and take our battle plans to defeat, as well as the stories, where we name those who are involved (us) and the equally identifiable comments that do nothing but hurt us....off of it. We need to convince all the leaders of these groups that posting the secrets we're sharing with others is hurting our cause; and that, just because they're in closed or secret groups, doesn't mean no one can look into it. You know better!! An alternate profile, a good story, and bam, you're in; and there goes all your battle plans, and they have all the intel they need to change things in their favor. We need to talk to these people that head these groups, and take our battle to a more secured medium, and leave stories (without true names, to avoid being targeted) and exposure stuff here, and work on getting it around to the REST of the blue and white world, and leave our connecting to implement plans of action to the telephone and text messaging. Sound like a doable thing? I thought it might.
The Wax Build-Up
Now back to our moralistically driven folks. I'm just going to say this - when this whole thing started for me, I believed I was a special case. All alone in a twilight zone; an isolated incident...one of a kind. A couple of months went by, and I started to look around. What did I find? This was going on a lot in my county. Then, after a few more months, I was assured this happened a lot, all over the state. Worse still, all over the country, indiscriminately. Finally, not all that long ago, with the help of others, I found this problem exists...EVERYWHERE. The rabbit hole tunnels through the earth, and around the globe. So...it's like this then. Here will be everything I've ever learned, about everything that's going on, and that you probably have absolutely no idea of. Let's begin where we should begin. Why is our country the way it is? Why have we, as a whole, been in decline of late? Well, for that answer, we need only look to the principals of Marxism. The ideology of Karl Marx was that, if things got bad enough all over the world,, the workers of the world (the middle and lower blue and white collar workers; or, better yet, those of us that AREN'T rich and powerful) would unite together under one banner worldwide, and insist that Government take over and distribute equal shares of the world's wealth to everyone (who wasn't already rich and powerful, of course, and wasn't in charge of this) and that they (those who own those Governments, not the puppets allowed to present FOR those owners) would be able to rule over the world. Needless to say, this didn't work; quite simply because we united, but on a COUNTRY-WIDE LEVEL ONLY, not worldwide. Therefore, since this has been a certain group of powerful men's wont for well over 2 centuries (and I don't believe I need to mention any names, right you Bildeburger Illumanist Elitists?), another more subversive and insidious plan had to be put in place in order to better achieve the FIRST plan. Thus, Cultural Marxism was born, and a new plan to put us on the path of decline, destroy our obvious strengths (moral and family strength) and to accomplish"getting the workers to unite ALL OVER THE WORLD" in a more subversive way, was put into place. For those of you that missed my video on that, and hundreds of other subjects, I direct you to the PRIMARY web address of this blog, as well as to the video that concerns Cultural Marxist's obvious influx into our Government and our country (of course, when you think about everything that has happened over the last 60 years or so, it all makes sense, listening to the speaker). One or two things to take note of, primarily, is the mention to DESTROY Western Culture...by teaching us to destroy it ourselves, from within, with carefully placed methodologies to cause US to take actions...against ourselves, with which to do so, without our realizing what we were, in fact, really doing.
The problem, of course, is that we never seem to be informed of these things, and it has the potential to be all the news it should be...but it isn't allowed to be the news, per our Governmental directives to keep us ignorant of what's really going on; to be the news we're allowed to tell the sleeping sheep of our world. In case you haven't been paying attention folks, the mainstream news is not only reporting only what Government allows them to, mainstream news...is now 90 percent Corporately owned...and the corporation that owns the majority? Is Ted Turner's. Be sure and look up as to whether Turner does, in fact, belong to the Bildeburger Group (he does) and be sure and take a look at his views on the need for this world's "Depopulation"...to begin yesterday. He even wants less people here than the Georgia Guidestones direct. No, if Ted had his way, there would only be around 250,000 to 300,000 people on this entire rock we call Earth. And you want this guy to feed you the propagan...I mean, NEWS we ingest, to not only you, but your children?
"Well, how about social media? Isn't that mostly the private sector? What about what's posted on Facebook and Twitter?", you say. NOPE. Can't trust what you see there either, and here's why:
Funny isn't it, that the Government today is more worried about disbanding our efforts to unite against its tyranny than it is about saving our lives from "Terrorism?" Yes, yes it is.
And who am I you might ask, that I should deserve so much attention? Well, I can tell you what I'm not...I'm not a criminal. I'm not a terrorist, that's for sure (except via the definitions above in the picture...which, if correct, means we're ALL terrorists). No, I'm only a father whose child was stolen by the state, and who is now trying to tell you folks the truth about what's REALLY going on. That's all. Great to see how your tax dollars are truly being spent, isn't it?
And yes, without your knowledge (per usual), propaganda has been legalized again. It was reinstated back as far as the Bush days. How did this get by us and escape our notice? C'mon folks, have you ever heard 99 percent of the population use this sentence? "I'm not into politics or conspiracy theories". There's only one problem with that logic, America, with two glaring parts to it.
Part A, all the problems this country has had, is having, and can expect to see an exponential growth of in the upcoming years, is politically driven, or is political in cause, effect and in nature. There's another part of this problem, listed in Part A, too. The REAL problem here....is YOU. Because you "opt" to be ignorant of politics, politics has become a clear, unencumbered and unobstructed road with which to sneak everything by you without your notice.
"What about Congress", you ask? Our elected officials, who represent us in Washington D.C.; our last real defense against definable tyranny and tyrants? It, as well as our Constitution (as you might remember me saying more than once, has NOT been in force since 1871) is joining the side that's winning....and that side, of late, isn't us.
Thanks to my physical presence in Washington D.C. this year, and wanting to present the issues of my case to someone that might actually "Give a Damn", I discovered something very important, as well as very disturbing. Our elected officials, AREN'T much representative of us anymore. They not only aren't representative of us, they pretty much ignore us ALTOGETHER...or at the very most, deliver us form letters concerning our matter (some I received didn't even cover what I had written about AT ALL) into our mail and email.
Part B, The terms "Conspiracy Theories", and of course, the term that covers their supposed originators, "Conspiracy Theor-ISTS", were concocted quickly by our Government, sometime around the Kennedy Assassination, then spread like wildfire in the press and the media at that time; to be a matter of fact. Yes, it was very easily believed that there actually a mass group of idiots masquerading as logical and self aware people out there that didn't wave their little flags around as much as they used to, because they had somehow managed to stumble on proof that actually showed what they WERE doing, and what the Government had been already doing up to this time, and have continued to do, exponentially worse with each passing decade, right through our present day: conspiring against the best interests of We the People, and against what used to be our sovereign republic. "Oh pshaw, you tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists!" you say?
These terms only passed by us and were accepted and circulated widely among us, for only one reason, back in the days of Kennedy: Because back then, it hadn't quite been known to what extent our Government would, someday, turn against it's people, and would get drunk with it's own supposed power; nor would it ever be known the atrocities that they HAD ALREADY committed, up TO that date. We trusted our Government a lot more back then, and we, as a people, were, in general, much more trusting and trustworthy; as well as more "mentally stable". We were, in all actuality, quite easily led (and "Culturally" primed); upon hearing the aforementioned term and what it supposedly defined this rogue segment of the populace as, and finally accepted their existence...which was, of course, just what the Government of that day wanted. The Government of those days actually WAS conspiring against the American people; quite often and quite atrociously; and had been since the turn of the 20th Century. I'm sure that they tired of having to defend themselves against the people discovering crimes it was committing more often, right under our noses. The Government of that time realized that the people were beginning to see certain discrepancies and hypocrisies in their operations, concerning things and events that were happening around us; and wanted to turn the people's thinking the other way; as well as away from the FACTS that proved that the Government was behind, and indeed involved in these supposedly "imagined" conspiracies. With the invention of the term Conspiracy Theory, as well as the foothold of that term in our language; the Government had an excuse and a reason to blame all of their boo boos on us, and our belief in those boo boos., as well as our belief that the Government might be involved in...well, EVERYTHING untoward. This ushered in our complacency, as well as assured us that our Government was only concerned with the welfare of Americans.
And what if the believe in conspiracy theories and theorists didn't work any more, and the people would start believing that maybe it wasn't so much of a conspiracy anymore? There was, in Kennedy's time, an ace in the hole for Government; a growing and revolutionary way to eventually call us all mentally ill, upon demand (and, in some cases, MAD, OR DANGEROUS). There are some new words out that you folks probably haven't heard as yet, but soon will, I guarantee it, as the next months roll on by. Us free thinkers are actually called "Constitutionalists" or "Freedom lovers" in Washington D.C., these days; and if that doesn't do the trick, there's always the last term of resort to use instead, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. Thanks to the advent of mass quantities of "Mental Disorders" that were due to crop up and increase in number, to nearly what, over a QUARTER of the populace now? Funny how we never seemed to be mentally disabled back in the 50's; but now depression is pushing to become the #1 mentally diagnosed illness in this country, soon enough. If I was lucky 40 years ago, I might have met one ACTUALLY depressed person per decade...but now, I meet them at a rate of 2 every hour. Funny how that happened, isn't it?
Saying he/she or they are Conspiracy Theorists and burning those "activists" (anti-government, they call those folks now...peaceful protesters and the like) at the stake for treason is not so unreasonable a solution to the issue of civil unrest; for these criminals in operation of our aforementioned Government. Do not so lightly dismiss the possibility, if you know what's good for you. After what the majority of us AWAKE people have seen in the last couple of years, NOTHING would surprise us, as for what new and fresh Hell our elected folks in Washington may try and present us with, while they are sure to commit even more horrific crimes in our more immediate future. I think it's time that you were made aware of what these folks are, and have been a part of for some time. Here, whether you folks that comprise our moral community want it or not? Is that red pill you've been avoiding taking the last 60 or better years.
Let's begin with those of Child Protective Services (CPS, heretofore) fame and move on up from there. Now for those of you just getting started in this blog, the majority of you don't know that it contains my story, in part as well as in its entirety (on my end, that is); the story of how they stole my wife's only child, at and with the assistance of Methodist Hospital/Unity Point. There, in that area of this blog, you'll find every confidential page filed in this ongoing battle (against the continual threat of jail for doing so), and every minute of our case. Not only that, but I have opted now to present the stories of others, and these will be added at a rate of 3-4 a day, every day until you open your eyes and realize that this evil is slowly creeping into YOUR neighborhoods as well. It isn't just about CPS cases though, this you'll realize quite quickly. The crimes also dip into Divorce and Custody cases as well. More than that, it also is spilling into and attaching itself together with criminal and traffic courts too, and, ultimately, bares its fangs into the majority of civil cases.
The scariest part of it all, friends, is that it has been discovered that the rabbit hole you've been side-stepping all these years is not just deep, and goes through the earth to the other side of it...but is as wide as any step you can manage with your limited reach. I'm afraid that your attempt to dodge this hole, is going to be quite fruitless. Let's dive in, and see what's what.
In case you weren't aware of it just yet, there's a little film out there called "Divorce Corp". It's been out for over a year now, and can be found just about everyplace, even Netflix. Watch it please. This will give you a very good intro, from the perspective of the Divorce and custody cases...but doesn't even start to uncover the ABSOLUTE problem here...social services, or DHS...DSS...whatever they're called in your state....and CPS, as a whole. It's gotten to the point where they get called to be involved in these sorts of cases too. After you watch it, satisfied that you finally know the truth that is divorce and custody laws and how these criminals of our justice system are able to make their living off of it, remember that, not long in coming, there is to be a part two....and it will concern CPS's involvement in our lives and in our families. This story has been skirted and avoided for far too long, and involves many corrupt and wicked people in this world, my new and interesting Judeo-Christian friends. Some you'll recognize almost immediately; and some will shock you to your very core. Every fiber of your moral compass will be vibrating to beat any band.
A state senator, Nancy Schaeffer; of Georgia, was killed to keep these deep dark secrets deep dark secrets...and her husband too...execution style. The list of suspects was way too long, and too well-known, so it was deemed by the local law enforcement (though not a soul believe it), a murder suicide and left for the people to get the wrong idea, and hopefully get themselves un-noticed.
Here are 4 videos that are a MUST WATCH! The FIRST is of Ms. Schaeffer, and her speech at the World Conference of Families in Amsterdam, just before she was brutally murdered. The next is a news video about the shooting itself. The third and fourth are discussion videos about this woman and her cause, and goes to present as well as prove this was NO murder-suicide, and concerns pedophilia and pedophile rings and sex-trafficking rings that involve a lot of big named criminals, in government, and in the world that are believed to be involved in this "Child Protective Services" scheme; and why this industry just might be so successful, and worldwide in reach.
The Child Trafficking Industry
First, it's important that we define the term Child Trafficking, just in case some of you are still dazed. A great deal of you, I'm sure, have never heard the definition. You're not involved, so why would you know it? It isn't YOUR children they're taking. And you're right. And it wasn't "their children" they were taking in Nazi Germany at that time either....yet. Later, the demographics of the children taken from their families changed in the blink of an eye, and none cried nearly as hard as folks like you did, back then. The same applies today. The demographics of parents whose children are taken, are already changing here in our country, today. There have been children taken lately from police officers, military personnel, and some lawyers...even a judge's. Next, of course, are yours. And, it will be for whatever reason can be imagined, trust that, legal or illegal, wrong or right.
"It's all right, even if they do, I have a lawyer", you'll say. But here's the trick. There have been lawyers involved, especially in the custody and divorce cases. In the case of some, their lawyers just walked out, just when it looked like they might win, or right when they needed them most. Others had already been paid, after their clients worked their tushies off to do so, and walked out in the middle of the case. Others just turn on their clients, as with court-appointed attorneys in CPS cases. They may be hired by you, but they have an order of loyalties that most folks know nothing about. Their first loyalty is to the BAR, first and foremost. 2nd, to the court and to the judge. 3rd is to their pockets. 4th, distanced far behind these, is you and your "Best Interests", especially if there is equity in your possession.
Oh, but there's protections on that, isn't there? What about the ethics committees? And judges and lawyers can be sued, right? Wrong. Most laws protect these BAR members (lawyers AND judges); lawyers are just slapped on the wrist a lot of times by the Supreme Courts of their respective states, and claims of misrepresentation are often dismissed, ignored or discarded, and judges are protected by sovereign immunities.
Back to it, child trafficking, defined, is the illegal movement of children, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Really, and a lot of folks don't know this...but the definitive portion of this is just the first part of the definition. The movement of children. This is the key portion of child trafficking...and the key portion of the lie that has been pulled over your eyes for so very long.
Let's go to the numbers for today and get started. 1 in 17 children removed from their families is actually abused or neglected, and are legitimately taken from their parents for good reason. The rest? Not so much. As a matter of proven fact these days, children that are taken from their homes and either kept in CPS custody or placed in foster or adoptive homes are 4 times more likely to die; whether they are physically killed, neglected, or commit suicide. They're 6 times more likely to be sexually abused. 8 times more likely to be physically abused. They're 35 times more likely to wind up in jail or with a record if they are taken, and they're 25 times less likely to attend college. These are national numbers, don't be fooled by watered down state produced numbers, or even from national companies whose job it is to come up with this crap every year. Check the source. If those numbers are coming from CPS or from some state agency? You had best believe that they are watered down numbers.
So what the hell happened to that wonderful agency that we all know and love as Child Protective Services; that began back in 1974, when Mondale signed the act that started it all? In case you're not aware of what DID start it all, it was the "Child Abuse and Protection Act. Now, I could, feasibly, bore with all of the history of how this all started, and how we were duped into believing that this was "In the best interest of the child"....but then I'd have to first tell you who it was that coined that phrase. For those of you that are unaware of where this term comes from....Hitler came up with that one, in his reign of Nazi Germany. Need I continue then? No, the history, and just the way we like it too, as well as what really happens in this agency, and everyone that's associated with it in any fashion; has already been told in exact perfection, in just the way you would expect real truth to be shoved down your throats...with no seasoning to better the taste, with that really nasty brutally honest way that is so engaging that you have no possibility of escaping this article, once you lay eyes on it. Even worse is that this article was written 15 years ago....they tried to warn us of what was happening in our country even back then. You can find this article right here, in the blog, at this address:
Read that, and a very clear picture of what happened along the way becomes a whole lot clearer. Now, after reading this article, it may begin to dawn on you that this is about money. But is it? Oh sure it is, on a state and local level. But why? Here's a few things that the article doesn't tell you.
After going through what we parents had gone though with this case, I swear I called a minimum of 50 or better law firms. Each one was very excited to hear the basics in my case. And, one by one, each one didn't return a single phone call. No one would take the case. Finally, I pressed the issue. I called back to a few of them and asked them WHY for God's sake...why would you not want to represent a client in a very simple open and shut case, where, not too long after its closing you could have probably sued for an eternity to reclaim the damages to your firm's pocketbook in taking the case against the state to being with. 6-7 felony laws had been broken here. The mother had been legally deprived of each and every right she had, including the intervention of Native America, with ICWA rights (The Indian Child Welfare Act). We had recorded the social worker committing these crimes. The Judge was obviously making up his own rules and laws as he went, etc. OPEN AND SHUT. Then why couldn't I find a single lawyer anywhere? And when I did, they were miraculously just retiring...or gave the excuse that the case was too BIG...and that it would be way too much work for them to be worth it.
I was in pre-law classes when this took place in my case...and I was already very proficient at Lexus Nexus (computerized legal researching and shepherdizing). Now, to be fair, I have to say that one of my law teachers had informed the class that computer researching only covers approximately 15 percent of the total precedent law available to us, and that the rest still resides in the dusty tomes you'll find in law offices and colleges all over the nation. But when I did a computer search to find out just how many cases against the state of Iowa, that the plaintiffs or defendants...have actually won against them, I found....one. Legal Aid had beaten them...once. Again, I hear you ask why?
I'll tell you why. It wasn't all the work they'd have to do. It wasn't that they wouldn't make any money doing it. It was that they were ALREADY making plenty of money doing it, and had been for over 40 years. Why do you think it is, that with the exception of this business, every other business in this country has at some point, failed, or has downsized massively. Is it their quality of product? Hardly. Business isn't booming for anyone anymore, that should be obvious to the world, without a whole lot of research. The "Best Interest of The Child" industry, on the other hand, is making it big, and getting bigger, badder, and more evil every year. It was obvious to me and mine, upon entering what would be deemed our "Post Removal Conference (or "Family Team Meeting"...and seeing 18 people around a board room like table. None of those were our family. Half worked for CPS. The other half was lawyers (one for each of us) and adoptive-bent foster parents. The other half worked in some fashion for the other folks responsible for the removal of our daughter, Unity Point Hospital. I gave a low whistle, and remember saying "...Ohhhh.....THAT'S why you took our daughter."
Requesting the aid of those who were already are making an overly generous living doing this to us was, quite simply, like asking a criminal to help us catch another criminal who was already stealing from us, and who had a plan resembling this to steal even more from us, once we put the other one in prison. They were already in bed together, working together to implement a conspiracy that had a very evil purpose to it, and made them money all at the same time. None would fight it...because none were of the mind to. Why work with a client that threatens your job? That would kill off the bread and butter supply? Why take a case that threatens a cash cow money making scheme that's been making you and others involved millions...even BILLIONS of dollars in some cases, as with those in and around California and New York? Finally, why help someone decimate something that could possibly feed yours and countless other of your friends' families everywhere, and allow you to provide for the best interests of YOUR children...with a plan as easy as taking other people's children away from them, legally, under the color of law, and with statutes and codes your government has been sneaking into your state law; making them look as awful and as guilty as you like, thanks to the same code protecting EVERYONE involved in the shrouds of immunity to prosecution and confidentiality; to present what it was you were truly doing for the American Family's CHILDREN (to hell with the damage to both the parents AND the children, once taken, right?)...and working together as a well-oiled machine to make sure they didn't get them back; make a fortune getting paid for doing it; and be guaranteed a job as long as there were children to continue taking, and, per the "Acts" that were implemented long ago, increasing that number every year in order to continue to get that funding?
Oh, and in case you aren't quite aware of where the majority of your tax dollars REALLY GO? What you're paying others to do, steal and screw up children? The operating cost ALONE for CPS in Orange County California is 875 MILLION dollars...all by itself, and that was in 2012. One county, out of the hundred plus counties in CA, out of the 50 States in the U.S. EACH AND EVERY YEAR???? Are you starting to feel the burn YET? Their total budget...FOR ONE YEAR in Orange County? 2...point....2....BILLION DOLLARS...in federal funding....for a YEAR. I really and truly hope you will now stop opening your wallets and your collection plates so widely now...please, for America, tighten down the ship and batten down the hatches. Quit giving away what you earn so indiscriminately, and without question, preferably put in to those in charge. Wouldn't you wanna know that 2.2 billion dollars is coming directly out of your pocket and going directly into the pockets of those who may someday be stealing YOUR children, because they don't have enough in the poorer neighborhoods left to take?
Did you know that I must have also called 60 plus agencies along the way to where we are today, 60 plus offices of Government, on the county, state, and national level; to find someone...ANYONE that could help me here, to find anyone that was accountable for these social worker's illegal actions, anyone who these people answered to. Do you know what I discovered those 2 days? That NO ONE is in charge. No one gets involved. And finally, no one is accountable. I remember screaming this sentence in the phone, more times than I remember...SO WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PEOPLE, HUH? IF YOU'RE NOT, THEN WHO IS? Each one just pointed their fingers back to folks I had already called...in a big circular motion of doom, with me at the losing end. Even The Department of Health and Human Services, in Washington, the very people who supposedly spawn social workers said "We don't have any control over them"...and..."We don't get involved in Child removal cases." And finally, a sentence I would hear more than anything that would, over the year and a half that I've been involved in this, make me angrier than just about anything else in my life...."This is a civil matter". They commit felony crime after felony crime...and this is a CIVIL MATTER??? Oh, but if WE THE PEOPLE kidnap a child, it's a criminal matter. If we perjure ourselves, it's a criminal case. If we forge signatures, that's a felony, and it's off to jail we go. How's the idea that this is a well planned scam looking to you folks now?
Even the U.S. Attorneys...who, in their personal description of what it is they do, say "we file felony charges for felony crimes" (like we can't do this ourselves, AND USED TO, using the form called "The Criminal Complaint Form"; a form we aren't allowed to file ourselves in federal court anymore, as citizens, without the much needed assistance of the U.S. Attorneys; even though, on the first page, it says you may in black and white...and the clerk asked me "Sir, where did you get this form?" like I was going to tell HER)...tried feeding me this line. I said, OK, so, the people involved have committed XX felonies, and here they are...and as I read this off, I was interrupted to once again hear those magic words, causing me to throw the phone across the room...."Sir, this is a civil matter." and part B, not as important, or well-remembered...but equally as infuriating..."Sir, you should consult with an attorney"...and as I screamed out the question "Well what the hell are you then?" and threw the phone, it was then I realized....
That social workers don't answer to anyone in our Government...because they don't take orders...from our Government. They're not employed by anyone in our Government. Most importantly, our Government is being paid by someone on the outside to do this to us, someone higher up, and thereby is able and willing to feed this industry as much money as they ask for. Because, my friends, there is a much bigger and more powerful force at work here, and they wish to see us nothing short of conquered....and this is just one head on the whole plan. The orders taken by those of the New World Order Gestapo (CPS)? Take all the children you can before the American people catch on....Take them, hold them to acquire federal funding, then adopt them out to strangers for more funding. Do you feel it yet America? Do you know what I'm going to say next? If not, refer BACK to the video I provided you on Cultural Marxism.
I mean, think about it. Where are WE getting all of this money? We're trillions of dollars in debt, more than have ever been. SO WHERE IS ALL OF THESE BILLIONS BEING DUMPED INTO THE CHILD INDUSTRY, COMING FROM???
Ask yourself this question. What has been said, is the strength of any great country? The family. Connections my friend. A "social network". Destroy those connections, in one fell swoop, by stealing our children from us and pimping them off to those with the cash to buy them? Kills two birds in one hearing. The damage done to the parents is equal if not greater than to their children. You have to wonder why it is they didn't come up with a 2nd moral standard, at the same time as the first....what about the "Best Interests of the PARENTS?"
If you don't believe in the extent of this evil, ask for a public records request of the real victims. 9 times out of ten, children are taken from married and coupled parents, and given to the single one. Taken from the good parent, and given to the abusive, molesting, or narcissistic one. Taken from those with no record, and given to the criminal parents. Or, worse yet, taken from some...and given to COMPLETE STRANGERS. Further down in my blog, you'll see where a child was taken from the mother, and given...not to the biological father or the LEGAL one...but to an ex-boyfriend!!!! I once spoke to a woman who said she had video proof of social workers taking children to locked up and off season haunted houses...and locking them inside, to put them through the horror of the house, for hours. This effectively and mentally splits the child's personality, and causes them permanent psychological damage.
And what adults these children will be huh? Dumbed down by our current "institutions" (colleges and schools), medicated heavily with dangerous psychotropic drugs they don't need for depression they don't have, disconnected from their "social network", undisciplined, brainwashed by "Stupid TV" (reality shows and adult content cartoons), oblivious to horror and pain, incapable of love (because they never get to experience it, nor do they understand it), torn away from religious teachings, deprived absolutely of any moral values, accepting of all sexual deviance, and corrupted by Islamic ideologies and infiltration, suffering permanent PTSD and psychological damages from being torn from their families...sounds like a perfect slave force to me.
If you're not truly convinced of what our schools and colleges are doing to our children and grandchildren, I beg you to watch this video, shown further down the blog. You will be aghast at what you find out in this short but powerful video, I guarantee it.
The Legality of Child Stealing
So, you might ask, why is it that they are able to do things to us, harry carry, just whomp right in, do what they like, take what they want, teach them whatever they want to, etc.? Well, if you'd like to know just how this originated, and why, I can partially explain this. This video here explains a lot of it, and, of course, I have more to add to it as well, immediately following it:
Now, to add to that, did you know that marriage licenses and gun permits never existed until after the civil war? Well, you see, after the civil war, and after the release of the slaves from bondage, the government didn't really think it was a good idea to let black slaves own guns....you know, due to the whole bondage and whipping thing. Not only that, but after they were freed, the subject of blacks marrying white people came up as well. So, they decided to make it ok for whites to get guns and get married, and it was ok for blacks to marry black without a licence..but if a black man wanted a gun, or wanted to marry a white person, that they would have to ask the state for "PERMISSION" to do so, via a permit, or marriage licence. And, since it worked so well for dealing with former slaves, the Government then decided that it should apply to all of us. And, since we involved Government in our affairs, more or less by continuing to ask for their permission to a. carry a gun, and b. Get married to others, they then put themselves in their as "concerned property owners"...with your obvious consent of course...and feel like they can involve themselves in every aspect of your lives...with your implied consent.
Now, for those of you of Iowa, I thought you should know that other states, when this all began, gave everyone 18 months to straighten up their acts when their child/children were taken. I'm pretty certain that Iowa did too. And, when this was done, reunification, I'm sure, was always their intent.
I think it's important for you to also know that Iowa has become one of the few states...maybe is the ONLY state that terminates your parental rights, which you've been in possession of for months or years even, in just 6 short months. Yes, you heard that right, 6 months. That, by the way, is without the benefit, or even the possible benefit, of the case being heard by a jury. During this period, should DHS deem that you are a lost cause (or, should your children fit the bill, where adoptability is concerned), they can place the child or children in a pre-adoptive position, so as to be IMMEDIATELY adopted after the termination of your rights. The really scary part of that, is that they can adopt those children out...even if you should choose to appeal the decision of termination. If during the course of your appeal, they find in your favor...but your children get adopted out while you're waiting, or during the appeal? They do not allow "Un-adoption". Chances are, though, they will NOT find in your favor; should these people ever decide at any time that you will, regardless, be losing your children.
Let's quick go over the process, here in our state, but it's important that we discuss the actual process, as it would happen in a PERFECT world, then move on to the real version, after.
First, a reporter (who, by the way, is protected by confidentiality laws) calls in to CPS, with concerns/allegations. CPS then, should the concerns be worth checking out, shows up at your door. You do an interview with the workers, who "assess the situation", and deem your interview, accordingly, as substantiated, or unsubstantiated. This assessment then continues on for an additional 21 days, if kept open. Should they consider the allegations substantiated, they will then meet with the county attorney, who also determines whether there is a cause for removal. If so, she petitions the court to demand a removal, under a rule of CINA (Child In Need of Assistance). If not, they should close the case, and leave it be and leave. If the situation is considered to be, possibly, imminently dangerous, you are now part of what is called a CINA case (a "Child In Need of Assistance). Rarely, the children are allowed to remain in the home, and a CINA action isn't needed. I would also imagine that it's prudent for them to leave the case open for a certain amount of time, to be sure that the charges made are indeed unsubstantiated.
Upon petition, the law requires that a step or steps to prevent or eliminate this "Temporary Removal" should be taken. If, after these mandated steps, they should take the child and immediately place them with the foster parents, then the next step is a "Family Team Meeting"...or, as they call it the first time only, a "Post Removal Conference". This is held the day after your child is taken, and involves meeting your attorneys assigned to you (the next day??? isn't it possible that you have an attorney already? We'll get back to this), your foster parents, your new caseworker and her supervisor, your newly assigned visit supervisor from Children and families of Iowa and her Supervisor, your new Parent Partner (usually a paid person who has been through this already, succeeded in reunification with her children, and is presented as your new "BFF"). By this time, your child is already in the possession of the foster parents, and has been assigned his/her own lawyer, a GAL (or guardian at litem), regardless of their age. There are two additional lawyers, one for the mother and one for the father. The reason given for this is, that at some point, you two may have divergent interests during the course of the case (we'll get back to this one as well).
You then have around 5-7 days and you are thrown into your first court appearance, called a "Removal Hearing". The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether the temporary removal was justified. If you are being accused of allegations that have not been proven as yet, this is where they decide if the allegations are something to be worried about. If there are charges to be brought, they would bring them here, and prove them here. There is no jury, matters are decided in front of a judge, you have your individual court appointed attorneys, and they have an assistant county attorney (the same who petitioned the judge for the removal) who is considered a CPS advocate. If they should prove your case, your child is deemed honorably and proven to be needed to be removed, and the child/children stay in their temporary placement. If you are found innocent of the charges/allegations, your child should be given back to you.
If the process continues, you come up for an "Adjudication" hearing. Adjudication is the process of identifying your child/children as such, and in need of the court's intervention...or not. This usually happens in Iowa in around another 30 days. If they are adjudicated as "CINA", the case remains entitled a CINA case. This case runs the entire six month course, and if termination at any time becomes a certainty by either the court or CPS, then another case, a "Termination of Parental Rights" case, involving both parents is started, usually around 4 or 5 months into the CINA case. The other purpose of this hearing is to assign needed services to you, should you need them. These usually include mental health assessment and services, should it be deemed in the assessment that you need these, drug testing, assessment and services, should you need them, and parenting classes, should you need them. More Family Team Meetings are required of you during the entire period of six months, to continue to assist you in your "Reunification" with your children.
The next hearing is a "Dispositional" hearing, meant to go over what you have done to improve your situation, and then decide whether you need more services, or whether you are not complying with your services, and need to be considered for termination of your rights. Should you be doing well, the situation will remain primarily unchanged, or might be altered, considering your progress, one way of the other.
The final hearing in the CINA case, which is required by law to take place at exactly 6 months from the time of the removal of your child or children, is called the "Permanency hearing". This hearing is to determine whether you have done what you've been ordered to do or not, whether you have progressed, or not, and where the child/children should be placed...permanently...whether with you...or to be adopted out. In most cases, if the child has been with a foster family that is interested in adopting the child, it will remain there. During the course of the 6 months, alternate permanent placement with other family members is supposed to be investigated, and considered OVER AND ABOVE the foster family.
If you have not engaged in improvements, or if you have not complied with court orders, a "Termination of Parental Rights" petition is presented the court, usually at the behest of CPS, and with the agreement of the county attorney. This begins the Termination case, and it runs open and parallel to the CINA case for around 2 months. After the Permanency hearing is decided against you (which it's guaranteed to be ruled against you, or the termination hearing wouldn't be open), the date for the Termination hearing is set. You then attend this hearing, which, inevitably will result in the loss of your parental rights, and your children are now able to be adopted out to those interested in doing so. You not only have the ability to appeal each and every decision made after each and every hearing, you have the ability to appeal Termination as well.
Now, let's take a look at how things really went, shall we? This should be good, right?
I have, already, made a petition for this appeal. This appeal has been sitting like a dead duck in the Supreme Court of Iowa now for over 9 months. You are more than welcome to "skim" though it here:
Be sure and take special effort to keep this "Perfect World" version up as well, and compare notes, ok?
By the way, I'd love to take a moment to explain how you're classified, where categories are concerned, when making accusations of parents and taking their children from them. This is pretty easy, actually. There is, of course, only one. Abuse. Abuse is the wide, catch-all umbrella for all of your "criminal" parents, these days. What about the other side of the spectrum then, what used to be its own category - Neglect? That falls under abuse too. Isn't that cool how that works? You're a child abuser, either way.
One more subject we need to discuss is the services that are offered to the parents, after their children are deemed to be abused, and that's the reasonable efforts these people offer you to assist in your "reunification". If this didn't go towards you losing your children, it would actually be funny. Here's a list of the things that CPS and the courts (the judge) consider "Reasonable"
1. The Agencies offering you the services...themselves. Yes, when offering you a service, CPS, and the separate agency that handles your visitations, as a whole, are considered reasonable efforts both agencies offered you. How do you like those apples?
2. Visits. This, I considered a reasonable effort. Of course, since it IS a reasonable effort, they dangle your visits (your children, to be truthful) over you every opportunity they get, in order to make sure your behavior meets their expectations. The recindment of your visits are used most of all, to make sure you don't talk about what's going on, or record them for your own protection. My visits were taken away from me around 2 months in, because CPS didn't like that I was writing about my experience in my blog, and because I took every opportunity to record them that I could get away with. In case you haven't figured this out yet, they don't WANT you to talk what they do...because then they may lose their ability to commit crimes without accountability, like they do now.
3. Transportation assistance. This was also a reasonable effort, and, also, was used to control your behavior, since it was. You didn't engage in the other fake services they offered you, they would yank this effort out from under you.
4. The Removal, and placement of your child in foster care. Yes folks, THIS is considered one of their reasonable efforts, in order to help you be reunified. No kidding.
5. The Child Protective assessment. Here, the worker in our case lied 55 times about us. Some reasonable effort that was.
6. Mental Health Assessments. This is meant to be a service for you, because when you go for this assessment, it's almost guaranteed to come out in favor of you having some sort of mental disorder, and to be in need of mental health...TREATMENT. Here, they can make you go to a doctor many times to "Straighten you out" (remember, it's been proven that therapy has NEVER CURED A DISEASE, PHYSICAL, OR MENTAL), or prescribe medicine to you that will probably make you even more mental, or as mental, as they assessed you.
7. Drug Abuse Assessments - Yes folks, if you came up dirty for anything, even marijuana, you are required to have an assessment, to see if you're bad enough to need another reasonable effort they make you, drug abuse "training" (treatment) In Iowa, the funny thing is, it would seem that, whether you really need this "training" or not, you always are assessed to need it. Another funny thing too, is that you always seem to come up dirty...for something, whether you do drugs, or not. I never took a drug abuse assessment, and the judge, in his orders, always said this about us: "Defendant refuses to take a drug assessment, and refuses to engage in drug abuse training." Sounds like they already know what the assessor is going to say, doesn't it?
8. Family Team Meetings. According to them, we had only 2 of these. In our position, we had three. Later, they would call our FIRST FTM a Post Removal Conference, and listed this meeting as a SEPARATE reasonable effort they made us. This was where 18 people who weren't us discussed us, while we were in the room, like we weren't even a part of it. They would, on occasion, ask us a question in an accusatory manner, or make a comment about us in the same manner...but that was about as far as our "Participation" in these meetings ever went. I actually tried to speak once...and they shut me down, and said that it wasn't allowed. Some Family Team, eh?
9. Parenting classes. Remember folks, I had raised three boys by this time. Does it sound like I needed parenting classes? What I knew I was teaching to the mother. So what did we need this for?
10. Perhaps the most crazy listing of all, however, beats the band, for real. Every "Exhibit" that they had in every hearing (they term Evidence to be exhibits) against us...AND OUR OWN EXHIBITS AS WELL, were called reasonable efforts that they made to us to reunify our family. This included such ridiculous things as our own motions, our own evidence, their reports of us, where they lied like mad, drug test results, PATERNITY TEST RESULTS, the judge's orders...no joke. Every single document they produced against us was counted as a reasonable effort they made us.
You know, I almost forgot...there's just one more point that needs to be related here...the mandated by law "Reasonable Efforts" that are to be, and should be made prior to the removal of your child/children, in order to prevent or ELIMINATE the need to do so. In our case, reasonable efforts made prior were found to be made by both the social worker, and the judge. However, even though the box was checked (by the social worker)...the 8 blanks that followed were all empty. So how is it that the judge is able to rule that they were made, when they were NOT MADE?
Later, in the removal hearing, 5 days after they took our daughter, they THEN claimed that they did make such an effort, prior. They attempted to claim that the 72 hour hospital stay, that was SUPPOSED to be just a doctor's appointment, where they didn't tell the mother until 5 hours after her arrival that she would be remaining overnight; then the next morning told her it would be another two days; where they documented their imaginary neglectful situations (like coming in to feed the baby at 1:00 a.m., even though she wasn't crying or awake, and the mother was asleep, then documented this as "Mother didn't wake to feed her at her feeding time), then tore the child from her arms, breaking every law in the book; and gave her up for foster care...as that reasonable effort they made to prevent or eliminate the child's removal from the parents.
A couple more things that you should know, concerning a couple of the more corrupt states in the union: Michigan and Alaska. In Alaska (which, by the way, only has a total population of maybe a half a million people) they have removed pretty much all of the possible children they can there, and have begun recycling the children they already have in state care, in order to continue to receive the funding from the Government.
In Michigan, they take the children they want FIRST...often for no reason whatsoever; from schools, or from your homes, while the babysitter is watching them...you get the point. Then, they'll call the parents, and tell them to be at court in like...and hour, some, ten minutes. Of course, the parent, concerned about their children RUSHES TO COURT...and, the minute they step across the door's threshold, they are considered "within the jurisdiction of the court", and they immediately begin a hearing to adjudicate...and keep that parent's child. A few months ago, I saw an article about thousands of parents who had been placed on the abuse registry (some for abuse...and for NEGLECT...CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? What, you want me to sign in for 10 years on an abuse registry, because you're worried that I might go somewhere and neglect someone else's children?) that had been wrongfully placed there...and of course, no one knows that you are able to appeal this, and, of course, aren't told either. I remember reading that the man in charge of this happening had said that, there was "No way that we were going to expend the kind of manpower it would take to re-open each and every case to decide whether they had been wrongfully placed there or not"...and then I saw red and stopped reading...If that had been me? "You had BEST OPEN MY CASE!!!" I would have screamed from the crowd, as the news conference was being held. If it would have been him, or perhaps his daughter, you can best believe ALL of those cases would have been opened in a SECOND. Here's one more from Michigan...I just got word that the state is asking that an 11 week old baby attend "counseling"; so that they can receive funding for the service provided. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? What counseling is an 11 week old child going to be able to receive, exactly???
Do you smell that evil yet America? If not, turn your head, all you like, but the stench will reach your nostrils soon enough, with enough proof of this to keep you wondering for all eternity why you didn't rise from your pews earlier and do something about it, when you had the chance. Nazi Germany was only a test market folks. Now, the plan goes worldwide....and a lot sooner, than you might expect.
Others who suffer
Now, we move along to other victims of the family court systems, in particular, those of Divorce and Custody. I think I gave you quite enough just by my earlier reference of "Divorce Corp". There is, however, one more thing you need to hear about, and that is Parental Alienation. This is a largely unheard of, but fast growing criminal behavior that is rapidly taking a strong grip on those of the American people. Here, the children are taken by a parent, and jetted off to a location not known to the weaker, more loving parent. And the process begins, there. Judges are ignored, and parents kidnap their own kids from the other, and a mental warfare that tears those children to pieces begins, and the parent who took them rarely, if ever, suffers for what they're doing. The dominant parent turns the children against the loving parent...and the loving parents is destroyed in their children's memories. This was done to me, but at least, I had the common sense to get the other parent's side of the story, and thank God I did. I won't say what happened, but it didn't go in the favor of the mother who had bashed my father almost all of the time she spent talking to me, every chance she got. I once interviewed a woman from Iowa who had me in tears, as she described how she continues to buy birthday cakes for her children on their birthdays, and puts pictures beside it in chairs, and wishes them a happy birthday, while their children won't speak a word to her, thanks to the father's lies. That show can be heard, using the link below. I highly recommend it, as it proffers the utter and absolute PAIN the parents experience at the loss of the children they raised from birth. These judges, these heartless soulless animals, who allow and who, some, actively pursue injustice in cases like this need to be unbenched, and with a vengeance. These are the warriors of this evil, and are often calloused in their very demeanor.
On this blog, following this article, are the horrendous stories of many who have fought and continue to fight this evil in America...including mine. To any who come here, do yourselves a big favor. Go to you tube, and do a search for CPS. Go to facebook, and do a search for CPS related groups. Go to each one, and look at how many members these groups carry. Drink this in, and do it fast, or your children could be the next, and we may be welcoming you on facebook next.
Now, you know, just for fun, I think it's best that we go over some of the wonderful things that I've been seeing in family court of late. You already know of mine, but quite simply, if you've not been here before, our child was taken at just 9 days old, by a social worker (who is still working, by the way) who had no experience with newborns, had never removed a child from a home before ours, found us "neglectful" after "knowing" us for what...a grand total of (from interview to removal), maybe 5 whole hours? She took this child from a FIRST TIME MOTHER, told 55 lies in assessing us, committed forgery (2 counts), fraud (the entire time) never read the order to her in totality, signed everything for the mother, and signed the judge's signature for him at the bottom, deprived her entirely of her Indian heritage rights, and pretty much broke every other rule in the book as well. They falsified our drug testing results (twice), and their administration, in an appeal to the assessment, cleared us of all charges, expunged our records, took us off the child abuse registry (for neglect..??..which they tried to put us on for 10 years each), and the child has not been returned, and our parental rights, which the Supreme Court of the land has deemed in MANY previous cases to be inherent; have not been restored. You would think this would be enough, a lot of folks brought up on charges, some even jailed (like the worker), and the child thrown back into our possession...but the case has been "stuck" in the Supreme Court of our state of Iowa now for over 9 months.
Since this time I have witnessed a man who, because his bank refused to admit that they cashed checks for an employee of his for $100,000, and didn't want him filing against their insurance, filed 40 felonies and 20 misdemeanors against the man in a four year period, and he had never before been in jail, ever. The took his business, his home, his kids, and everything else the man ever owned. He's been on the streets of none other than Mayberry R.F.D. (Mount Airy, NC) FOR MONTHS...because he loves his children and doesn't want to be far away from them. Once, after a good friend of his, who had bailed him out a few times, was murdered, they stuck this man in with the person who had murdered this friend for a year...IN THE SAME JAIL CELL. His state representative, against the best wishes of one of her state constituents, and who owned a law firm, took up with his wife to have her sue him for his eventual divorce, and utterly destroyed him in it, of course, This is probably the worst of stories out there, that I've heard
In another case, because his wife complained that her children (that were staying with the divorced father, who loved them dearly) were around 13 guns that were in the husband's possession...and half were HER GUNS. The courts had him arrested, fitted him for 3 bracelets, took all his guns, removed his children from his care...and he's been locked up in his home for over a year, not able to go anywhere but to court and back home. He also lost a wonderful job working for a major corporation.
A woman's child was given to a registered (and just freshly released) SEX OFFENDER. He can't take them to a park, he isn't allowed near their school...SO WHY WAS THIS DONE??? In another case, a woman's children were taken from her because her oldest child was considered to be, for her age, TO BE TOO SHORT. The mother was 4' 9"...the father only 5' 8". and they didn't take just the one, they took ALL 3. More than that, it was after they had said that she had 30 days with which to make her grow taller....ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME AMERICA??? By the way, this story comes from a site called "Medical Kidnap". Here, you will find HUNDREDS of terrifying takes of the abuse of CPS and our judiciary, worse even then some of our normal folks.
Check that link right here, at:
Also, if you're still not convinced of the terror brought by this agency, please see:
Here, a father from Maine, who beat his case, has dedicated his life to exposing their evil. He used to produce a cartoon series called the Baby LK Report. Each of these weekly cartoons depicted the worst stories every WEEK in our country and in Canada, where the problem is decidedly worse than ours. Note, at the bottom of the site, on the right, the massive list of 10's of sites that are dedicated to exposing the crimes committed against those in our respective countries.
Oh, you mean this happens other places too? Oh yes, folks it does. Ireland, England, Canada, Australia...and more. AND ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! This will go to proffer to you what is happening in our world, not just here. Please see that section towards the end of this article.
Are you getting the picture yet America? These are hardly isolated cases, they happen every day. There are literally thousands of cases out there that are equally horrific. Oh, and in case you doubt the Cultural Marxism theory, or the theory that I present to you after the section on our land of the sleeping sheep? Here's a video I just happened to come across concerning Canada, our neighbor to the North, who's issues with their version of CPS - CAS, is much worse than our own even.
Some facts that come from the woman who brought us the TedX Conference about her work in the foster care system, and her desire to change that system for the better. Her name is Molly McGrath Tierney, and you can find her riveting presentation here:
Since 1965 more than 15.2 million children have been in the foster care system in America. That's the population of Los Angeles, New York City and Atlanta combined.
More than 640,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care in 2013. According the the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) FY 2013.
In 2012, 23,396 youth, aged out of the US. Foster Care System without the support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant. - Source: AFCARS Report, No. 20, Jim Casey Youth Fact Found on: CCAInstitute.org
When a child is placed, they save the state over $15,500 on care each year, per child. The foster care system has annual federal and state costs of more than $9 billion (Title IV-E of the Social Security Act). Children in foster care have costs associated with medical care, food stamps, cash welfare, and child care payments to foster families (Zill, 2011).
Read more about child trafficking in the U.S.A. HERE:
More than 640,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care in 2013. According the the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) FY 2013.
In 2012, 23,396 youth, aged out of the US. Foster Care System without the support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant. - Source: AFCARS Report, No. 20, Jim Casey Youth Fact Found on: CCAInstitute.org
When a child is placed, they save the state over $15,500 on care each year, per child. The foster care system has annual federal and state costs of more than $9 billion (Title IV-E of the Social Security Act). Children in foster care have costs associated with medical care, food stamps, cash welfare, and child care payments to foster families (Zill, 2011).
Read more about child trafficking in the U.S.A. HERE:
You're driving through downtown Atlanta, and you see a group of people standing around, waving signs. As you near them, you see they're all wearing white masks, with the visage of a smiling gentleman. Instantly, you feel a small fear...you've seen those masks before...where? Oh yes, you remember now...Anonymous! The Hacker Group! Heck with that! You drive by quickly, hoping the red light doesn't catch you.
It's time we dispel the myth of this "Organized Hacker Group."....Folks, Anonymous isn't a group. It isn't a bunch of terrorists behind the keyboards in the world. They don't have bombs, they don't have hate, and they don't spout lies. Anonymous isn't an organization, my friends, it's an ideal. Please, if you will, watch the movie "V for Vendetta". This would be the movie that inspired the world to be today's Anonymous.
Yes, Facebook has spawned a new face for Anonymous as well, some of it, not so good...but the majority of Anonymous is about peace. It's about love. Most of all, Anonymous is about the Truth. Truth, in a world of lies. In a world of hate. In a world of sin. Please do not hate Anonymous. Anonymous is your neighbor. it's your friend. It could be your grocer, your senator, your policeman, or your own child; To hate or fear Anonymous is to fear the Truth, to fear companionship. To fear Anonymous may even be to fear yourself
The Governments of this world have, inadvertently, created this group of truth tellers, it has targeted the truth for many a decade, forcing them to wear the mask, in order not to be targeted themselves. Do not fear them. The Truth may be found in their words. Seek it. Embrace it. Live it. Learn it. It may just save your life. It may just save our world.
For more on Anonymous, what they do, what they're about, and who they are, please see this link:
Please, feel free to search for Anonymous videos on Youtube.com as well. I think after watching a few of these, you'll see what Anonymous is truly all about. Look for videos on Anonymous' idol, the man who started this movement (upon his death), Aaron Schwartz.
The United States of America
For those of you just joining in, this will be new to you. It's not new to us, we that have been forced to be awake of late, those who America has kicked HARD;...in our shins. Well folks? It's time that you knew...what we know already.
Our country is due to be taken. Not only our children...us. And who is it that we are to be taken by?
The answer is just down the slope of your nose. Unfortunately for you, the blinders have been set, and the plugs already placed in your ears. But this is not the tale of the day, no, we will be discussing this story, further down the pike.
Today is for our country. Today is for our former republic, our formerly free land. And to better understand the danger we show you later down the pike, we must first open your eyes to what your Government has done in order to ruin everything for us, and fast...before we have a chance to look at it, read it, listen to it, understand it and process it.
Those of you who have been with me have seen most of these, earlier, in my "The End Of The Free United States" series, some time back. To those of you just joining, it's important that you clear an hour and a half of your schedule to watch this video. This video is an older compilation of the crimes committed in this country, against its citizens (and better prepares you for the next section, and the agenda of those who are really behind the destruction of our culture, as well as our citizens and this country as a whole). It's suggested that you bring a barf bag, instead of popcorn, for what you see in this video will open your eyes to a different and evil side of our government and what it has been doing to us for many a decade.
For those of you who don't have that kind of time (which, for those of you not aware of it, is also by design), I can nutshell it for you this way, best.
Some of you can still remember a day, though most do not, that our country was once great. We had values, we had morals, we had community, we had hope, we had God, we had everything we wanted, and we all had work. Homelessness was nearly non-existent, we cared and watched over each other, and when things happened in Washington that we didn't agree with, we rose and said and did something about it. The news was honest, and hard-pressed to be told, regardless of the cost. Wars were spread out, and only happened with the backing of the people. Veterans were honored and respected, and the people gathered to protect our great land. The family unit was first and foremost, and the strength of our great nation. Justice still prevailed and evil was always recognized and defeated immediately.
In case you hadn't noticed, those ideals, values and considerations exist no more. God was the first to go; prayer was taken out of the schools and out of our public lives. Then came the age of the senseless wars...Korea...Vietnam...just to name a couple. When our veterans returned from these wars, the air was much different...America did not support these wars, and the people had changed during the course of them. Government had been subversively changing the face of America, its power had begun to get out of hand. As the years continued, scandal upon scandal presented, and America soon became too overwhelmed with the sheer number of them to keep up. Washington D.C. had finally grown too big to contain. The Church, and the moral communities began to clam up, and keep to themselves. God would oversee this evil in his own time, they thought, and chose to keep their doors firmly shut to keep evil out.
What Has and Is Being Done To Our Citizens
But evil snuck into our Government on a level so low that it creeped by us without us seeing it. Our water was being poisoned, and presented to us as being a good thing. It was good for our teeth, dentists claimed. Of course, they would. It actually rotted our teeth away, and dentists, with the prospect of making hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits, backed up this falsehood...4 out of 5, right? Worse than this, fluoride, the poison we are, of course talking about, is actually an acid...a poison. It was used by Hitler's regime to keep the population of prisoners (as well as citizens) docile.
More insidious than this, though, was the advent...and the later misuse of Television. There is, on youtube, a documentary about this. The link to this can be found, here:
This one is only an hour long...and can be easily watched over your lunch hour.
Again, for those of you without the time, it's as simple as this. Stop watching TV. More importantly, stop letting your children watch TV. This assists in our brainwashing, and keeps our minds from the truth. If nothing else, do not trust the news. As it was said earlier, the news is key in keeping our world in fear. Fear of others. Fear of crime and criminals. Fear of Terrorists. Fear of law enforcement and the power of Government (of which, if you think about it, is about the stupidest fear we endure). And, the most important fear of all, fear of other nations, cultures and religions. The news is, in fact, not the news anymore. It is scripted and government regulated. Why haven't you heard of the evil of CPS, for instance? Because the news does not...cannot...and will not report it. If they do, the folks that did, are often gotten rid of, and their stories are buried. Ultimately, TV is used to control our behaviors and our passions. It is because of TV that we are distracted, and led away from the truths we need to know in order to see what is really happening in our country.
Another thing you may have missed, if you've been reading along with Brucey, is when it was discovered (and is now made legal, per executive order, by the way; just this year, a couple of months back) that psychological behavioral experiments have been, and were, back in 2012, used to "nudge" the American people to do what the Government wanted. What was the first time it was successful in it's use? TO GET BARAK OBAMA RE-ELECTED IN 2012!!!! Remember how you felt around the time for his re-election? Remember that you didn't really care for how the man handled things in his first term? Do you also remember your surprise that the American people voted him in once again?? I do. I also didn't know that our minds were being played with, to get us to vote him back in, REGARDLESS OF HOW WE FELT ABOUT HIM!!!!
Here is the post on that, let it sink in what this administration may have ALSO pushed on us, unwittingly..., our racist feelings of late...common core...vaccinations...laws we don't want or like...or deprivation of certain key rights that may just save our kiesters someday...if they're not taken from us by then:
Corporate America and Our Food Supply
Another key note here, is the evil that is the corporation named Monsanto. This company is playing God, and is attempting to convince us that what it does is helping humanity. The first and foremost truth to tell of this company is its hand in causing autism in our children. Before 1970, autism did not exist. In 10 years, autism will appear in 1...in 2 of our children at birth. Why? Well, there are several causes. One is vaccinations. If you haven't been paying attention, vaccinations are not only being increased, they have been proven often to be outright dangerous to our children. Yet, they are being pushed on our children, pushed in the open market, and, in some cases, as in California, mandated by law. Mercury is the reason. Placed into vaccinations as a preservative, the amount of mercury in our children's vaccinations cannot be processed by a fully grown human of 275 lbs...and yet, not only are one or two vaccinations required...but several, at birth, a minimum of 10 or more. This is one cause. Our food is another. GMO's and genetically altered foods are a major cause of this as well. Did you know that America is one of the last hold-outs, where genetically altered foods are concerned? Most countries around the world have banned GMO's. Why haven't we??? We're griping about having GMO's labeled in our food....WHY? Why not just rid ourselves of these instead? It has been proven that GMO's lack, almost in totality, any nutritional value. They haven't the vitamins, and lack the natural healing properties that real vegetables do. You had best believe that all of your canned fruits and vegetables contain GMO's. Insist that your health food stores and products LOWER their costs for all natural foods...and BAN GMO'S FROM OUR COUNTRY, as the rest of the planet has already done. Another huge one is whole unpasteurized milk. The real deal. Our milk that we buy today is full of growth hormones and nasty poisons that infuse our bodies. Bring back real milk, and let's ban soy and pasteurized milks!
Roundup, the most widely used pesticide on our crops has been actively and massively linked to the danger of autism in newborns, after their parents ingest it. More serious than this, we are dangerously obese, yet, at the same time, are the most undernourished populace on the planet. How is this possible? It is because of the genetics of the food we eat is impossible for our bodies to break down and process, therefore becomes part of us, and deposited as fat instead. We are obese, because of these genetically altered foods, not because we eat too much food.
A lot of you do not believe that, over us, there are being sprayed massive amounts of two chemicals...Alumina, and Lithium, in its natural form. Folks, this is a truth few believe, but if you watch the video I provided you, it's one of the best kept secrets you can definitely believe in. Lithium in it's natural form his highly unstable, and can kill you easily in high enough doses. As it stands, it's being used to placate our aggressiveness, more now than ever, it's being used to keep us dazed and confused. If you should ever find it hard to breath, or if you have a funny taste in your mouth, you can bet that Lithium is being sprayed over you in a higher than usual concentration. And Alumina? There have yet to be any studies that have shown what the affects of this particle spray could be doing to affect our heath in a negative way....and this, of course, is for good reason, I'm sure.
The Judiciary and The Government and Our Constitution
Let's move on to our two biggest issues to date...Our Government, and our Judiciary System. Now you have surely, by now, noticed something very important that's been happening of late, something we haven't seen in this country in....well, since the civil war. Civil unrest. Why is there civil unrest folks? Let's talk about it. Now, for one, you may have noticed an inordinate amount of shootings this year. Don't be fooled America. Please note, if you will, that most of these shootings are either a. Racially motivated, b. largely publicized or c. both. Folks, be not deceived, and think for minute. Since Columbine, there has been no more than 1 mass shooting a year, maybe 2 at the most. How many have we had this year folks...what, 5? 8? 10? I've lost count. Here are ONLY some facts about the latest shooting, in San Bernadino, that you should know, for instance:
1. Two different people saw 3 Caucasian men with long guns shooting.
2. Serial numbers from some of the guns trace back to the local police per the ATF.
3. The alleged shooters' were brought to police in the back of a pickup truck, face down.
4. Neither of the alleged shooters had military or weapons training needed to pull this off.
5. The alleged shooters' bodies were transported from where they allegedly fell, via a pickup truck, shot up and handcuffed. This is against all known domestic rules of evidence collection. The shooters should have been photographed where they fell instead of transported to an alternate location.
6. Because of strict California gun control laws, citizens do not have access to automatic weapons. Yet, it is alleged that the shooters purchased the weapons legally.
Do a search, please, for a website named OPM. This site is Government driven, and is there to handle job requests for those of the Government. Do a search for Crisis Actors people. Go to youtube, look for Crisis Debunking. Name the crisis you would like to know about, and see how many videos there are of folks figuring out that every "Crisis" that we've been having this year...is fake. This is being done to raise outrage at gun ownership, and the confiscation of our weapons, in order to stop this supposed "madness".
This is not madness people. Obama, our president, is trying to get our weapons taken from us. Make no mistake, in order for Mr. Obama's plan for us to work, we MUST BE DISARMED!!! This is their primary objective. Without guns, we are doomed. Without guns, the Government, and their military can do with us as they will. They are trying to deprive us of the "Privilege", supposedly given us by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.
And by the way, should you not be TOTALLY convinced about what this is really about, or that they are, INDEED trying to disarm us? I present a bill, freshly introduced into the house, that was passed BY OUR SENATE IN WASHINGTON:
Oh it's ok, you say, we still have the Constitution, our rights...they can't do that. Oh, and for that matter, why WOULD they do that? I'm sorry folks, I just can't go there just yet. But believe this, by the time it's TIME to go there, you'll be more than ready. We're just getting started on Obama, that you can most certainly believe.
By the way, for those who do not know this as yet, there has passed in the Senate of our United States, a gun confiscation bill that is about to go to the House. Get ready America, the move on our nation is about to be made.
Now, you'll notice that, at various times, I'll mention, here and there, things that this wonderful administration of ours is guilty of, and what exactly. but never before will you see it put like this, all in one spot. By the time I get finished, Ol' Barry there will be wishing he'd never been born...wherever it was that he was ACTUALLY born...and if that is, in fact, his real name.
But we'll get back to those in Washington, in a minute. Let's go a step higher than where we've been, and let's visit the entire Judiciary, as a whole.
Following Prohibition in the United States from 1920-1933, it was obvious that we Americans had a real problem with the mob/mafia. Upon the arrest of Capone, Chicago's most notorious gangster, it was imagined, probably with a whole lot of wishful thinking, that the mob was, more or less, disbanded in that time. As dreamy as that might sound, it almost makes zero sense, if you think about it. I'm sure the "Mob", as a whole flourished quite well after Capone died...as would anything that makes a lot of money in a short period of time. Gangs and mobsters, of course, continued to exist long after this period of not-so-proud American history.
It is my firm belief, friends, that the mob was never disbanded, per se. My belief is, the mob got smart (as well as unpopular, and disenchanted as well), and just reinvented itself. Instead of running the streets in Model T's with Tommy Guns, it's my belief that it just got legit and ran for office instead, as well as became a goodly portion of our legal profession.
I believe this is a very good synopsis. Why? Because it's been proven to be so, that's why. It isn't MY synopsis, to be honest, but it could just as well be, because I believe every syllable of it.
Did you know that, out of the 90 plus U.S. Attorneys that represent our states, 80 some come from...CHICAGO? How about this folks...there is a case, and I'm sure, there are probably more...we just haven't "Found them out yet"..that is a fake. It was discovered to be fake, and now has been PROVEN, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT to be fake. It has real clients, real judges, real litigants...but the case DOES NOT EXIST. It was used to rule over 100,000 no win cases, and cost each person who was a victim between $20,000 and $35,000 per case. And it's in the Supreme Court, where the "Law of the Land" is made, using precedent, pre-existing rulings that are used by other lesser judges to decide cases.
In case you don't make the connection, it's like this people. ANY of you...I mean traffic violators, criminals, parents, divorcees, you name it....if you've crossed the threshold of any courtroom in our country, you are, almost assuredly, the victim of a scam so big as to curl ya hair, twice, even if you don't have any.
The man who endured catching on to this (over a 15 year period, mind you) and putting it out there, and being the only person to ever win in this particular case (mostly because he opted to represent himself, and kept pushing to get the truth of this scheme out), has set the precedent for America, to expose what is an even bigger con-game than you know, even now.
By the way...the case, and what it concerns? A simple disability case. The Shackman Decree (it's in Wikipedia, look it up). His story, that took over 15 years to get out in print (for obvious reasons), The title of the book and the website where you can pick it up, is shown below:
Death of the Justice System
Now, I just have to say this...just this alone, the fact that we do not get justice in this country, is more than enough for me to be totally disenchanted with our nation as it stands, and don't feel nearly so very patriotic as I used to be as a child.
Here, folks, is the scariest part of the whole thing. See, we don't have rights, like we believe we do. No America, we are dead from birth. We are no better than owned chattel, property of the U.S. Government. We are wards of the "State" from birth. Most of you wouldn't know that....mostly because you aren't meant to. You are given to the state from Birth, yesireebob...by your parents, without their knowledge, or yours. Here's another one I know you'll love...that house you finally paid off last year, and the land it's on? It isn't yours either. It also belongs to the government. Why else do you think so many people have lost their homes, or been evicted to allow the banks to repossess them? Because you don't own them - you never did, and you never will.
The Legal Mafia Con Game
I present to you moral folks, an affidavit filed by none other than a state judge, that backs up this theory, and puts it in spades for you, This was filed just this year, at the end of November:
"November 28, 2015 Big Lake,
Alaska Dear Federal Agents:
I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence.
Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and evidence has come to light. We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of “state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”. Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of the world around us.
It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”. The “Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Court”. If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone. So are millions of other Americans. These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees.
There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in 1868. Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively using the labor and the private property assets of these “citizens” as collateral backing the corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to obscure this development.
At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public sector slave ownership. You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other Amendment to any constitution then or now. Instead, slavery was redefined as the punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves. It remains perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within the District and the Washington, DC Municipalities.
A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws—-which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.
The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”. Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak and double-dealing? And are you also beginning to catch the drift—the motivation—behind it? Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”.
This little gem was developed by the bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”. When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt — similar to cosigning a car loan — and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser. Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Conference of Governors did in March of 1933.
They named all of us and all our property as surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation during bankruptcy reorganization—-and got away with it by claiming that they were our “representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us. The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our affidavit. In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the District of Columbia and the Federal Territories.
They did this by abusing the public trust and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us. Under their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”. So they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation, used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams—-and placed commercial liens against our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts. A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one of us without us ever being aware of it.
They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us— that we conveniently didn’t know existed— and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals. And so the fleecing of America began in earnest. The hirelings had our credit cards, had stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.
They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we “voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it—-when as millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or having to kill federal agents. They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.
According to them—that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public trust— we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what? Welfare that we paid for ourselves. Social Security that we paid for ourselves.
The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jawdroppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse. They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it without complaint. Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead. We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political status.
We don’t have to serve as debt slaves. We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to—- but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed. Everyone else has to remain as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of corporate “persona” named after us.
So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals—- does this sound like something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like something you want to end as expeditiously as possible? The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s have come to their final fruition.
Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need correction—- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”—continue to ignore the fact that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.
We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and mind its budget. These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse. They have spent money and credit that was never theirs to spend. They have defrauded millions if not billions of innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far too long.
These people— the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous “United States” corporations — have acted as criminals. They deserve to be recognized as such. The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while profiting from the situation and obstructing justice. They stand around shrugging and saying, “Well, it’s a political choice. We don’t have anything to say about that.”—–yet at the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them.
They, too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, and worse— which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. All our assets— our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor—have been signed over into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent us. Then, when we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail. Enough is enough.
The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity. It’s time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing “sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely calling itself the United States of Something or Other.
We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State Citizens, nunc pro tunc.
As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about. For starters— who really pays your paycheck? Is it the goons in Washington, DC? Or does it all come from the American people you are supposed to be serving? Do you believe for one moment that anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily? Do you believe that anyone gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege” of paying for Social Security? No? Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs. If anyone complains—arrest him.
We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as mandated by the Seventh Amendment. We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this institutionalized fraud scheme.
We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and repudiated tout de suite. Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just described to you— such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS—-it is your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and railroaded.
Do you understand? Is it now completely clear who the criminals are? Your actual employers and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this fraud for profit. This has been happening right under your noses. This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had upon the people of this and many other countries.
Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent conflict of interest. They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of government. They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1, 2013.
The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally – sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the public office means rejection of all authority related to us. The same may be said of the FBI. Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to have any public authority or function.
This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Alaska State Superior Court"
Fiat CurrencyFolks, this country has been absolutely dead-broke since the civil war. You think those dollars are REALLY worth what they say they are, just because they buy things? They aren't. They aren't back by a metal standard, nor is there gold to represent them. They are, by all intensive purposes, pieces of paper only that represent the debt we have. That's all. Debt notes. Promissory notes. Think about it this way folks. When they print a $1 bill out of thin air, and state, to us, that it buys a dollar worth of goods, what deems that note to be worth anything more than the paper it's printed on? Is it because there's a "One" on it? What about a $100 dollar bill out of thin air. Is the paper a much higher quality? Is the Ink more soluble, or made from a higher quality ink? No folks. It costs the same to print the one as it does to print the $100. All they did was change the plates. Why? Because debt notes ARE NOT MONEY. They aren't a currency, they're a promise to pay off our national debt, which, in case you hadn't noticed, has quadrupled since Obama took office. Why? Because he wanted to give back to the American people for electing him? Nope. For the purpose of giving the poor of America cell phones so that they can communicate in times of trouble? Hell no. Was it to reward homeowners to buy their first homes? No, No, and hell no. In case you really don't know why all of this money was spent by Mr. Obama? It was for the purposes of driving us into a massively overdrawn state, in order to crash our currency.
But why would our president do that? Ok, first, let's crunch the obvious numbers. First, Mr. Obama has spent more...in his FIRST TERM ONLY, than all 43 presidents before him....combined. Over 6 trillion dollars. What's he on now? You really don't want to know, but it's double plus what I just told you, if that helps. And, worse yet, he's still got a year to go!
So, for you folks that have no clue how our currency works, is printed, or is valued; and this scam of the Federal banking system that has and was pulled over our eyes as early as 1913, and more so in 1933. Maybe this video will teach you a few more things along the way, and prepare you better for what's to come in the next section, on the Cabal, and the Elite that are attempting, as we speak, to put in place the FINAL measures they'll need to implement what a lot of us have been fearing for quite some time....Nazi Germany...on a global scale....A.K.A., the New World Order. One Government, one currency...one religion...and one owner. More than likely, the real criminal (in a lot more than one way too, I imagine) will reveal himself...and I'm betting it won't be Mr. Rogers, re-incarnated.
This video is the best way to describe the scam that is the Fed, and what happens there with our "Currency", and is only 3 mins. long.
Here is a much more comprehensive (and, of course, much longer) video that explains in absolute detail why the Fed is a scheme, how that scheme works, and why our financial crash is imminent, very soon, thanks to Mr. Obama's actions against America.
If you like increasingly detailed explanation of our our system is corrupted by the Fed, here is a nice long hour and a half video for you to watch, provided us by our FRIENDS at Anonymous:
Mr. Obama is an indoctrinated communist party member's offspring. He was, in fact, NOT bred in Kenya, as they presented, Mr. Obama is American born, from Hawaii...and was taught, by the CIA, and shaped to be the person he is today. Supposedly Representative of us Americans...but whose real purpose is to destroy western culture and our capitalist system, finally...utterly...and absolutely, once and for all. Mr. Obama is only in office because we weren't given much of a choice, thanks to our Electoral College (which, if you read the blog, has been and was put into place to protect the Government, in case We the People wanted someone that they didn't care for, like Kennedy). Please see my article of America's Original 26 deadly sins, back at the beginning of this blog, on day 5. If case you don't choose to hunt it down, I will, of course, provide that article for you:
So what happens when our economy crashes, and it becomes obvious that the dollar is worth...nothing? Less than nothing?
Well, there are two things that happen, should the market tank. Either we pay the Government's loan back, using the only collateral this country has ever been in possession of, and what has been used to secure these loans. Us (via our consented to and monetized birth certificates) and our land. When our loans default (as I'm sure it has several times over by now), you and I, as well as our property, become the property of someone else, who purchased our "Debt". You, more than likely, and your land, are probably owned by someone in Germany...or in China. Or, the other option...we replace our tyrannous Government, and start again, praying all the while that those who lent us that "Money" just go away.
How do we avoid this from happening AGAIN? As is our wont? For starters, we abstain from war. War is perpetuated to create more debt, and vice versa. Ever notice how prosperous we were during and after World War II? That has happened, and, has been the reason for each war we've been involved in...since. Why do you think the majority of these wars weren't popular, and didn't carry the backing of the people in America? Because they were created...usually for an alternate purpose, and usually involving the greed of our Government. As with the Judiciary, wars and fighting with others is just another one of the biggest schemes used to create a higher debt ceiling. Starting to get that MAFIA feeling yet? Well, I hate to say it, but it gets much worse than that even.
The "War on Drugs"
Remember the war on drugs? It wasn't, isn't or never will be a "War on drugs". The war on drugs has only been the war on competition in the drug game. While it was presented to you, the people, as a war on drugs in our country, what it is, is a way to make sure that no one cuts into our action. We created addiction in our country. Drugs were allowed in, brought in on purpose, and fed to the addictions that demanded it. Funny thing, heroin is considered one of the worst drug addictions there is...but more medicines (legally given to us) contain heroin than almost any other drug. So where then, is the war on drugs now? It doesn't...and has never existed. The War On Drugs was only a way for the Government to legitimately make money off of the addictions caused by the drugs they shipped into our country. We have, over the years, protected major drug dealers from prosecution many times...why? Because America makes a lot of money off of the drug trade...so it only makes sense to present these drugs as legal, in the form of pharmaceuticals. But if you were to take those pharmaceutical drugs and try to sell them to others to make some money for yourself, without the government getting their share of the profits? 'Magine that...you are jailed for it and charged. You are a drug dealer now. But it doesn't work that way when the Government...and their pet pharmacy companies do the same "legally".
This also serves to fund those of the judicial system by allowing them to make money off of those in prison. Did you know that inmates are now required to pay room and board at the prison they were jailed in, and charged $5.00 for two aspirin, when they get headaches? So they work in the prisons...yes, for like $.75 cents an hour, but are paying exorbitant prices for items they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Let's not even talk about the fact that these people are also paying for their supposed "Justice" that they didn't get in the courts, and for probation, parole, drug testing, you name it, while they're on "Paper". Justice, according to the Constitution, is meant to be FREE...not charged in the form of "Court Costs", filing fees, etc.
Big Brother
Finally, my fellow citizens, I beg you, stand outside. Go out at night, and look at the stars that used to twinkle blue and white only, look away when you see some much different colors, and look again. You may notice a goodly portion of stars that appear to be twinkling green and red. If you watch them long enough, they move across the sky. You know what those are? Those are satellites and drones my good people. The Government that is in place here, hand in hand with others that will be identified in the next section, are afraid. They spy on us daily. Through technology (all of which, you'll notice, is fully equipped with mics and cameras), the advent of the Internet (and our full and crazy acceptance of it), and emerging breakthroughs in said technology, they have the ability to...and do, watch our every move, and listen to our every word. They know civil unrest is coming...they count on it. And believe me, when I say, they are ready for it too. Call up your local police departments. Ask them if they have military vehicles. You'll notice that quite a few do, even in smaller towns, where this kind of thing is TOTALLY unnecessary. Military gear is being issued to your local police departments, and the officer that beats your street is ready to shoot on sight, and ask questions later. Cold blooded murder on the streets of our towns and cities, by law enforcement, are becoming more and more commonplace. This is a very frightening turn in events, friends...there are even satellites in the skies that can see through walls, and hear even the slightest whisper.
For those of you that find this hard to believe, familiarize yourself with 3 websites, where you can see this sort of thing happening more and more every day.
www.copblock.org (at the very tippy top there is a gray bar with an "Articles" button, and a "Videos" button, will be all you need here, trust me)
www.thefreethoughproject.com (look through the "Badge Abuse", "Government Corruption", and "Police Brutality" sections.
www.youtube.com (do a search for Police Brutality and "Badge Abuse" here, as well)
For those of you still convinced that our Government is good, representative of the people, and only has our best interests at heart, documentation will be added to this blog on the day of the completion of this article, and will show in full detail, what the real plan for our great nation really is. Hold on to your seats folks, because what you see next will be horrible, and the facts of the matter at hand will soon be revealed. The time of our demise is at hand.
All Government Employees (The FBI, CIA, Secret Service, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshalls, etc.)
Folks, it's important that you are aware that the majority of these folks in the employ of our federal Government have no interest in doing what SHOULD be their first and foremost duty...serving YOU, the taxpayer. If you should happen to find yourself in a position of dealing with corruption in Government, you have to remember that these folks SERVE the Government...because they ARE the Government...and you will find them quite un-sympathetic with your plight. Should you have been done wrong by someone in Government or in any elected office, chances are very likely that you're more than welcome to fill out some pre-fabbed complaint form against them, provided by their respective offices, and overseen, more than likely, by MORE of that office (in other words, you may hear that they got suspended without pay for a few days, or maybe got yelled at a lot) but chances are good that you will never see what you really want, them losing their jobs, or getting jailed for what they've done; mostly because it just doesn't work that way anymore. As a matter of fact, it's very likely, that because you DID complain, YOU are the subject of their investigation now...not the people who actually the law-breaking or nasty deed. Why? Probably because you DARED to make a stink about it, and rather than deal with the actual criminals, you are now considered to be a likely terrorist, because you are unhappy, and are complaining and speaking out that nothing is being done about it.
So, should your children be taken; or if you thrown out or off of the property you supposedly own, or have been done wrong by an elected official or Government employee, be it known that calling the FBI because they committed a crime against you is not going to work out in your favor. Filing against them in federal court works somewhat, when you're suing others or, small business owners...you know, people like US...but when it comes to suing big business or elected offices or employees, you can bet almost 100 percent that nothing will ever come of it, and it will end up costing you more money than you can ever hope to recover. State attorneys, Bar Groups that supposedly chastise those practicing law, judge oversight committees, U.S. Attorneys, the U.S. Marshalls, the FBI, ect...all of these people these people are a part of our rogue Government, they all protect each other and will do nothing to assist you in matters that concern others of Government, up to, and including your President, all the way down to the local beat cop. Everything these folks do is, in some way, written off as "Part of their job", or "in the line of duty". State and federal provided immunities cover the rest. Winning against the state, city, county, and U.S. Governments is a rarity, at best; and getting these people out of their tax-payer provided cushy jobs, vehicles and homes is a wasted effort. At best, you may get put on a watch list as a domestic terrorist, harassed by law enforcement or by the ones you've named in whatever suit you're attempting to bring against them, and the problems with whatever elected officials you're having will only get worse, trust me. I am right there....right now, and have been for over 5 months.
How do I know all of this? Well, of course, as you know, my child was stolen from me by CPS. Since this time, I have done all I can legally to make all involved suffer almost daily for their crimes. I constantly find articles (and write my own, of course) and send them things all the time that let them know that America and its citizenry are slowly but surely waking up to the scam that these criminals in elected office have perpetrated upon us, and that their days are numbered, and all their land and possessions, all paid for by us, the taxpayers, whether through taxation or from our involvement in legal issues brought by THEM, AGAINST US...are almost done for. When they find a way to shut me out, I find a way around it and give them even more grief. During the course of these actions in court against me, they called the Secret Service in to find out where I was, and have me arrested, so that I could not attend my termination of parental rights hearing. They had filed false charges on me, and couldn't find me (since I had moved away without informing them where)...so they then chose to scour the blog that you are reading, to find a place that I had stated, in an exact quote "I am going to Washington D.C. in person, and I am going to sit on Obama's doorstep until he does something about the corruption in my state"....and that's all I said. Now remember this folks, I have no car, and even if I did have the means to go there, chances are I wouldn't manage to even get within a 100 yards of the White House's "doorstep"....and even if I could...what am I going to do in a tent? Start a forest fire?
My point is, neither this, nor I, was a viable threat....to anyone. Yet the Secret Service got involved (to, of course, protect others in elected positions who had called them), found me, had me arrested and hauled back to my former city of residence in handcuffs for 2 hours, and thrown in jail (this, of course, worked well in my case, I didn't show up for the hearing that they were trying to get me to miss). So, because they had no evidence of the crime they said I was wanted for, and had gotten the desired results they wanted, they dropped the charges three days before I was to appear to answer for it)...and when interviewed by the agent, he then said "This is all about your daughter?" I said yes, and he packed up and rode back into the sunset, leaving me to my fate. Do you get the picture America? For those of elected office, and positions of law enforcement; they are an invaluable resource. For you and I, they are our worst nightmare.
By the way, just so you know...as some already do, my name was placed online in the "Metro's Most Wanted" of Des Moines, and I was in the foremost number one spot there for 4 weeks prior to my arrest on this false charge, as well as placed in none other than CityView Magazine in Des Moines for 4 continuous weeks, and blasted once a week on WHO-TV news as being the #1 wanted criminal in the area, and totally destroying my reputation...and no one was able to be "held accountable" for that, because they were just "doing their jobs". Screw the fact that it was a bogus charge, or that I wasn't even convicted yet...it's ok, no harm done. All in the line of duty, right?
Let's move on to those of the U.S. Attorneys office. Now, these people claim that they are attorneys; and, as you well know, are mostly from Chicago...which, in and of itself, should say more than enough. To carry on, in case you are uninformed (or, more than likely MIS-informed) as to what it is these people do, exactly, to use a direct quote, they will tell you that they "File Federal charges and cases". Now, I hate to tell you citizens, but we need no U.S. Attorneys for this...at all. No, back in the days of real Constitutional courts and justice, we the people were allowed to do this ourselves. Of course, the end result could, invariably be the same as it is now; the case could be dismissed or thrown out...but at least you never had to, before, go through a U.S. Attorney to file a Criminal Complaint Form against a corrupt official. Oh, and if your children were taken by the Government, here are a couple of things I will save you some trouble on...NO ONE "Gets involved in a child removal case"...and no one in this country is "Responsible" in managing those of CPS. Why? I think I made that quite clear in the section on "Child Trafficking". This is not a U.S. Issue...remember?
When the "Constitution" of the United States was ACTUALLY still in force, you were able to file charges yourselves in Federal Courts. Now you have to involve these folks. Why? If we're allowed via our "Constitution" to do so, then what do we need to pay these clowns for? You know what they REALLY do? What they REALLY do is file criminal charges and cases....against YOU. When it comes to going the other way, "We the People" have been deprived of the same right. The CCC, or Criminal Complaint Citation as it was called, has been laid to the wayside. You no longer have a right to complain about someone in elected office, or in an official capacity, even though the Constitution (which, no longer applies to you, REMEMBER?) SAYS that you have every right. I remember bringing in the CCC in my case to the Federal Court, and the lady there asked me where it was that I had gotten that form. They no longer WISH to have you complain against their own, so that right, as with every other right provided us, supposedly by our "Constitution" has been steered away from us. The only way this form can be filed these days....is through none other than the U.S. Attorneys. And do you know what they will say when you ask to file this against someone in Government? I won't be able to say exactly, but I guarantee it will something really close to "NO".
Let's move on down the Governmental funny farm to those of the U.S. Marshalls. Now, these guys jet around the state in their little SUV's and do what....I don't really and truly know. What I do know about them is about the same thing that I know about everyone that works for the Federal Government. They charge you for everything you want them to do for you. It's not enough that your taxes go to pay their salaries, no, anytime you want something done by anyone, I guarantee there will be hefty paperwork, as well as hefty charges to your pocketbooks involved. Folks, I have only this to say...Justice, according to our "Constitution", is free...as should be EVERYTHING the government does for us. If you think about it nice and hard, you'll see that EVERYONE that works for the Government on any level is so obviously "Double-Dipping". They take your taxes, and charge you on the spot to do things for you. This is not the way our Government was ever meant to work.
I have a little trick for you to use, should anyone at all who works in an official capacity in our Government want to "Charge You" to do something for you, the taxpayer who already pays their salary...ask them who it is, exactly, that you are paying this "Fee" or charge to. Ask for a name of the exact person who is charging you or receiving that fee. I guarantee the attitude will change, and the charges will, upon your insistence, be magically "waived", should you speak loudly enough. Hold these people PERSONALLY liable for what they are doing, and chances are that the attitude of the employee that you're dealing with concerning this "Charge" will change.and her insistance on them will more than likely wane or disappear altogether when you ask WHO exactly it is that's charging for it, I highly recommend that you look into "Commercial Liens". Just the mention of the phrase around anyone who works for the Government sends them into a real panic. Commercial liens work some real magic, when dealing with anyone on any level in Government.
Now, my favorite...about those of the FBI and the CIA.
For those of you that know little to nothing of these offices, I present this. Unless you are cutting in on their "Action" (something that makes the Government money), or are anti-Government in any way, shape or form, these folks have NO interest in anything you have to say, or anything that you do unless it in some way constitutes a crime of someone else JUST LIKE you...and involved the criteria I just mentioned, above. Whether that is good or bad, of course, depends on the Administration at large. These days, everyone is a problem to them, because this administration is REALLY messing things up, Their jobs are only secure because our Government has gone against the people of our country...and as long as we're the bad guys (and believe me, we ALL are), they of course are quite happily, securely and gainfully employed. Oh sure, they have their little field offices set up everywhere, where the people there do little to nothing for you, just like anyone else in Government. They'll gladly start and investigate cases and actions we the people, the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but they will do nothing at all against their own...or those of elected office. Here's how it all works.
They have operators at every location. No one there answers the phones themselves; no, that would give opportunity for you to actually find out what's going on, and to be able to actually complain about and to someone meaningful. What you'll find out is, that no matter how much you might insist, talking to anyone that actually WORKS at the FBI is completely impossible. As with your elected officials, no one there wants to be accountable, transparent, or responsible. Therefore, the farthest you will ever get in dealing with these people is their front runners, the "Operators" that take your information. Other than that, whether or not they have a case against YOU will never be known; except by one thing...your electronics; which, of course, have all had, built in, front and back cameras and microphones. Here, using specialized software programs, they can listen to your voice mails, record your conversations, take video of you without you ever knowing it, dig through your emails, and delete things off of your accounts, and your computers. Back doors have been built into about every laptop and computer sold on the planet, so, of course, your security is pretty much ZIPPO.
So how would you ever know if they're dipping their investigation into you, personally? There are several ways, actually. The first, and most obvious way will be that you will notice things are quite operating right. Your phone starts doing strange things, like calling another person as you're calling someone, or playing voice mails off of other people's phones of you. This happened to my brother, after the secret service took an interest in me. Text messages and voice mails will be deleted right out of your phones, and your devices will develop major issues at a very high rate. On your land line, you may experience a crackling sound, that prohibits you from making phone calls, and you may experience a constant booting off of your internet, if you're using a DSL connection. I've seen it where their intrusion into your gadgets completely destroys it. I imagine that this happens when some caller pees in their coffee, or maybe you're just not very much fun for them to spy on, and they destroy your gadgets so they no longer have to.
On your computer, if you are the subject of an investigation, you will, immediately start experiencing logins from strange locations around the country, in places you've never been; and where you know almost no one...Omaha...Minneapolis, Kansas city - all the usual larger cities...as well as another one...."The United States". This is a location that you will be getting more and more as they get smarter and figure out ways to stop you from knowing that they are connected to you. Places that you will be sure to receive notice from, where other logins to your computer and your accounts are concerned are Google, Facebook, and in places ON your computer. Following this segment will be screen shots where you will be able to look and find these intruders on your life, and several links to ways to rid yourself of them.
Now, you may believe that changing your password, or adding an additional step verification to get into your accounts is the way to go, to keep them out of your accounts and data....but I assure you that it is NOT. There are folks called "Key-loggers" that have a way to watch every stroke you make down to the individual letters you type, in order to get your passwords. Google lets me know once...via email. Facebook, thankfully, tells me every time. In the case of Facebook, I once changed my password 3 times in a day...and, in every case, I was notified within a couple of minutes that they had logged in from this "other location" right behind me; where, and that this had been done.
So, how to be rid of them? There are several ways for you to verify that they are, indeed there, and several ways to be rid of them. If you're a big fan of the network command prompt that was more readily available for our use in the older versions of Windows, like XP, and 7 and 8, it's pretty simple. Simply begin pinging for strange connections, and delete them. Rid yourselves of open ports into your network that you don't recognize.
Now, for the rest of you technologically challenged people out there, you have to, first, only get a little Chrome add-on called Sidekick, by Hubspot. This allows you to see that emails that you are sending to certain people are, not long after that, being opened in some of these large city locations where FBI offices are located. This program is invaluable in a number of ways, and can very easily identify criminal and rogue FBI intrusions into your life. All you have to do is send email...and when your emails are opened, and Sidekick tells you they have been, all you have to do is watch the locations...who opened them where. Here are some of the screen shots that have let me know that the FBI has been dipping into my emails:
Now, this shot here is a way that you can check your network connection to see if you've been logged in from someplace else, even when you don't go there, don't know anyone there, and don't plan on it
This shot gives you a clear indication that a keylogger is following you into your account on Facebook. A keylogger is also known as a "RAT".
The Sidekick program is only $10 a month, and you can try it free for 30 days, with no provided credit card, and you can continue to use it for free, if you invite others to use it and they accept it. Then YOU get it free FOR ANOTHER 30 days, and they get to try it free for 30 days as well. The one truly nice thing about this add-on, is that you'll never have to sit around and wonder if people are opening your emails again, probably the best reason to get this add-on.
Now, once you've determined that you are indeed being intruded, how to get rid of them? I can tell you that calling them will do you no good, and neither will calling their administrative headquarters in D.C. No real person, agent, person in charge....NO ONE is interested in what you have to say, nor will they help you at all. They'll politely take your info, but that's where it all ends. After that, secrecy and cloak and dagger is all you can expect...and some would have to wonder if they even do that. Who's to say after we get off of the phone if they even look at your info, or do anything about it at all? It's not like we talk to anyone that actually works there...how do we know they aren't all at home just watching TV and collecting their pay, laughing it up at the retards who call in, and the stories they concoct? I'd say that's a very real possibility.
So what other option do you have? Well, thank God for Youtube. Here, you can find the solution to just about any techno-problem you've ever endured or will endure in your future. They, thankfully, have provided us with several means to rid ourselves of our intruders:
I'm afraid I can't really "Recommend" any of these methods as yet, as being the best at doing it...since I don't even have the time to spit, let alone rid myself of someone that, if I get rid of them, will probably just use another avenue to get back onto my gadgets that I haven't thought of yet. I say, try them all, until you're sure you've cleansed yourself of this obvious Constitutional violation of your privacy.
In closing, just ask yourself...don't these folks have better things to do with their time, than harass an innocent father whose child had been wrongfully stolen by CPS, assisted by some crooked elected officials in Des Moines Iowa; who had, at this point in time, done nothing at all wrong, save send them a few emails telling them about crimes that had been busted up in the field, and to show them things I had written online about them? Nothing. Nothing at all. But oh my God, I'm hindering them from doing their official duties! Like stealing children....OH NO!!!!
Do you get the picture yet America? These folks in Government are paid by you...the taxpayer. They are supposed to, like law enforcement, serve you, and protect you. What they are REALLY doing is protecting their own best interests, their own "investments" in our country and our Government, and moreover, their own...other employees and elected officials in Government. What do we really need these people for, if they don't do their jobs...for "We the People?". We don't.
The Cabal, and the NWO
The faces of the men you see above are just some of the wonderful people that are at the head of what is going on in our country, and in our world. There are, of course many more. Each of these people has more money than they can spend in 10 lifetimes, and own the better portion of the property and land in this world. They are all members of secret societies, hold secret meetings all over the globe in more secret locations, and hold the keys to the future of every one of the citizens of this earth. These are the inventers of the previously mentioned Reserve Banking System, and control, through debt, more countries in this world than any of us are aware of.
There is, in this world a group of folks that have been instrumental in working with these powerful men on the sly, along with many other people in key positions of power. These people have formed a group known as the Bildeburger Group.
Many people who have attended meetings of these people are right here in our own country. People such as Ted Turner. Bill Gates. Chris Hines, the Co-Founder of Facebook. Presidents such as Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton H.W. Bush Sr. Sentaors including John Kerry (the man now trying to get our arms confiscated), Tom Daschle, Chuck Hagel, John Edwards, and Sam Nunn. Governors, such as Rick Perry of Texas; Mark Sanford of South Carolina; Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; John Huntsman Junior of Utah; and Mitchell Daniels of Indiana.
There were many other key U.S. men and women involved in meetings with this group; military, financial, etc. For a complete list (including many men and women from the U.S.) of the past and present attendees to the secret meetings of these folks, go here:
Now, there are many other secret groups out there that these men supposedly belong to; key conspiracy theory types, such as the Illuminati and more; and at the risk of putting out there more than you care to believe in, I won't list them. Please, if you would, however, do your own research on these supposed "Masters" of our race, and what sort of things they do in all the time that they enjoy. Remember, if you would, that everything comes to them, they don't have to work for anything, and are bored out of their minds, and sit around thinking of new ways to experiment on the human race, and, thanks to the world as their oyster, have all of us to play with.
For over 2 centuries, the desire of people such as this has been to rule the world with an iron fist. For the same centuries, it needs be said that they have never before had all the tools, as well as the technology with which to accomplish this. For one, there is no such thing as "Off the Grid" anymore, what cameras don't cover, satellites do. Tracking devices and privacy devices have been found from everything from cell phones to cigar packaging.
So anyway, as was mentioned before, these people have an agenda. And oh, what an agenda it is too. Probably the craziest thing about this agenda, folks, is that they don't and aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Why? Well, I would say that the best explanation I have for that is the fact that you are very much asleep, drugged, brainwashed, blinded and attached to Hollywood and your TV sets. They figure you just won't notice (which, is pretty much the way it is), and even if you do, well there's always that "Conspiracy Theory" thing we all know and love, isn't there?
How do I know that they aren't even trying to hide it? Probably the best example is this little gem:
Funnier still, even though this monument was erected in Georgia over 35 years ago, and states very clearly what these elitists have in mind for us, and a lot sooner than you think, it has been sitting there in plain sight of America, and people just walk by it like it's not even there. Even more crazy yet, might even go as far to get their pictures taken standing next to it, like it says that "love, peace and wonderfulness" is the true goal. I'm sorry, but were I within 10 ft of this thing, I would have blown it to bits by now. I didn't even know it was there until a year ago...and people in Georgia have been privy to its existance for over 35 years. Now, if that doesn't convince you of the utter naivete and ignorance of the American people, nothing does.
So, are you ready for the "Agenda", that has, by the way, been written and documented for any that wish to read it...which, I'm guessing is none of you, if I was correct about my statement earlier? Well, those documents will be coming in shortly, after the last words of this article are written. For now, this video will do quite nicely. The "Depopulation" video I provided earlier pretty much says it all...but this one will sure help you understand things a whole lot better too; as well as the Wikipedia link that proceeds it:
Pertaining to what's being done to Children, with Child Trafficking, around the Globe!
Below is a letter sent to me by someone in England, a Monique Thomas, who has been fighting her own country's nightmare for many years
More will be added as they come to me from other countries around the world:
"Dear Mr MP
I write to inform you of the child trafficking within the Social Services which is at a vast scale. I am certain that these are well known facts and are being ignored by the Parliament.
As you are aware that this business represents a multibillion pounds. It needs to be dealt with within the House of Commons and Laws need to be introduced or changed. Many families including children are in despair. This is absolute ruins for the economy as these parents are unable to concentrate on any form of work and are instead diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which leaves them incapable of work and they remain on state benefits on a long term basis.
Social Workers mislead the courts by the lies and fabrication of the evidence. This is to gain their bonuses which has been introduced by Tony Blair in 1992. This occurs in order for the Social Services to reach their set targets for adoptions. The Social Workers are offered bonuses of up to £24,000 per case and are usually promoted after succeeding in a difficult cases. The social workers instead open companies for tax evasion.
The adoption agencies are represented by social workers. These agencies earn £47,000 per child. Again these monies are paid by the Government. There was an adoption agency once it reached £1m + in bank balance decided to sell their agency. Either this is loophole within the law or else the Government is involved with Money Laundering. Government appears to be turning a blind eye to these payments but instead are restricting the benefits of these parents who are incapable of work due to the removal of their children and are completely in despair.
Children, as they want to go back home to their parents, are prescribed drugs for their cries. A child who should be drinking milk for their development are put on these drugs, which for a child is unheard of in most of the world. This is happening in the UK on a regular basis.
You must also be aware of Governments agenda of depopulation. Is this the way? So parents are left to die as they are unable to live without their children and some commit suicide. And children when they grow up are psychologically affected and some turn to drink and drugs and most have criminal records and be in prisons. Their children are then taken and put for adoption or in long term care and this cycle continues. The state interferes in the private family life without any guarantee for better life for these children. There needs to be a break in this vicious cycle, so called system.
Social Workers whose main responsibility is unification of families are tearing them apart. They are liars, deceitful and fabricate evidence. Parents are frightened, become angry and are overwhelmed with stringent, vigorous monitoring and scrutinising and building of a case against them, that is never supportive. Families are faced with living nightmares from Local Authorities in the child protection cases.
There should be a procedure of random investigations and where the fabrication of reports are found law should be amended to put these social workers into prison in line with the rest of the public. Where the perjury in the courts is clearly evident then like the general public of imprisonment they should follow suite. Instead, they are allowed to get away with a slap on the back of their hand by the judge. If this continues, then social workers will continue with their illegal acts knowing Judges are “on their side” and their confidence increases.
There are social workers who buy their degrees from Africa. They come to the UK, intimidate parents to show their importance and yet they cannot write proper English. This is UK. Their incompetence dictates the family lives. Human Rights is non-existent in this country.
As you are aware the European Courts are initializing the investigations of Child Protection in the UK. As to how long it will take and whether it will proceed is yet to be seen.
Social Workers initiate the investigation of families. It commences with immediate removal of the child and who is placed with absolute strangers, foster carers. Children are abused and bruised in foster care. This is unreported and continues and again a blind eye is turned to these injuries. For this foster carers earn £400+ per child per week plus their expenses. Further costs for the Government.
There are multiple fostering placement breakdowns. The sense of being abandoned, unloved; and loss of their identity and being separated from their siblings and grandparents, repeat changes of schools and hence loss of friendship circles. Feelings of never truly belonging. Irrespective of the parent's background and the struggles they face most parents would do their best for their children, good enough parenting as perfect families do not exist.
As the social workers initiate these investigations they prepare the first report. By this time they will obtain emergency order with this first report. Emergency order will be for 72 hours. During this period further reports are prepared by the same social workers giving justification for removal of children. This will allow them to obtain Interim Care Order in the courts, this is just showing how Judges take everything at face value. Courts will at this stage appoint Guardian ad Litem, who are EX-SOCIAL WORKERS. And naturally the Guardian would want full investigation of this case. I have heard that these Guardians earn substantial amount of money, though I am uncertain as to the amount. I am sure you would know.
These Guardians ad litem are nested in the Coram organisation which offers sure start for the families. Coram also offers food vouchers to these families of £1 a week for fruit and vegetables for their families. My opinion is Coram identifies families living in poverty and reports to social workers within the relevant Boroughs. This initiates social workers investigations and they see multiple pound signs. Coram is a very dangerous organisation for these families and in particular children, and is very tightly woven for outside influences to penetrate.
There is lack of Independence at every stage of the care proceedings. Being initiated by the social workers, being dictate and finalized in the courts by the social services and the Guardian ad Litem. This allows the social workers to request a Psychiatric Report, the Psychiatrist being appointed by the social workers and the only reports that would be with these Psychiatrist would be these court orders and Social Workers Reports and the Guardians report for full investigation. It is also reported that the professionals meaning health visitors, GP, teachers, nurses, anyone interfacing with the child, is encouraged to think the unthinkable. That is any parent might be capable of deliberately harming their child.
Social Workers also request the courts for a Parental Assessment, and not surprised, they are dictated by and edited by social workers. Again, no independence. Parents are labelled as providing inadequate care to their child.
Therefore, we have a system heavily guarded by social workers and Judges going by face value of the misleading cases. Social workers break the families for their bonuses, adoption agencies for their monies, Guardian ad Litem making their monies. If children are not adopted they are put into care homes which receives £100,000 per child per annum. All this money is from the Government, which is being looted or is money laundering.
Let us not forget the adopters are given the incentive of receiving £600 per child per week, again all from the Government.
The Psychiatric Reports are all negative as they are based on these social workers reports and the Parental Reports are negative as the notes and final assessments are edited by the social workers. These reports are all presented to the courts and with the blind justice, a hammer strikes that child is removed from their families permanently. Social Services also ask for gagging orders on the parents so they cannot tell their stories or disclose on twitter, face book, papers etc. They are afraid of media exposing the truth. However, the reason given is it is exposing the child to media attention. Voices of parents and children remain unheard who are the most vulnerable in the society and need the most representation.
I will also mention that these family courts are closed courts. This means it is only for parents and social services and their legal teams. Grandparents, newspaper reporters are not allowed in these courts – why, do they have something to hide? Family courts are perverting the course of justice as is social services. Courts do not have the discretion to disregard the opinions of social services, in favour of a distort parent desperately trying to navigate the complexities of the legal system, desperately trying to prove their innocence up against the full might of the state. The reasoning given by social services and family courts is that it relates to children and their best interest. Naturally, this is understandable. But, what about the Grandparents, to hold a distorted parents hand – not allowed! Why can children not be given to the grandparents or their immediate families? I suppose social workers will not make money. So, where is the best interest of the child?
Care proceedings should be of the last resort, however many families find themselves on which there is only one outcome. The most preferred outcome for social workers is adoptions, as there is more money to be made. Most parents do not consent to the adoption of their children and the courts use their discretion to dispense with their consent, in the best of the children, and very likely not. Kinship care, where a child could be placed with a grandparent or extended family is ignored. Surely, kinship care should be considered as the best interest of the child instead of adoption as it allows the child to stay with siblings and within similar environment to birth parents so that they can retain their identity. Sometimes reason given is their connection with children's birth parents.
The mainstream media do not report parents' stories as I believe they have been instructed/ threatened by the courts. Hence, truth is not in the public eye except for the extreme cases of children dying in the hands of the parents. Children's death in the care system remain unreported, and statistic shows it is a high number and on the increase yearly. These tragic high profile cases of child abuse and neglect has led social workers taking extreme measures of removal of children rather than finding alternative best solution for every child.
Children's welfare in the UK is the last agenda by the family courts and social services as otherwise most children would still be with their parents instead of adoption or long term care where the financial incentives for social services lays. Most of the time children are removed for “risk of future emotional harm”. This is assessed by that their “5-20” years old past pattern and that will repeat in the next “5-20” years which will cause emotional harm to children in the future. Such predictions by such incompetent social workers. Poverty, single parents, poor housing are also factors frowned upon; and all given by the Government to its people?
This is a vicious cycle, of loss, wounds that never heel and bond between parents and children is broken with many families every day. I have heard that a child is removed from their parent one every 20 minutes. Government is either intentionally or again just another body turning a blind eye to the children, this is so called Child Protection System in the UK.
I would suggest a complete reform of the Family court and Social Services system. I would also strongly suggested regular ad hoc investigations by an independent body of these cases on an individual basis.
In particular, whether adoption or long term care children should be returned to their birth parents. This will be Justice Served!"
-M. Thomas
For more on Child Trafficking around the world, please, if you would, visit this website from my friends in the Nederlands:
Friends, let it be known....those of you of our formerly great nation, those of you in the Americas, and those of you in brother Europe, in all English speaking nations, and around the world...that this article is primarily finished being written, and all that I know for a fact is related in as plain a language as I can put out there. This article, tomorrow, if I am NOT arrested for...whatever bogus thing they claim they will arrest me for, will be laid out with all of the promised documentation that will, more than likely, get it taken down. I myself will more than likely be jailed or killed for putting it out there...but never fear, for many things are already taking place that will put a halt to those who purport to serve our best interests, but whose intent it will be shown will be to instead kill the majority of us off, then place the rest of us into a world-wide slave force.
See, what you DON'T know, is that they SAY there are too many people living on the Earth, and that WE are destroying it....and they're right too...too many people for their liking, too many who complain about those who own the majority of it, More and more people are recognizing that Government and the corporations they serve are destroying the Earth, as well as the people who keep us divided and warring with each other. This keeps Government employed, and in control...and we, the people of the earth are standing in their path. We are recognizing, all too late, that we have allowed those who say they are here to keep order and lord over us, are actually PART OF THE WHOLE BALL O' WAX's PROBLEM! Not only are they part of it...they are the creators of it. We are, in fact too many people...but not for us....for THEM. We are too many people for them to control on a world-wide scale, and too many people complaining about what they're doing...to us, and to the world. They wish nothing better than to kill us all off, and start over again. And we, the people of this Earth, and those who would rule us with a global iron fist will do whatever it takes, and kill as many as they're allowed to, before a lot of us realize what is ever going on.
There is no global warming, and there is no destruction of this earth that the rich and powerful of this world didn't create and aren t already doing themselves. We haven't destroyed the Earth. We haven't messed up the atmosphere. They have. And they want us to die for their destruction of it. You folks that I've had this translated for, you can feel in your hearts, and in your souls that something is not right with our world...and you're right. Government is not right. We are human beings that wish to move forward...to grow and produce, to create and to live. We don't need Government....we don't need people that oversee us and who punish us for every little thing we do. We certainly do NOT need the UN, and the Cabal who pull their strings. These things were set up, initially, to further their wont for power and control. Bio-engineering, Genetic engineering of food, vaccines, these aren't needed, and have been proven to be dangerous, even deadly...yet they're starting to be required, mandanted by a greedy and self-serving Government upon us without our consent...and we need to be rid of this evil now...today, before things begin to worsen.
And worsen it will. It's already begun. I myself will probably be arrested, tomorrow, for stirring things up. Maybe even killed. If I am, never fear...for I will remain in the hearts of those who followed my every word, and they will not let me die without cause, and will spread my words for me so that they will never die. What are those words?
Take your countries away from your criminal Governments. They do not rule over you. You do. You don't need them to exist, they need you to exist. You don't need their laws, statutes and codes, these are only in place to make sure they have revenue. It's been a tried and true scam, one that has worked for decades...but that can only work on an uninformed or misinformed public. You are not sheep. You cannot be herded and forced to support rogue out of control Governments, ran by greedy monsters whose only purpose is to keep the money flowing in by keeping you in fear, perfect for controlling. They are screwing up an entire generation of children, to make them a better slave force, I have made that blazenly clear in the previous sections of this article. And now, they're coming for us, their supposed Corporate property...to kill off the majority, and keep the rest to work off the debt....THAT YOUR GOVERNMENT PUT US IN, with us and our land as collatoral.
Finally, I'd like to mention that there is more out there...we all know it. There is life besides us, it would be stupid of us to believe there isn't; in this entire universe. There is, also, obviously, a force that means to keep us ignorant of this, or to keep us from evolving into a race that could, feasibly, communicate this to those who seek our contact.
Now, please, if you will, try and keep in mind these facts, with what I hope will be an open mind.
There is, in the back of your brain, a small pinecone shaped gland...it's called the Pineal Gland. Look it up, along with a search term of "The Third Eye". This gland is responsible for issuing forth Melatonin, and it is the natural hormone responsible for our sleep...as well as our dreams. This gland is a very important part of our evolution...and it's being attacked by those in power, on an almost daily basis. Why? Well, that should be obvious. If we were to ever discover who really DID build the pyramids...or whatever history that has been, in fact, kept from us...the elite of this world would lose their control....and we would, in fact, be truly free from their rule.
There are, by the way, two things that we have already discussed that should point to their obvious intent to keep this gland at bay from our exploring mind...one is flouride. This chemicals main side affect is that it kills the pineal gland...irreperably. The other is Mercury. Mercury is found in our meats and our GMO food, and also in our vaccinations. Why? It's not to preserve the vaccine, as they lead us to believe. Mercry calcifies the Pineal Gland. Imagine that.
So if you have psychic abilities, or if you're able to communicate with others, or evolve into better human beings...then what better way to keep us from discovering all of this, and keeping us ignorant of these facts...than to destroy the very gland responsible for these gifts, and keep us where THEY intend...dead, buried 6 ft. under....or ignorant and brainwashed as well, totally ignorant of this tiny gland and all it would be and beneficial for, where our eventual evolution as a race is concerned.
Now, I leave you with only one charge. Should you receive this article as a share, share it back to the world. It is my INTENT, though I will, more than likely be instantly jailed for the things I'm about to present tonight, come hell or high water; to get this to ALL the nations of the world...regardless of their race, creed, color, etc., whether it applies to them or not. Do not war. Do not separate. Stop fighting each other, and let's fight for what is rightfully ours...our right to rule ourselves. Our right to be free, to reproduce as we will. Our right to own what we worked so hard for. Finally, OUR RIGHT TO LIVE!
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By the By, for those of you wondering if this picture is a joke? A Funny Meme, mayhap? I suggest you wipe the smile off of your face. This is DHS's current list of watch, where "Domestic Terrorist activities" (YOUR activities) are concerned. NOTE: FOR YOU IOWA VISITORS, THIS STORY (AS WELL AS MANY MORE THAT WILL APPEAR HERE FROM THE STATE OF IOWA) HAS BEEN IGNORED, AND REFUSED TO BE REPORTED BY SEVERAL REPORTERS THAT HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING IT FOR SOME TIME. REPORTER THE FIRST: DARREN TROMBLAY, MANAGING EDITOR CITYVIEW MAGAZINE 515-953-4822 5619 NW 86th St #600, Johnston, IA 50131 EMAIL: DARREN@DMCITYVIEW.COM REPORTER THE 2ND: MICHAEL CRUMB, AMES TRIBUNE.
The Ames Tribune
317 5th St.
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Main Number: (800) 234-TRIB OR (515) 232-2160
Fax: (515) 232-2364
Business Office Fax: (515) 232-7935
business Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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Circulation - (319) 291-1444 or toll free (800) 798-1730 Newsroom - (800) 798-1702, Fax: (319) 291-2069 Call the Courier - (319) 234-3566 KIMT IOWA AND MINNESOTA 112 NORTH PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE MASON CITY, IOWA 50401 PHONE: 641.423.2540 FAX: 641.423.9309 NEWS TIPLINE: 1.877.KIMT.TIP EMAIL: NEWS@KIMT.COM NEWS DIRECTOR - JAMIE COPLEY I SHOULD ALSO MENTION HERE THAT NO NEWS STATION OR PAPER IN IOWA
NOTE: This article is a continual work in progress. for anyone who would like documented proof of anything said, in this article, please email at me cbstraight8@gmail.com.
Comes now, CHRISTOPHER BRUCE, STILL THE LEGAL FATHER, in his Affidavit of Truth:
To whom it may concern: if anything happens to me, then Wrongdoing May Have Been Done.
i, Christopher William Bruce, am of very sound mind and very sound body. My cars and home are well maintained, i am in very good spirits and looking forward to a very long and rewarding life. i and others are involved in lawful actions of holding county and state officials to the proverbial fire of upholding their Lawful Constitutional Oaths by means of Lawful Affidavits and Criminal Complaints containing abundant evidence charging them with Felonious Acts against the People of the Country and in placing Lawful Commercial Liens potentially worth billions of dollars on both their Surety Bonds and their personal assets, and further, seriously impacting the defendant’s ability to hold any future office. Therefore, if “anything” happens to myself, I have an “accident” or go missing and end up dead; be it known here that i, Christopher William Bruce, did NOT commit suicide or have an “accident” and further, i am not careless with poisons, old food, toxins, flammables, firearms, nor have any known enemies. i am asking that if anything happens in the form of a negative or deadly event, even if it seems to fit well within the scope of what’s “Normal”, i seriously request that very capable and responsible persons with excellent skills and expertise, take a really good look into the Who's, What's, When's Where's Why's and How's of my demise; as it may in all likelihood be, in fact, a purposeful Act, There but for the Grace of God go i. i certify the foregoing is true, correct, complete and not misleading to the best of my knowledge so help me God.
/S/Christopher Bruce
Christopher Bruce
914 E US 30, Lot 4
Carroll, IA 51401-2600
Introduction to "The Ball"
Well folks? It's past Black Friday, once again, without promised incident, and I have to wonder...are we full of it? Are we participating in a huge gigantic Psy-Op, hosted by none other than our friend in white and blue, directed at us idiots that choose to pull them up, just to get stuck online all day and drink in all these false flags? I took three days off, what, four days ago? And here I am still, trying to write this article that was supposed to be the article of the year. One can only shake his/her head.
For those of you that are JUST joining us...yes, you of the moral community, you have to wonder, and wonder a lot, just what the heck I'm blabbering on about. Well, it's funny you should ask. Because this post is where we tell it all. Where we make it all known. Where everything you wanted to know...as well as everything you didn't, can be found. Welcome then, to the Whole Ball O' Wax, and everything that it entails. This post will now be my flagship post. I've been saving up for this one, simply because "The Plan"...was to get you here, so that you could see this...this...thing, in all its wicked and evil glory. "What thing?" you ask? Well, trust me when I say that it is, without question a thing, yet, it's a thing carrying a 100 heads, and 1000 legs, complete with individual hairs on each head, and a hundred toes on each foot.
Now, as you know, this blog's purpose...it's PRIMARY focus, is on my case, and the evils of Child Protective Services, as well as to expose the crimes committed to families all over this country every single day. This article, however, will serve in defining what our nation's REAL problems are...not just with CPS, but with every issue. It’ll make proper PROVEN accusations, draw lines, name names...the works.
NOTE: THIS ARTICLE, WHEN IT IS FINALLY COMPLETED, will be translated into several different languages, then will be shipped off to other nations, along with the "Letter" that we sent to you, and "The Plan." We are working to bring an end to being the playthings of our Elitist Masters, who, whether you are aware of it or not, are the folks are the people that are TRULY in charge of this little experiment that we believe is "The American Dream"...when it's truly more like the movie "The Truman Show". Remember that one, with Jim Carrey? It's a lot more similar than you know.
A warning to my friends on Facebook: First, I'd like to begin by speaking to my friends...the victims, then continue to expand the audience exponentially. Let's start with our current roles on FB. You know who I mean. Our friends in blue and white, who have, essentially, sold us down the river to those in law enforcement and their federal counterparts.
To those of you that have been wronged by CPS, who have crying and whining our stories and problems, as well as each of these group heads posting solutions to fix these problems? This only serves the enemy, and is killing us instead of winning the war. But here's the thing...this isn't just about our problems with CPS. This concerns you patriots as well. Don't you realize that the entirety of the enemy...IS RIGHT HERE? I know you really do know this, but is it stopping you from delivering to that enemy ALL OF YOUR PLANS, in high resolution Hi-Def and in living color? For one, we all know the FBI, CIA, DHS, CPS, WHATEVER...ALL of these people are right here with us and among us. They have everything they need to win this war, here...and need look almost nowhere else. They are an organized team, with a plan to win, and are, because of our actions, doing so by taking our solutions. If they're not just looking at them in public, they're infiltrating our groups and downloading all they need to get laws changed, and get around everything we come up with.
For those in our CPS groups, they can take things said by parents with open cases and use it against them in court, and use that for reasons to commit more atrocities, or to claim those parents as mental cases, using what they’re saying and posting. And, of course, the bigger crooks, like the FBI or CIA can use things to shut us down, or build cases against us. We're so busy in our little groups (where the leaders have part, some, most of the problem's solution...but no one has it all), that we aren't seeing the bigger picture. We are LOSING the war, and we're gaining in numbers nearly every day. Some are having their children returned...but the problem is, as they're giving back one or two, they've already taken 10-20 more to replace them. More importantly, as it always has been, we are sorely divided, and troll targets. Therefore, we need to transfer our direction, our use of FB, for a sole purpose, and that purpose only....exposure; and take our battle plans to defeat, as well as the stories, where we name those who are involved (us) and the equally identifiable comments that do nothing but hurt us....off of it. We need to convince all the leaders of these groups that posting the secrets we're sharing with others is hurting our cause; and that, just because they're in closed or secret groups, doesn't mean no one can look into it. You know better!! An alternate profile, a good story, and bam, you're in; and there goes all your battle plans, and they have all the intel they need to change things in their favor. We need to talk to these people that head these groups, and take our battle to a more secured medium, and leave stories (without true names, to avoid being targeted) and exposure stuff here, and work on getting it around to the REST of the blue and white world, and leave our connecting to implement plans of action to the telephone and text messaging. Sound like a doable thing? I thought it might.
The Wax Build-Up
Now back to our moralistically driven folks. I'm just going to say this - when this whole thing started for me, I believed I was a special case. All alone in a twilight zone; an isolated incident...one of a kind. A couple of months went by, and I started to look around. What did I find? This was going on a lot in my county. Then, after a few more months, I was assured this happened a lot, all over the state. Worse still, all over the country, indiscriminately. Finally, not all that long ago, with the help of others, I found this problem exists...EVERYWHERE. The rabbit hole tunnels through the earth, and around the globe. So...it's like this then. Here will be everything I've ever learned, about everything that's going on, and that you probably have absolutely no idea of. Let's begin where we should begin. Why is our country the way it is? Why have we, as a whole, been in decline of late? Well, for that answer, we need only look to the principals of Marxism. The ideology of Karl Marx was that, if things got bad enough all over the world,, the workers of the world (the middle and lower blue and white collar workers; or, better yet, those of us that AREN'T rich and powerful) would unite together under one banner worldwide, and insist that Government take over and distribute equal shares of the world's wealth to everyone (who wasn't already rich and powerful, of course, and wasn't in charge of this) and that they (those who own those Governments, not the puppets allowed to present FOR those owners) would be able to rule over the world. Needless to say, this didn't work; quite simply because we united, but on a COUNTRY-WIDE LEVEL ONLY, not worldwide. Therefore, since this has been a certain group of powerful men's wont for well over 2 centuries (and I don't believe I need to mention any names, right you Bildeburger Illumanist Elitists?), another more subversive and insidious plan had to be put in place in order to better achieve the FIRST plan. Thus, Cultural Marxism was born, and a new plan to put us on the path of decline, destroy our obvious strengths (moral and family strength) and to accomplish"getting the workers to unite ALL OVER THE WORLD" in a more subversive way, was put into place. For those of you that missed my video on that, and hundreds of other subjects, I direct you to the PRIMARY web address of this blog, as well as to the video that concerns Cultural Marxist's obvious influx into our Government and our country (of course, when you think about everything that has happened over the last 60 years or so, it all makes sense, listening to the speaker). One or two things to take note of, primarily, is the mention to DESTROY Western Culture...by teaching us to destroy it ourselves, from within, with carefully placed methodologies to cause US to take actions...against ourselves, with which to do so, without our realizing what we were, in fact, really doing.
The problem, of course, is that we never seem to be informed of these things, and it has the potential to be all the news it should be...but it isn't allowed to be the news, per our Governmental directives to keep us ignorant of what's really going on; to be the news we're allowed to tell the sleeping sheep of our world. In case you haven't been paying attention folks, the mainstream news is not only reporting only what Government allows them to, mainstream news...is now 90 percent Corporately owned...and the corporation that owns the majority? Is Ted Turner's. Be sure and look up as to whether Turner does, in fact, belong to the Bildeburger Group (he does) and be sure and take a look at his views on the need for this world's "Depopulation"...to begin yesterday. He even wants less people here than the Georgia Guidestones direct. No, if Ted had his way, there would only be around 250,000 to 300,000 people on this entire rock we call Earth. And you want this guy to feed you the propagan...I mean, NEWS we ingest, to not only you, but your children?
"Well, how about social media? Isn't that mostly the private sector? What about what's posted on Facebook and Twitter?", you say. NOPE. Can't trust what you see there either, and here's why:
Funny isn't it, that the Government today is more worried about disbanding our efforts to unite against its tyranny than it is about saving our lives from "Terrorism?" Yes, yes it is.
And who am I you might ask, that I should deserve so much attention? Well, I can tell you what I'm not...I'm not a criminal. I'm not a terrorist, that's for sure (except via the definitions above in the picture...which, if correct, means we're ALL terrorists). No, I'm only a father whose child was stolen by the state, and who is now trying to tell you folks the truth about what's REALLY going on. That's all. Great to see how your tax dollars are truly being spent, isn't it?
And yes, without your knowledge (per usual), propaganda has been legalized again. It was reinstated back as far as the Bush days. How did this get by us and escape our notice? C'mon folks, have you ever heard 99 percent of the population use this sentence? "I'm not into politics or conspiracy theories". There's only one problem with that logic, America, with two glaring parts to it.
Part A, all the problems this country has had, is having, and can expect to see an exponential growth of in the upcoming years, is politically driven, or is political in cause, effect and in nature. There's another part of this problem, listed in Part A, too. The REAL problem here....is YOU. Because you "opt" to be ignorant of politics, politics has become a clear, unencumbered and unobstructed road with which to sneak everything by you without your notice.
"What about Congress", you ask? Our elected officials, who represent us in Washington D.C.; our last real defense against definable tyranny and tyrants? It, as well as our Constitution (as you might remember me saying more than once, has NOT been in force since 1871) is joining the side that's winning....and that side, of late, isn't us.
Thanks to my physical presence in Washington D.C. this year, and wanting to present the issues of my case to someone that might actually "Give a Damn", I discovered something very important, as well as very disturbing. Our elected officials, AREN'T much representative of us anymore. They not only aren't representative of us, they pretty much ignore us ALTOGETHER...or at the very most, deliver us form letters concerning our matter (some I received didn't even cover what I had written about AT ALL) into our mail and email.
Part B, The terms "Conspiracy Theories", and of course, the term that covers their supposed originators, "Conspiracy Theor-ISTS", were concocted quickly by our Government, sometime around the Kennedy Assassination, then spread like wildfire in the press and the media at that time; to be a matter of fact. Yes, it was very easily believed that there actually a mass group of idiots masquerading as logical and self aware people out there that didn't wave their little flags around as much as they used to, because they had somehow managed to stumble on proof that actually showed what they WERE doing, and what the Government had been already doing up to this time, and have continued to do, exponentially worse with each passing decade, right through our present day: conspiring against the best interests of We the People, and against what used to be our sovereign republic. "Oh pshaw, you tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists!" you say?
These terms only passed by us and were accepted and circulated widely among us, for only one reason, back in the days of Kennedy: Because back then, it hadn't quite been known to what extent our Government would, someday, turn against it's people, and would get drunk with it's own supposed power; nor would it ever be known the atrocities that they HAD ALREADY committed, up TO that date. We trusted our Government a lot more back then, and we, as a people, were, in general, much more trusting and trustworthy; as well as more "mentally stable". We were, in all actuality, quite easily led (and "Culturally" primed); upon hearing the aforementioned term and what it supposedly defined this rogue segment of the populace as, and finally accepted their existence...which was, of course, just what the Government of that day wanted. The Government of those days actually WAS conspiring against the American people; quite often and quite atrociously; and had been since the turn of the 20th Century. I'm sure that they tired of having to defend themselves against the people discovering crimes it was committing more often, right under our noses. The Government of that time realized that the people were beginning to see certain discrepancies and hypocrisies in their operations, concerning things and events that were happening around us; and wanted to turn the people's thinking the other way; as well as away from the FACTS that proved that the Government was behind, and indeed involved in these supposedly "imagined" conspiracies. With the invention of the term Conspiracy Theory, as well as the foothold of that term in our language; the Government had an excuse and a reason to blame all of their boo boos on us, and our belief in those boo boos., as well as our belief that the Government might be involved in...well, EVERYTHING untoward. This ushered in our complacency, as well as assured us that our Government was only concerned with the welfare of Americans.
And what if the believe in conspiracy theories and theorists didn't work any more, and the people would start believing that maybe it wasn't so much of a conspiracy anymore? There was, in Kennedy's time, an ace in the hole for Government; a growing and revolutionary way to eventually call us all mentally ill, upon demand (and, in some cases, MAD, OR DANGEROUS). There are some new words out that you folks probably haven't heard as yet, but soon will, I guarantee it, as the next months roll on by. Us free thinkers are actually called "Constitutionalists" or "Freedom lovers" in Washington D.C., these days; and if that doesn't do the trick, there's always the last term of resort to use instead, DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. Thanks to the advent of mass quantities of "Mental Disorders" that were due to crop up and increase in number, to nearly what, over a QUARTER of the populace now? Funny how we never seemed to be mentally disabled back in the 50's; but now depression is pushing to become the #1 mentally diagnosed illness in this country, soon enough. If I was lucky 40 years ago, I might have met one ACTUALLY depressed person per decade...but now, I meet them at a rate of 2 every hour. Funny how that happened, isn't it?
Saying he/she or they are Conspiracy Theorists and burning those "activists" (anti-government, they call those folks now...peaceful protesters and the like) at the stake for treason is not so unreasonable a solution to the issue of civil unrest; for these criminals in operation of our aforementioned Government. Do not so lightly dismiss the possibility, if you know what's good for you. After what the majority of us AWAKE people have seen in the last couple of years, NOTHING would surprise us, as for what new and fresh Hell our elected folks in Washington may try and present us with, while they are sure to commit even more horrific crimes in our more immediate future. I think it's time that you were made aware of what these folks are, and have been a part of for some time. Here, whether you folks that comprise our moral community want it or not? Is that red pill you've been avoiding taking the last 60 or better years.
Let's begin with those of Child Protective Services (CPS, heretofore) fame and move on up from there. Now for those of you just getting started in this blog, the majority of you don't know that it contains my story, in part as well as in its entirety (on my end, that is); the story of how they stole my wife's only child, at and with the assistance of Methodist Hospital/Unity Point. There, in that area of this blog, you'll find every confidential page filed in this ongoing battle (against the continual threat of jail for doing so), and every minute of our case. Not only that, but I have opted now to present the stories of others, and these will be added at a rate of 3-4 a day, every day until you open your eyes and realize that this evil is slowly creeping into YOUR neighborhoods as well. It isn't just about CPS cases though, this you'll realize quite quickly. The crimes also dip into Divorce and Custody cases as well. More than that, it also is spilling into and attaching itself together with criminal and traffic courts too, and, ultimately, bares its fangs into the majority of civil cases.
The scariest part of it all, friends, is that it has been discovered that the rabbit hole you've been side-stepping all these years is not just deep, and goes through the earth to the other side of it...but is as wide as any step you can manage with your limited reach. I'm afraid that your attempt to dodge this hole, is going to be quite fruitless. Let's dive in, and see what's what.
In case you weren't aware of it just yet, there's a little film out there called "Divorce Corp". It's been out for over a year now, and can be found just about everyplace, even Netflix. Watch it please. This will give you a very good intro, from the perspective of the Divorce and custody cases...but doesn't even start to uncover the ABSOLUTE problem here...social services, or DHS...DSS...whatever they're called in your state....and CPS, as a whole. It's gotten to the point where they get called to be involved in these sorts of cases too. After you watch it, satisfied that you finally know the truth that is divorce and custody laws and how these criminals of our justice system are able to make their living off of it, remember that, not long in coming, there is to be a part two....and it will concern CPS's involvement in our lives and in our families. This story has been skirted and avoided for far too long, and involves many corrupt and wicked people in this world, my new and interesting Judeo-Christian friends. Some you'll recognize almost immediately; and some will shock you to your very core. Every fiber of your moral compass will be vibrating to beat any band.
A state senator, Nancy Schaeffer; of Georgia, was killed to keep these deep dark secrets deep dark secrets...and her husband too...execution style. The list of suspects was way too long, and too well-known, so it was deemed by the local law enforcement (though not a soul believe it), a murder suicide and left for the people to get the wrong idea, and hopefully get themselves un-noticed.
Here are 4 videos that are a MUST WATCH! The FIRST is of Ms. Schaeffer, and her speech at the World Conference of Families in Amsterdam, just before she was brutally murdered. The next is a news video about the shooting itself. The third and fourth are discussion videos about this woman and her cause, and goes to present as well as prove this was NO murder-suicide, and concerns pedophilia and pedophile rings and sex-trafficking rings that involve a lot of big named criminals, in government, and in the world that are believed to be involved in this "Child Protective Services" scheme; and why this industry just might be so successful, and worldwide in reach.
The Child Trafficking Industry
First, it's important that we define the term Child Trafficking, just in case some of you are still dazed. A great deal of you, I'm sure, have never heard the definition. You're not involved, so why would you know it? It isn't YOUR children they're taking. And you're right. And it wasn't "their children" they were taking in Nazi Germany at that time either....yet. Later, the demographics of the children taken from their families changed in the blink of an eye, and none cried nearly as hard as folks like you did, back then. The same applies today. The demographics of parents whose children are taken, are already changing here in our country, today. There have been children taken lately from police officers, military personnel, and some lawyers...even a judge's. Next, of course, are yours. And, it will be for whatever reason can be imagined, trust that, legal or illegal, wrong or right.
"It's all right, even if they do, I have a lawyer", you'll say. But here's the trick. There have been lawyers involved, especially in the custody and divorce cases. In the case of some, their lawyers just walked out, just when it looked like they might win, or right when they needed them most. Others had already been paid, after their clients worked their tushies off to do so, and walked out in the middle of the case. Others just turn on their clients, as with court-appointed attorneys in CPS cases. They may be hired by you, but they have an order of loyalties that most folks know nothing about. Their first loyalty is to the BAR, first and foremost. 2nd, to the court and to the judge. 3rd is to their pockets. 4th, distanced far behind these, is you and your "Best Interests", especially if there is equity in your possession.
Oh, but there's protections on that, isn't there? What about the ethics committees? And judges and lawyers can be sued, right? Wrong. Most laws protect these BAR members (lawyers AND judges); lawyers are just slapped on the wrist a lot of times by the Supreme Courts of their respective states, and claims of misrepresentation are often dismissed, ignored or discarded, and judges are protected by sovereign immunities.
Back to it, child trafficking, defined, is the illegal movement of children, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Really, and a lot of folks don't know this...but the definitive portion of this is just the first part of the definition. The movement of children. This is the key portion of child trafficking...and the key portion of the lie that has been pulled over your eyes for so very long.
Let's go to the numbers for today and get started. 1 in 17 children removed from their families is actually abused or neglected, and are legitimately taken from their parents for good reason. The rest? Not so much. As a matter of proven fact these days, children that are taken from their homes and either kept in CPS custody or placed in foster or adoptive homes are 4 times more likely to die; whether they are physically killed, neglected, or commit suicide. They're 6 times more likely to be sexually abused. 8 times more likely to be physically abused. They're 35 times more likely to wind up in jail or with a record if they are taken, and they're 25 times less likely to attend college. These are national numbers, don't be fooled by watered down state produced numbers, or even from national companies whose job it is to come up with this crap every year. Check the source. If those numbers are coming from CPS or from some state agency? You had best believe that they are watered down numbers.
So what the hell happened to that wonderful agency that we all know and love as Child Protective Services; that began back in 1974, when Mondale signed the act that started it all? In case you're not aware of what DID start it all, it was the "Child Abuse and Protection Act. Now, I could, feasibly, bore with all of the history of how this all started, and how we were duped into believing that this was "In the best interest of the child"....but then I'd have to first tell you who it was that coined that phrase. For those of you that are unaware of where this term comes from....Hitler came up with that one, in his reign of Nazi Germany. Need I continue then? No, the history, and just the way we like it too, as well as what really happens in this agency, and everyone that's associated with it in any fashion; has already been told in exact perfection, in just the way you would expect real truth to be shoved down your throats...with no seasoning to better the taste, with that really nasty brutally honest way that is so engaging that you have no possibility of escaping this article, once you lay eyes on it. Even worse is that this article was written 15 years ago....they tried to warn us of what was happening in our country even back then. You can find this article right here, in the blog, at this address:
Read that, and a very clear picture of what happened along the way becomes a whole lot clearer. Now, after reading this article, it may begin to dawn on you that this is about money. But is it? Oh sure it is, on a state and local level. But why? Here's a few things that the article doesn't tell you.
After going through what we parents had gone though with this case, I swear I called a minimum of 50 or better law firms. Each one was very excited to hear the basics in my case. And, one by one, each one didn't return a single phone call. No one would take the case. Finally, I pressed the issue. I called back to a few of them and asked them WHY for God's sake...why would you not want to represent a client in a very simple open and shut case, where, not too long after its closing you could have probably sued for an eternity to reclaim the damages to your firm's pocketbook in taking the case against the state to being with. 6-7 felony laws had been broken here. The mother had been legally deprived of each and every right she had, including the intervention of Native America, with ICWA rights (The Indian Child Welfare Act). We had recorded the social worker committing these crimes. The Judge was obviously making up his own rules and laws as he went, etc. OPEN AND SHUT. Then why couldn't I find a single lawyer anywhere? And when I did, they were miraculously just retiring...or gave the excuse that the case was too BIG...and that it would be way too much work for them to be worth it.
I was in pre-law classes when this took place in my case...and I was already very proficient at Lexus Nexus (computerized legal researching and shepherdizing). Now, to be fair, I have to say that one of my law teachers had informed the class that computer researching only covers approximately 15 percent of the total precedent law available to us, and that the rest still resides in the dusty tomes you'll find in law offices and colleges all over the nation. But when I did a computer search to find out just how many cases against the state of Iowa, that the plaintiffs or defendants...have actually won against them, I found....one. Legal Aid had beaten them...once. Again, I hear you ask why?
I'll tell you why. It wasn't all the work they'd have to do. It wasn't that they wouldn't make any money doing it. It was that they were ALREADY making plenty of money doing it, and had been for over 40 years. Why do you think it is, that with the exception of this business, every other business in this country has at some point, failed, or has downsized massively. Is it their quality of product? Hardly. Business isn't booming for anyone anymore, that should be obvious to the world, without a whole lot of research. The "Best Interest of The Child" industry, on the other hand, is making it big, and getting bigger, badder, and more evil every year. It was obvious to me and mine, upon entering what would be deemed our "Post Removal Conference (or "Family Team Meeting"...and seeing 18 people around a board room like table. None of those were our family. Half worked for CPS. The other half was lawyers (one for each of us) and adoptive-bent foster parents. The other half worked in some fashion for the other folks responsible for the removal of our daughter, Unity Point Hospital. I gave a low whistle, and remember saying "...Ohhhh.....THAT'S why you took our daughter."
Requesting the aid of those who were already are making an overly generous living doing this to us was, quite simply, like asking a criminal to help us catch another criminal who was already stealing from us, and who had a plan resembling this to steal even more from us, once we put the other one in prison. They were already in bed together, working together to implement a conspiracy that had a very evil purpose to it, and made them money all at the same time. None would fight it...because none were of the mind to. Why work with a client that threatens your job? That would kill off the bread and butter supply? Why take a case that threatens a cash cow money making scheme that's been making you and others involved millions...even BILLIONS of dollars in some cases, as with those in and around California and New York? Finally, why help someone decimate something that could possibly feed yours and countless other of your friends' families everywhere, and allow you to provide for the best interests of YOUR children...with a plan as easy as taking other people's children away from them, legally, under the color of law, and with statutes and codes your government has been sneaking into your state law; making them look as awful and as guilty as you like, thanks to the same code protecting EVERYONE involved in the shrouds of immunity to prosecution and confidentiality; to present what it was you were truly doing for the American Family's CHILDREN (to hell with the damage to both the parents AND the children, once taken, right?)...and working together as a well-oiled machine to make sure they didn't get them back; make a fortune getting paid for doing it; and be guaranteed a job as long as there were children to continue taking, and, per the "Acts" that were implemented long ago, increasing that number every year in order to continue to get that funding?
Oh, and in case you aren't quite aware of where the majority of your tax dollars REALLY GO? What you're paying others to do, steal and screw up children? The operating cost ALONE for CPS in Orange County California is 875 MILLION dollars...all by itself, and that was in 2012. One county, out of the hundred plus counties in CA, out of the 50 States in the U.S. EACH AND EVERY YEAR???? Are you starting to feel the burn YET? Their total budget...FOR ONE YEAR in Orange County? 2...point....2....BILLION DOLLARS...in federal funding....for a YEAR. I really and truly hope you will now stop opening your wallets and your collection plates so widely now...please, for America, tighten down the ship and batten down the hatches. Quit giving away what you earn so indiscriminately, and without question, preferably put in to those in charge. Wouldn't you wanna know that 2.2 billion dollars is coming directly out of your pocket and going directly into the pockets of those who may someday be stealing YOUR children, because they don't have enough in the poorer neighborhoods left to take?
Did you know that I must have also called 60 plus agencies along the way to where we are today, 60 plus offices of Government, on the county, state, and national level; to find someone...ANYONE that could help me here, to find anyone that was accountable for these social worker's illegal actions, anyone who these people answered to. Do you know what I discovered those 2 days? That NO ONE is in charge. No one gets involved. And finally, no one is accountable. I remember screaming this sentence in the phone, more times than I remember...SO WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PEOPLE, HUH? IF YOU'RE NOT, THEN WHO IS? Each one just pointed their fingers back to folks I had already called...in a big circular motion of doom, with me at the losing end. Even The Department of Health and Human Services, in Washington, the very people who supposedly spawn social workers said "We don't have any control over them"...and..."We don't get involved in Child removal cases." And finally, a sentence I would hear more than anything that would, over the year and a half that I've been involved in this, make me angrier than just about anything else in my life...."This is a civil matter". They commit felony crime after felony crime...and this is a CIVIL MATTER??? Oh, but if WE THE PEOPLE kidnap a child, it's a criminal matter. If we perjure ourselves, it's a criminal case. If we forge signatures, that's a felony, and it's off to jail we go. How's the idea that this is a well planned scam looking to you folks now?
Even the U.S. Attorneys...who, in their personal description of what it is they do, say "we file felony charges for felony crimes" (like we can't do this ourselves, AND USED TO, using the form called "The Criminal Complaint Form"; a form we aren't allowed to file ourselves in federal court anymore, as citizens, without the much needed assistance of the U.S. Attorneys; even though, on the first page, it says you may in black and white...and the clerk asked me "Sir, where did you get this form?" like I was going to tell HER)...tried feeding me this line. I said, OK, so, the people involved have committed XX felonies, and here they are...and as I read this off, I was interrupted to once again hear those magic words, causing me to throw the phone across the room...."Sir, this is a civil matter." and part B, not as important, or well-remembered...but equally as infuriating..."Sir, you should consult with an attorney"...and as I screamed out the question "Well what the hell are you then?" and threw the phone, it was then I realized....
That social workers don't answer to anyone in our Government...because they don't take orders...from our Government. They're not employed by anyone in our Government. Most importantly, our Government is being paid by someone on the outside to do this to us, someone higher up, and thereby is able and willing to feed this industry as much money as they ask for. Because, my friends, there is a much bigger and more powerful force at work here, and they wish to see us nothing short of conquered....and this is just one head on the whole plan. The orders taken by those of the New World Order Gestapo (CPS)? Take all the children you can before the American people catch on....Take them, hold them to acquire federal funding, then adopt them out to strangers for more funding. Do you feel it yet America? Do you know what I'm going to say next? If not, refer BACK to the video I provided you on Cultural Marxism.
I mean, think about it. Where are WE getting all of this money? We're trillions of dollars in debt, more than have ever been. SO WHERE IS ALL OF THESE BILLIONS BEING DUMPED INTO THE CHILD INDUSTRY, COMING FROM???
Ask yourself this question. What has been said, is the strength of any great country? The family. Connections my friend. A "social network". Destroy those connections, in one fell swoop, by stealing our children from us and pimping them off to those with the cash to buy them? Kills two birds in one hearing. The damage done to the parents is equal if not greater than to their children. You have to wonder why it is they didn't come up with a 2nd moral standard, at the same time as the first....what about the "Best Interests of the PARENTS?"
If you don't believe in the extent of this evil, ask for a public records request of the real victims. 9 times out of ten, children are taken from married and coupled parents, and given to the single one. Taken from the good parent, and given to the abusive, molesting, or narcissistic one. Taken from those with no record, and given to the criminal parents. Or, worse yet, taken from some...and given to COMPLETE STRANGERS. Further down in my blog, you'll see where a child was taken from the mother, and given...not to the biological father or the LEGAL one...but to an ex-boyfriend!!!! I once spoke to a woman who said she had video proof of social workers taking children to locked up and off season haunted houses...and locking them inside, to put them through the horror of the house, for hours. This effectively and mentally splits the child's personality, and causes them permanent psychological damage.
And what adults these children will be huh? Dumbed down by our current "institutions" (colleges and schools), medicated heavily with dangerous psychotropic drugs they don't need for depression they don't have, disconnected from their "social network", undisciplined, brainwashed by "Stupid TV" (reality shows and adult content cartoons), oblivious to horror and pain, incapable of love (because they never get to experience it, nor do they understand it), torn away from religious teachings, deprived absolutely of any moral values, accepting of all sexual deviance, and corrupted by Islamic ideologies and infiltration, suffering permanent PTSD and psychological damages from being torn from their families...sounds like a perfect slave force to me.
If you're not truly convinced of what our schools and colleges are doing to our children and grandchildren, I beg you to watch this video, shown further down the blog. You will be aghast at what you find out in this short but powerful video, I guarantee it.
The Legality of Child Stealing
So, you might ask, why is it that they are able to do things to us, harry carry, just whomp right in, do what they like, take what they want, teach them whatever they want to, etc.? Well, if you'd like to know just how this originated, and why, I can partially explain this. This video here explains a lot of it, and, of course, I have more to add to it as well, immediately following it:
Now, to add to that, did you know that marriage licenses and gun permits never existed until after the civil war? Well, you see, after the civil war, and after the release of the slaves from bondage, the government didn't really think it was a good idea to let black slaves own guns....you know, due to the whole bondage and whipping thing. Not only that, but after they were freed, the subject of blacks marrying white people came up as well. So, they decided to make it ok for whites to get guns and get married, and it was ok for blacks to marry black without a licence..but if a black man wanted a gun, or wanted to marry a white person, that they would have to ask the state for "PERMISSION" to do so, via a permit, or marriage licence. And, since it worked so well for dealing with former slaves, the Government then decided that it should apply to all of us. And, since we involved Government in our affairs, more or less by continuing to ask for their permission to a. carry a gun, and b. Get married to others, they then put themselves in their as "concerned property owners"...with your obvious consent of course...and feel like they can involve themselves in every aspect of your lives...with your implied consent.
Now, for those of you of Iowa, I thought you should know that other states, when this all began, gave everyone 18 months to straighten up their acts when their child/children were taken. I'm pretty certain that Iowa did too. And, when this was done, reunification, I'm sure, was always their intent.
I think it's important for you to also know that Iowa has become one of the few states...maybe is the ONLY state that terminates your parental rights, which you've been in possession of for months or years even, in just 6 short months. Yes, you heard that right, 6 months. That, by the way, is without the benefit, or even the possible benefit, of the case being heard by a jury. During this period, should DHS deem that you are a lost cause (or, should your children fit the bill, where adoptability is concerned), they can place the child or children in a pre-adoptive position, so as to be IMMEDIATELY adopted after the termination of your rights. The really scary part of that, is that they can adopt those children out...even if you should choose to appeal the decision of termination. If during the course of your appeal, they find in your favor...but your children get adopted out while you're waiting, or during the appeal? They do not allow "Un-adoption". Chances are, though, they will NOT find in your favor; should these people ever decide at any time that you will, regardless, be losing your children.
Let's quick go over the process, here in our state, but it's important that we discuss the actual process, as it would happen in a PERFECT world, then move on to the real version, after.
First, a reporter (who, by the way, is protected by confidentiality laws) calls in to CPS, with concerns/allegations. CPS then, should the concerns be worth checking out, shows up at your door. You do an interview with the workers, who "assess the situation", and deem your interview, accordingly, as substantiated, or unsubstantiated. This assessment then continues on for an additional 21 days, if kept open. Should they consider the allegations substantiated, they will then meet with the county attorney, who also determines whether there is a cause for removal. If so, she petitions the court to demand a removal, under a rule of CINA (Child In Need of Assistance). If not, they should close the case, and leave it be and leave. If the situation is considered to be, possibly, imminently dangerous, you are now part of what is called a CINA case (a "Child In Need of Assistance). Rarely, the children are allowed to remain in the home, and a CINA action isn't needed. I would also imagine that it's prudent for them to leave the case open for a certain amount of time, to be sure that the charges made are indeed unsubstantiated.
Upon petition, the law requires that a step or steps to prevent or eliminate this "Temporary Removal" should be taken. If, after these mandated steps, they should take the child and immediately place them with the foster parents, then the next step is a "Family Team Meeting"...or, as they call it the first time only, a "Post Removal Conference". This is held the day after your child is taken, and involves meeting your attorneys assigned to you (the next day??? isn't it possible that you have an attorney already? We'll get back to this), your foster parents, your new caseworker and her supervisor, your newly assigned visit supervisor from Children and families of Iowa and her Supervisor, your new Parent Partner (usually a paid person who has been through this already, succeeded in reunification with her children, and is presented as your new "BFF"). By this time, your child is already in the possession of the foster parents, and has been assigned his/her own lawyer, a GAL (or guardian at litem), regardless of their age. There are two additional lawyers, one for the mother and one for the father. The reason given for this is, that at some point, you two may have divergent interests during the course of the case (we'll get back to this one as well).
You then have around 5-7 days and you are thrown into your first court appearance, called a "Removal Hearing". The purpose of this hearing is to determine whether the temporary removal was justified. If you are being accused of allegations that have not been proven as yet, this is where they decide if the allegations are something to be worried about. If there are charges to be brought, they would bring them here, and prove them here. There is no jury, matters are decided in front of a judge, you have your individual court appointed attorneys, and they have an assistant county attorney (the same who petitioned the judge for the removal) who is considered a CPS advocate. If they should prove your case, your child is deemed honorably and proven to be needed to be removed, and the child/children stay in their temporary placement. If you are found innocent of the charges/allegations, your child should be given back to you.
If the process continues, you come up for an "Adjudication" hearing. Adjudication is the process of identifying your child/children as such, and in need of the court's intervention...or not. This usually happens in Iowa in around another 30 days. If they are adjudicated as "CINA", the case remains entitled a CINA case. This case runs the entire six month course, and if termination at any time becomes a certainty by either the court or CPS, then another case, a "Termination of Parental Rights" case, involving both parents is started, usually around 4 or 5 months into the CINA case. The other purpose of this hearing is to assign needed services to you, should you need them. These usually include mental health assessment and services, should it be deemed in the assessment that you need these, drug testing, assessment and services, should you need them, and parenting classes, should you need them. More Family Team Meetings are required of you during the entire period of six months, to continue to assist you in your "Reunification" with your children.
The next hearing is a "Dispositional" hearing, meant to go over what you have done to improve your situation, and then decide whether you need more services, or whether you are not complying with your services, and need to be considered for termination of your rights. Should you be doing well, the situation will remain primarily unchanged, or might be altered, considering your progress, one way of the other.
The final hearing in the CINA case, which is required by law to take place at exactly 6 months from the time of the removal of your child or children, is called the "Permanency hearing". This hearing is to determine whether you have done what you've been ordered to do or not, whether you have progressed, or not, and where the child/children should be placed...permanently...whether with you...or to be adopted out. In most cases, if the child has been with a foster family that is interested in adopting the child, it will remain there. During the course of the 6 months, alternate permanent placement with other family members is supposed to be investigated, and considered OVER AND ABOVE the foster family.
If you have not engaged in improvements, or if you have not complied with court orders, a "Termination of Parental Rights" petition is presented the court, usually at the behest of CPS, and with the agreement of the county attorney. This begins the Termination case, and it runs open and parallel to the CINA case for around 2 months. After the Permanency hearing is decided against you (which it's guaranteed to be ruled against you, or the termination hearing wouldn't be open), the date for the Termination hearing is set. You then attend this hearing, which, inevitably will result in the loss of your parental rights, and your children are now able to be adopted out to those interested in doing so. You not only have the ability to appeal each and every decision made after each and every hearing, you have the ability to appeal Termination as well.
Now, let's take a look at how things really went, shall we? This should be good, right?
I have, already, made a petition for this appeal. This appeal has been sitting like a dead duck in the Supreme Court of Iowa now for over 9 months. You are more than welcome to "skim" though it here:
Be sure and take special effort to keep this "Perfect World" version up as well, and compare notes, ok?
By the way, I'd love to take a moment to explain how you're classified, where categories are concerned, when making accusations of parents and taking their children from them. This is pretty easy, actually. There is, of course, only one. Abuse. Abuse is the wide, catch-all umbrella for all of your "criminal" parents, these days. What about the other side of the spectrum then, what used to be its own category - Neglect? That falls under abuse too. Isn't that cool how that works? You're a child abuser, either way.
One more subject we need to discuss is the services that are offered to the parents, after their children are deemed to be abused, and that's the reasonable efforts these people offer you to assist in your "reunification". If this didn't go towards you losing your children, it would actually be funny. Here's a list of the things that CPS and the courts (the judge) consider "Reasonable"
1. The Agencies offering you the services...themselves. Yes, when offering you a service, CPS, and the separate agency that handles your visitations, as a whole, are considered reasonable efforts both agencies offered you. How do you like those apples?
2. Visits. This, I considered a reasonable effort. Of course, since it IS a reasonable effort, they dangle your visits (your children, to be truthful) over you every opportunity they get, in order to make sure your behavior meets their expectations. The recindment of your visits are used most of all, to make sure you don't talk about what's going on, or record them for your own protection. My visits were taken away from me around 2 months in, because CPS didn't like that I was writing about my experience in my blog, and because I took every opportunity to record them that I could get away with. In case you haven't figured this out yet, they don't WANT you to talk what they do...because then they may lose their ability to commit crimes without accountability, like they do now.
3. Transportation assistance. This was also a reasonable effort, and, also, was used to control your behavior, since it was. You didn't engage in the other fake services they offered you, they would yank this effort out from under you.
4. The Removal, and placement of your child in foster care. Yes folks, THIS is considered one of their reasonable efforts, in order to help you be reunified. No kidding.
5. The Child Protective assessment. Here, the worker in our case lied 55 times about us. Some reasonable effort that was.
6. Mental Health Assessments. This is meant to be a service for you, because when you go for this assessment, it's almost guaranteed to come out in favor of you having some sort of mental disorder, and to be in need of mental health...TREATMENT. Here, they can make you go to a doctor many times to "Straighten you out" (remember, it's been proven that therapy has NEVER CURED A DISEASE, PHYSICAL, OR MENTAL), or prescribe medicine to you that will probably make you even more mental, or as mental, as they assessed you.
7. Drug Abuse Assessments - Yes folks, if you came up dirty for anything, even marijuana, you are required to have an assessment, to see if you're bad enough to need another reasonable effort they make you, drug abuse "training" (treatment) In Iowa, the funny thing is, it would seem that, whether you really need this "training" or not, you always are assessed to need it. Another funny thing too, is that you always seem to come up dirty...for something, whether you do drugs, or not. I never took a drug abuse assessment, and the judge, in his orders, always said this about us: "Defendant refuses to take a drug assessment, and refuses to engage in drug abuse training." Sounds like they already know what the assessor is going to say, doesn't it?
8. Family Team Meetings. According to them, we had only 2 of these. In our position, we had three. Later, they would call our FIRST FTM a Post Removal Conference, and listed this meeting as a SEPARATE reasonable effort they made us. This was where 18 people who weren't us discussed us, while we were in the room, like we weren't even a part of it. They would, on occasion, ask us a question in an accusatory manner, or make a comment about us in the same manner...but that was about as far as our "Participation" in these meetings ever went. I actually tried to speak once...and they shut me down, and said that it wasn't allowed. Some Family Team, eh?
9. Parenting classes. Remember folks, I had raised three boys by this time. Does it sound like I needed parenting classes? What I knew I was teaching to the mother. So what did we need this for?
10. Perhaps the most crazy listing of all, however, beats the band, for real. Every "Exhibit" that they had in every hearing (they term Evidence to be exhibits) against us...AND OUR OWN EXHIBITS AS WELL, were called reasonable efforts that they made to us to reunify our family. This included such ridiculous things as our own motions, our own evidence, their reports of us, where they lied like mad, drug test results, PATERNITY TEST RESULTS, the judge's orders...no joke. Every single document they produced against us was counted as a reasonable effort they made us.
You know, I almost forgot...there's just one more point that needs to be related here...the mandated by law "Reasonable Efforts" that are to be, and should be made prior to the removal of your child/children, in order to prevent or ELIMINATE the need to do so. In our case, reasonable efforts made prior were found to be made by both the social worker, and the judge. However, even though the box was checked (by the social worker)...the 8 blanks that followed were all empty. So how is it that the judge is able to rule that they were made, when they were NOT MADE?
Later, in the removal hearing, 5 days after they took our daughter, they THEN claimed that they did make such an effort, prior. They attempted to claim that the 72 hour hospital stay, that was SUPPOSED to be just a doctor's appointment, where they didn't tell the mother until 5 hours after her arrival that she would be remaining overnight; then the next morning told her it would be another two days; where they documented their imaginary neglectful situations (like coming in to feed the baby at 1:00 a.m., even though she wasn't crying or awake, and the mother was asleep, then documented this as "Mother didn't wake to feed her at her feeding time), then tore the child from her arms, breaking every law in the book; and gave her up for foster care...as that reasonable effort they made to prevent or eliminate the child's removal from the parents.
A couple more things that you should know, concerning a couple of the more corrupt states in the union: Michigan and Alaska. In Alaska (which, by the way, only has a total population of maybe a half a million people) they have removed pretty much all of the possible children they can there, and have begun recycling the children they already have in state care, in order to continue to receive the funding from the Government.
In Michigan, they take the children they want FIRST...often for no reason whatsoever; from schools, or from your homes, while the babysitter is watching them...you get the point. Then, they'll call the parents, and tell them to be at court in like...and hour, some, ten minutes. Of course, the parent, concerned about their children RUSHES TO COURT...and, the minute they step across the door's threshold, they are considered "within the jurisdiction of the court", and they immediately begin a hearing to adjudicate...and keep that parent's child. A few months ago, I saw an article about thousands of parents who had been placed on the abuse registry (some for abuse...and for NEGLECT...CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? What, you want me to sign in for 10 years on an abuse registry, because you're worried that I might go somewhere and neglect someone else's children?) that had been wrongfully placed there...and of course, no one knows that you are able to appeal this, and, of course, aren't told either. I remember reading that the man in charge of this happening had said that, there was "No way that we were going to expend the kind of manpower it would take to re-open each and every case to decide whether they had been wrongfully placed there or not"...and then I saw red and stopped reading...If that had been me? "You had BEST OPEN MY CASE!!!" I would have screamed from the crowd, as the news conference was being held. If it would have been him, or perhaps his daughter, you can best believe ALL of those cases would have been opened in a SECOND. Here's one more from Michigan...I just got word that the state is asking that an 11 week old baby attend "counseling"; so that they can receive funding for the service provided. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? What counseling is an 11 week old child going to be able to receive, exactly???
Do you smell that evil yet America? If not, turn your head, all you like, but the stench will reach your nostrils soon enough, with enough proof of this to keep you wondering for all eternity why you didn't rise from your pews earlier and do something about it, when you had the chance. Nazi Germany was only a test market folks. Now, the plan goes worldwide....and a lot sooner, than you might expect.
Others who suffer
Now, we move along to other victims of the family court systems, in particular, those of Divorce and Custody. I think I gave you quite enough just by my earlier reference of "Divorce Corp". There is, however, one more thing you need to hear about, and that is Parental Alienation. This is a largely unheard of, but fast growing criminal behavior that is rapidly taking a strong grip on those of the American people. Here, the children are taken by a parent, and jetted off to a location not known to the weaker, more loving parent. And the process begins, there. Judges are ignored, and parents kidnap their own kids from the other, and a mental warfare that tears those children to pieces begins, and the parent who took them rarely, if ever, suffers for what they're doing. The dominant parent turns the children against the loving parent...and the loving parents is destroyed in their children's memories. This was done to me, but at least, I had the common sense to get the other parent's side of the story, and thank God I did. I won't say what happened, but it didn't go in the favor of the mother who had bashed my father almost all of the time she spent talking to me, every chance she got. I once interviewed a woman from Iowa who had me in tears, as she described how she continues to buy birthday cakes for her children on their birthdays, and puts pictures beside it in chairs, and wishes them a happy birthday, while their children won't speak a word to her, thanks to the father's lies. That show can be heard, using the link below. I highly recommend it, as it proffers the utter and absolute PAIN the parents experience at the loss of the children they raised from birth. These judges, these heartless soulless animals, who allow and who, some, actively pursue injustice in cases like this need to be unbenched, and with a vengeance. These are the warriors of this evil, and are often calloused in their very demeanor.
On this blog, following this article, are the horrendous stories of many who have fought and continue to fight this evil in America...including mine. To any who come here, do yourselves a big favor. Go to you tube, and do a search for CPS. Go to facebook, and do a search for CPS related groups. Go to each one, and look at how many members these groups carry. Drink this in, and do it fast, or your children could be the next, and we may be welcoming you on facebook next.
Now, you know, just for fun, I think it's best that we go over some of the wonderful things that I've been seeing in family court of late. You already know of mine, but quite simply, if you've not been here before, our child was taken at just 9 days old, by a social worker (who is still working, by the way) who had no experience with newborns, had never removed a child from a home before ours, found us "neglectful" after "knowing" us for what...a grand total of (from interview to removal), maybe 5 whole hours? She took this child from a FIRST TIME MOTHER, told 55 lies in assessing us, committed forgery (2 counts), fraud (the entire time) never read the order to her in totality, signed everything for the mother, and signed the judge's signature for him at the bottom, deprived her entirely of her Indian heritage rights, and pretty much broke every other rule in the book as well. They falsified our drug testing results (twice), and their administration, in an appeal to the assessment, cleared us of all charges, expunged our records, took us off the child abuse registry (for neglect..??..which they tried to put us on for 10 years each), and the child has not been returned, and our parental rights, which the Supreme Court of the land has deemed in MANY previous cases to be inherent; have not been restored. You would think this would be enough, a lot of folks brought up on charges, some even jailed (like the worker), and the child thrown back into our possession...but the case has been "stuck" in the Supreme Court of our state of Iowa now for over 9 months.
Since this time I have witnessed a man who, because his bank refused to admit that they cashed checks for an employee of his for $100,000, and didn't want him filing against their insurance, filed 40 felonies and 20 misdemeanors against the man in a four year period, and he had never before been in jail, ever. The took his business, his home, his kids, and everything else the man ever owned. He's been on the streets of none other than Mayberry R.F.D. (Mount Airy, NC) FOR MONTHS...because he loves his children and doesn't want to be far away from them. Once, after a good friend of his, who had bailed him out a few times, was murdered, they stuck this man in with the person who had murdered this friend for a year...IN THE SAME JAIL CELL. His state representative, against the best wishes of one of her state constituents, and who owned a law firm, took up with his wife to have her sue him for his eventual divorce, and utterly destroyed him in it, of course, This is probably the worst of stories out there, that I've heard
In another case, because his wife complained that her children (that were staying with the divorced father, who loved them dearly) were around 13 guns that were in the husband's possession...and half were HER GUNS. The courts had him arrested, fitted him for 3 bracelets, took all his guns, removed his children from his care...and he's been locked up in his home for over a year, not able to go anywhere but to court and back home. He also lost a wonderful job working for a major corporation.
A woman's child was given to a registered (and just freshly released) SEX OFFENDER. He can't take them to a park, he isn't allowed near their school...SO WHY WAS THIS DONE??? In another case, a woman's children were taken from her because her oldest child was considered to be, for her age, TO BE TOO SHORT. The mother was 4' 9"...the father only 5' 8". and they didn't take just the one, they took ALL 3. More than that, it was after they had said that she had 30 days with which to make her grow taller....ARE YOU SERIOUSLY KIDDING ME AMERICA??? By the way, this story comes from a site called "Medical Kidnap". Here, you will find HUNDREDS of terrifying takes of the abuse of CPS and our judiciary, worse even then some of our normal folks.
Check that link right here, at:
Also, if you're still not convinced of the terror brought by this agency, please see:
Here, a father from Maine, who beat his case, has dedicated his life to exposing their evil. He used to produce a cartoon series called the Baby LK Report. Each of these weekly cartoons depicted the worst stories every WEEK in our country and in Canada, where the problem is decidedly worse than ours. Note, at the bottom of the site, on the right, the massive list of 10's of sites that are dedicated to exposing the crimes committed against those in our respective countries.
Oh, you mean this happens other places too? Oh yes, folks it does. Ireland, England, Canada, Australia...and more. AND ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME WAY! This will go to proffer to you what is happening in our world, not just here. Please see that section towards the end of this article.
Are you getting the picture yet America? These are hardly isolated cases, they happen every day. There are literally thousands of cases out there that are equally horrific. Oh, and in case you doubt the Cultural Marxism theory, or the theory that I present to you after the section on our land of the sleeping sheep? Here's a video I just happened to come across concerning Canada, our neighbor to the North, who's issues with their version of CPS - CAS, is much worse than our own even.
Some facts that come from the woman who brought us the TedX Conference about her work in the foster care system, and her desire to change that system for the better. Her name is Molly McGrath Tierney, and you can find her riveting presentation here:
Since 1965 more than 15.2 million children have been in the foster care system in America. That's the population of Los Angeles, New York City and Atlanta combined.
More than 640,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care in 2013. According the the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) FY 2013.
In 2012, 23,396 youth, aged out of the US. Foster Care System without the support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant. - Source: AFCARS Report, No. 20, Jim Casey Youth Fact Found on: CCAInstitute.org
When a child is placed, they save the state over $15,500 on care each year, per child. The foster care system has annual federal and state costs of more than $9 billion (Title IV-E of the Social Security Act). Children in foster care have costs associated with medical care, food stamps, cash welfare, and child care payments to foster families (Zill, 2011).
Read more about child trafficking in the U.S.A. HERE:
More than 640,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care in 2013. According the the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) FY 2013.
In 2012, 23,396 youth, aged out of the US. Foster Care System without the support necessary to succeed. Nearly 40% had been homeless or couch surfed, nearly 60% of young men had been convicted of a crime, and only 48% were employed. 75% of women and 33% of men receive government benefits to meet basic needs. 50% of all youth who aged out were involved in substance use and 17% of the females were pregnant. - Source: AFCARS Report, No. 20, Jim Casey Youth Fact Found on: CCAInstitute.org
When a child is placed, they save the state over $15,500 on care each year, per child. The foster care system has annual federal and state costs of more than $9 billion (Title IV-E of the Social Security Act). Children in foster care have costs associated with medical care, food stamps, cash welfare, and child care payments to foster families (Zill, 2011).
Read more about child trafficking in the U.S.A. HERE:
You're driving through downtown Atlanta, and you see a group of people standing around, waving signs. As you near them, you see they're all wearing white masks, with the visage of a smiling gentleman. Instantly, you feel a small fear...you've seen those masks before...where? Oh yes, you remember now...Anonymous! The Hacker Group! Heck with that! You drive by quickly, hoping the red light doesn't catch you.
It's time we dispel the myth of this "Organized Hacker Group."....Folks, Anonymous isn't a group. It isn't a bunch of terrorists behind the keyboards in the world. They don't have bombs, they don't have hate, and they don't spout lies. Anonymous isn't an organization, my friends, it's an ideal. Please, if you will, watch the movie "V for Vendetta". This would be the movie that inspired the world to be today's Anonymous.
Yes, Facebook has spawned a new face for Anonymous as well, some of it, not so good...but the majority of Anonymous is about peace. It's about love. Most of all, Anonymous is about the Truth. Truth, in a world of lies. In a world of hate. In a world of sin. Please do not hate Anonymous. Anonymous is your neighbor. it's your friend. It could be your grocer, your senator, your policeman, or your own child; To hate or fear Anonymous is to fear the Truth, to fear companionship. To fear Anonymous may even be to fear yourself
The Governments of this world have, inadvertently, created this group of truth tellers, it has targeted the truth for many a decade, forcing them to wear the mask, in order not to be targeted themselves. Do not fear them. The Truth may be found in their words. Seek it. Embrace it. Live it. Learn it. It may just save your life. It may just save our world.
For more on Anonymous, what they do, what they're about, and who they are, please see this link:
Please, feel free to search for Anonymous videos on Youtube.com as well. I think after watching a few of these, you'll see what Anonymous is truly all about. Look for videos on Anonymous' idol, the man who started this movement (upon his death), Aaron Schwartz.
The United States of America
For those of you just joining in, this will be new to you. It's not new to us, we that have been forced to be awake of late, those who America has kicked HARD;...in our shins. Well folks? It's time that you knew...what we know already.
Our country is due to be taken. Not only our children...us. And who is it that we are to be taken by?
The answer is just down the slope of your nose. Unfortunately for you, the blinders have been set, and the plugs already placed in your ears. But this is not the tale of the day, no, we will be discussing this story, further down the pike.
Today is for our country. Today is for our former republic, our formerly free land. And to better understand the danger we show you later down the pike, we must first open your eyes to what your Government has done in order to ruin everything for us, and fast...before we have a chance to look at it, read it, listen to it, understand it and process it.
Those of you who have been with me have seen most of these, earlier, in my "The End Of The Free United States" series, some time back. To those of you just joining, it's important that you clear an hour and a half of your schedule to watch this video. This video is an older compilation of the crimes committed in this country, against its citizens (and better prepares you for the next section, and the agenda of those who are really behind the destruction of our culture, as well as our citizens and this country as a whole). It's suggested that you bring a barf bag, instead of popcorn, for what you see in this video will open your eyes to a different and evil side of our government and what it has been doing to us for many a decade.
For those of you who don't have that kind of time (which, for those of you not aware of it, is also by design), I can nutshell it for you this way, best.
Some of you can still remember a day, though most do not, that our country was once great. We had values, we had morals, we had community, we had hope, we had God, we had everything we wanted, and we all had work. Homelessness was nearly non-existent, we cared and watched over each other, and when things happened in Washington that we didn't agree with, we rose and said and did something about it. The news was honest, and hard-pressed to be told, regardless of the cost. Wars were spread out, and only happened with the backing of the people. Veterans were honored and respected, and the people gathered to protect our great land. The family unit was first and foremost, and the strength of our great nation. Justice still prevailed and evil was always recognized and defeated immediately.
In case you hadn't noticed, those ideals, values and considerations exist no more. God was the first to go; prayer was taken out of the schools and out of our public lives. Then came the age of the senseless wars...Korea...Vietnam...just to name a couple. When our veterans returned from these wars, the air was much different...America did not support these wars, and the people had changed during the course of them. Government had been subversively changing the face of America, its power had begun to get out of hand. As the years continued, scandal upon scandal presented, and America soon became too overwhelmed with the sheer number of them to keep up. Washington D.C. had finally grown too big to contain. The Church, and the moral communities began to clam up, and keep to themselves. God would oversee this evil in his own time, they thought, and chose to keep their doors firmly shut to keep evil out.
What Has and Is Being Done To Our Citizens
But evil snuck into our Government on a level so low that it creeped by us without us seeing it. Our water was being poisoned, and presented to us as being a good thing. It was good for our teeth, dentists claimed. Of course, they would. It actually rotted our teeth away, and dentists, with the prospect of making hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits, backed up this falsehood...4 out of 5, right? Worse than this, fluoride, the poison we are, of course talking about, is actually an acid...a poison. It was used by Hitler's regime to keep the population of prisoners (as well as citizens) docile.
More insidious than this, though, was the advent...and the later misuse of Television. There is, on youtube, a documentary about this. The link to this can be found, here:
This one is only an hour long...and can be easily watched over your lunch hour.
Again, for those of you without the time, it's as simple as this. Stop watching TV. More importantly, stop letting your children watch TV. This assists in our brainwashing, and keeps our minds from the truth. If nothing else, do not trust the news. As it was said earlier, the news is key in keeping our world in fear. Fear of others. Fear of crime and criminals. Fear of Terrorists. Fear of law enforcement and the power of Government (of which, if you think about it, is about the stupidest fear we endure). And, the most important fear of all, fear of other nations, cultures and religions. The news is, in fact, not the news anymore. It is scripted and government regulated. Why haven't you heard of the evil of CPS, for instance? Because the news does not...cannot...and will not report it. If they do, the folks that did, are often gotten rid of, and their stories are buried. Ultimately, TV is used to control our behaviors and our passions. It is because of TV that we are distracted, and led away from the truths we need to know in order to see what is really happening in our country.
Another thing you may have missed, if you've been reading along with Brucey, is when it was discovered (and is now made legal, per executive order, by the way; just this year, a couple of months back) that psychological behavioral experiments have been, and were, back in 2012, used to "nudge" the American people to do what the Government wanted. What was the first time it was successful in it's use? TO GET BARAK OBAMA RE-ELECTED IN 2012!!!! Remember how you felt around the time for his re-election? Remember that you didn't really care for how the man handled things in his first term? Do you also remember your surprise that the American people voted him in once again?? I do. I also didn't know that our minds were being played with, to get us to vote him back in, REGARDLESS OF HOW WE FELT ABOUT HIM!!!!
Here is the post on that, let it sink in what this administration may have ALSO pushed on us, unwittingly..., our racist feelings of late...common core...vaccinations...laws we don't want or like...or deprivation of certain key rights that may just save our kiesters someday...if they're not taken from us by then:
Corporate America and Our Food Supply
Another key note here, is the evil that is the corporation named Monsanto. This company is playing God, and is attempting to convince us that what it does is helping humanity. The first and foremost truth to tell of this company is its hand in causing autism in our children. Before 1970, autism did not exist. In 10 years, autism will appear in 1...in 2 of our children at birth. Why? Well, there are several causes. One is vaccinations. If you haven't been paying attention, vaccinations are not only being increased, they have been proven often to be outright dangerous to our children. Yet, they are being pushed on our children, pushed in the open market, and, in some cases, as in California, mandated by law. Mercury is the reason. Placed into vaccinations as a preservative, the amount of mercury in our children's vaccinations cannot be processed by a fully grown human of 275 lbs...and yet, not only are one or two vaccinations required...but several, at birth, a minimum of 10 or more. This is one cause. Our food is another. GMO's and genetically altered foods are a major cause of this as well. Did you know that America is one of the last hold-outs, where genetically altered foods are concerned? Most countries around the world have banned GMO's. Why haven't we??? We're griping about having GMO's labeled in our food....WHY? Why not just rid ourselves of these instead? It has been proven that GMO's lack, almost in totality, any nutritional value. They haven't the vitamins, and lack the natural healing properties that real vegetables do. You had best believe that all of your canned fruits and vegetables contain GMO's. Insist that your health food stores and products LOWER their costs for all natural foods...and BAN GMO'S FROM OUR COUNTRY, as the rest of the planet has already done. Another huge one is whole unpasteurized milk. The real deal. Our milk that we buy today is full of growth hormones and nasty poisons that infuse our bodies. Bring back real milk, and let's ban soy and pasteurized milks!
Roundup, the most widely used pesticide on our crops has been actively and massively linked to the danger of autism in newborns, after their parents ingest it. More serious than this, we are dangerously obese, yet, at the same time, are the most undernourished populace on the planet. How is this possible? It is because of the genetics of the food we eat is impossible for our bodies to break down and process, therefore becomes part of us, and deposited as fat instead. We are obese, because of these genetically altered foods, not because we eat too much food.
A lot of you do not believe that, over us, there are being sprayed massive amounts of two chemicals...Alumina, and Lithium, in its natural form. Folks, this is a truth few believe, but if you watch the video I provided you, it's one of the best kept secrets you can definitely believe in. Lithium in it's natural form his highly unstable, and can kill you easily in high enough doses. As it stands, it's being used to placate our aggressiveness, more now than ever, it's being used to keep us dazed and confused. If you should ever find it hard to breath, or if you have a funny taste in your mouth, you can bet that Lithium is being sprayed over you in a higher than usual concentration. And Alumina? There have yet to be any studies that have shown what the affects of this particle spray could be doing to affect our heath in a negative way....and this, of course, is for good reason, I'm sure.
The Judiciary and The Government and Our Constitution
Let's move on to our two biggest issues to date...Our Government, and our Judiciary System. Now you have surely, by now, noticed something very important that's been happening of late, something we haven't seen in this country in....well, since the civil war. Civil unrest. Why is there civil unrest folks? Let's talk about it. Now, for one, you may have noticed an inordinate amount of shootings this year. Don't be fooled America. Please note, if you will, that most of these shootings are either a. Racially motivated, b. largely publicized or c. both. Folks, be not deceived, and think for minute. Since Columbine, there has been no more than 1 mass shooting a year, maybe 2 at the most. How many have we had this year folks...what, 5? 8? 10? I've lost count. Here are ONLY some facts about the latest shooting, in San Bernadino, that you should know, for instance:
1. Two different people saw 3 Caucasian men with long guns shooting.
2. Serial numbers from some of the guns trace back to the local police per the ATF.
3. The alleged shooters' were brought to police in the back of a pickup truck, face down.
4. Neither of the alleged shooters had military or weapons training needed to pull this off.
5. The alleged shooters' bodies were transported from where they allegedly fell, via a pickup truck, shot up and handcuffed. This is against all known domestic rules of evidence collection. The shooters should have been photographed where they fell instead of transported to an alternate location.
6. Because of strict California gun control laws, citizens do not have access to automatic weapons. Yet, it is alleged that the shooters purchased the weapons legally.
Do a search, please, for a website named OPM. This site is Government driven, and is there to handle job requests for those of the Government. Do a search for Crisis Actors people. Go to youtube, look for Crisis Debunking. Name the crisis you would like to know about, and see how many videos there are of folks figuring out that every "Crisis" that we've been having this year...is fake. This is being done to raise outrage at gun ownership, and the confiscation of our weapons, in order to stop this supposed "madness".
This is not madness people. Obama, our president, is trying to get our weapons taken from us. Make no mistake, in order for Mr. Obama's plan for us to work, we MUST BE DISARMED!!! This is their primary objective. Without guns, we are doomed. Without guns, the Government, and their military can do with us as they will. They are trying to deprive us of the "Privilege", supposedly given us by the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.
And by the way, should you not be TOTALLY convinced about what this is really about, or that they are, INDEED trying to disarm us? I present a bill, freshly introduced into the house, that was passed BY OUR SENATE IN WASHINGTON:
Oh it's ok, you say, we still have the Constitution, our rights...they can't do that. Oh, and for that matter, why WOULD they do that? I'm sorry folks, I just can't go there just yet. But believe this, by the time it's TIME to go there, you'll be more than ready. We're just getting started on Obama, that you can most certainly believe.
By the way, for those who do not know this as yet, there has passed in the Senate of our United States, a gun confiscation bill that is about to go to the House. Get ready America, the move on our nation is about to be made.
Now, you'll notice that, at various times, I'll mention, here and there, things that this wonderful administration of ours is guilty of, and what exactly. but never before will you see it put like this, all in one spot. By the time I get finished, Ol' Barry there will be wishing he'd never been born...wherever it was that he was ACTUALLY born...and if that is, in fact, his real name.
But we'll get back to those in Washington, in a minute. Let's go a step higher than where we've been, and let's visit the entire Judiciary, as a whole.
Following Prohibition in the United States from 1920-1933, it was obvious that we Americans had a real problem with the mob/mafia. Upon the arrest of Capone, Chicago's most notorious gangster, it was imagined, probably with a whole lot of wishful thinking, that the mob was, more or less, disbanded in that time. As dreamy as that might sound, it almost makes zero sense, if you think about it. I'm sure the "Mob", as a whole flourished quite well after Capone died...as would anything that makes a lot of money in a short period of time. Gangs and mobsters, of course, continued to exist long after this period of not-so-proud American history.
It is my firm belief, friends, that the mob was never disbanded, per se. My belief is, the mob got smart (as well as unpopular, and disenchanted as well), and just reinvented itself. Instead of running the streets in Model T's with Tommy Guns, it's my belief that it just got legit and ran for office instead, as well as became a goodly portion of our legal profession.
I believe this is a very good synopsis. Why? Because it's been proven to be so, that's why. It isn't MY synopsis, to be honest, but it could just as well be, because I believe every syllable of it.
Did you know that, out of the 90 plus U.S. Attorneys that represent our states, 80 some come from...CHICAGO? How about this folks...there is a case, and I'm sure, there are probably more...we just haven't "Found them out yet"..that is a fake. It was discovered to be fake, and now has been PROVEN, BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT to be fake. It has real clients, real judges, real litigants...but the case DOES NOT EXIST. It was used to rule over 100,000 no win cases, and cost each person who was a victim between $20,000 and $35,000 per case. And it's in the Supreme Court, where the "Law of the Land" is made, using precedent, pre-existing rulings that are used by other lesser judges to decide cases.
In case you don't make the connection, it's like this people. ANY of you...I mean traffic violators, criminals, parents, divorcees, you name it....if you've crossed the threshold of any courtroom in our country, you are, almost assuredly, the victim of a scam so big as to curl ya hair, twice, even if you don't have any.
The man who endured catching on to this (over a 15 year period, mind you) and putting it out there, and being the only person to ever win in this particular case (mostly because he opted to represent himself, and kept pushing to get the truth of this scheme out), has set the precedent for America, to expose what is an even bigger con-game than you know, even now.
By the way...the case, and what it concerns? A simple disability case. The Shackman Decree (it's in Wikipedia, look it up). His story, that took over 15 years to get out in print (for obvious reasons), The title of the book and the website where you can pick it up, is shown below:
Death of the Justice System
Now, I just have to say this...just this alone, the fact that we do not get justice in this country, is more than enough for me to be totally disenchanted with our nation as it stands, and don't feel nearly so very patriotic as I used to be as a child.
Here, folks, is the scariest part of the whole thing. See, we don't have rights, like we believe we do. No America, we are dead from birth. We are no better than owned chattel, property of the U.S. Government. We are wards of the "State" from birth. Most of you wouldn't know that....mostly because you aren't meant to. You are given to the state from Birth, yesireebob...by your parents, without their knowledge, or yours. Here's another one I know you'll love...that house you finally paid off last year, and the land it's on? It isn't yours either. It also belongs to the government. Why else do you think so many people have lost their homes, or been evicted to allow the banks to repossess them? Because you don't own them - you never did, and you never will.
The Legal Mafia Con Game
I present to you moral folks, an affidavit filed by none other than a state judge, that backs up this theory, and puts it in spades for you, This was filed just this year, at the end of November:
"November 28, 2015 Big Lake,
Alaska Dear Federal Agents:
I am addressing this letter in this way, because it is my understanding that it will be read by members of both the FBI and the US Marshals Service. It is also my understanding that you have available for examination a wet-ink signed copy of the illustrated affidavit of probable cause entitled “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” as back-up reference and evidence.
Since the publication of the affidavit a plethora of new supporting documentation and evidence has come to light. We found, for example, that on June 30, 1864, the members of Congress acting as the Board of Directors of a private, mostly foreign-owned corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated” changed the meaning of “state”, “State” and “United States” to mean “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation”. Like the 1862 change of the meaning of the word “person” to mean “corporation” cited in our affidavit, these special coded meanings of words render a drastically different picture of the world around us.
It turns out that your “personal bank account” is actually a “corporate bank account”. The “Colorado State Court” is actually the “Colorado District of Columbia Municipal Corporation Court”. If you are shocked to learn these facts, you are not alone. So are millions of other Americans. These changes were made 150 years ago and tucked away in reams of boring meeting minutes and legalistic gobbledygook meant to be applied only to the internal workings of a private governmental services corporation and its employees.
There was no public announcement, just as there was no public announcement or explanation when Congress created “municipal citizenship” known as “US citizenship” in 1868. Properly, technically, even to this day, this form of “citizenship” applies only to those born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other Insular States, so there was no real reason to educate the general public about the topic. As Congress was secretively using the labor and the private property assets of these “citizens” as collateral backing the corporate debts of “The United States of America, Inc.” there was plenty of reason to obscure this development.
At the end of the Civil War it would have been very unpopular to reveal that they were simply changing gears from private sector slave ownership to public sector slave ownership. You may be surprised to learn that slavery was not abolished by the Thirteenth or any other Amendment to any constitution then or now. Instead, slavery was redefined as the punishment meted out to criminals. Look it up and read it for yourselves. It remains perfectly legal to enslave criminals, and it was left to Congress to define who the criminals were, because Congress was given plenary power over the District of Columbia and its citizenry by the original Constitution of the Republic and could do whatever it liked within the District and the Washington, DC Municipalities.
A child picking dandelions on the sidewalk could be arbitrarily defined as a criminal and enslaved for life by the renegade Congress functioning as the government of the District of Columbia and as the Board of Directors for the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, but for starters, Congress simply defined “US citizens” as debt slaves under the 14th Amendment of their corporation’s articles and by-laws—-which they deceptively named the “Constitution of the United States of America”.
The actual Constitution was and still is called “The Constitution for the united States of America”, but most people untrained in the Law and trusting what they believed to be their government didn’t notice the difference between “The Constitution for the united States of America” and the “Constitution of the United States of America”. Are you beginning to see a pattern of deliberate deceit and self-interest and double-speak and double-dealing? And are you also beginning to catch the drift—the motivation—behind it? Let’s discuss the concept of “hypothecation of debt”.
This little gem was developed by the bankers who actually owned and ran the governmental services corporations doing business as “The United States of America, Inc.” and as the “United States, Incorporated”. When you hypothecate debt against someone or against some asset belonging to someone else, you simply claim that they agreed to stand as surety for your debt — similar to cosigning a car loan — and as long as you make your payments, nobody is any the wiser. Normally, it’s not possible for us to just arbitrarily claim that someone is our surety for debt without proof of consent, but that is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the Conference of Governors did in March of 1933.
They named all of us and all our property as surety standing good for the debts of their own bankrupt governmental services corporation during bankruptcy reorganization—-and got away with it by claiming that they were our “representatives” and that we had delegated our authority to them to do this “for” us. The exact date and occasion when this happened and where it is recorded, is given in our affidavit. In order to pull this off, however, they had to allege that we were all “US citizens”, and therefore, all subject to the plenary power of Congress acting as an oligarchy ruling over the District of Columbia and the Federal Territories.
They did this by abusing the public trust and creating and registering millions of foreign situs trusts named after each of us. Under their own diversity of citizenship rules, corporations are considered to be “US citizens”. So they created all these foreign situs trusts as franchises of their own bankrupt corporation, used our names styled like this: John Quincy Adams—-and placed commercial liens against our names as chattel owned by their corporation and standing as surety for its debts. A group of thugs elected to political office grossly transgressed against the American people and the American states and committed the crime of personage against each and every one of us without us ever being aware of it.
They couldn’t enslave us, but they could enslave a foreign situs trust named after us— that we conveniently didn’t know existed— and by deliberately confusing this “thing” with us via the misuse of our given names, they could bring charges against what appeared to be us and our private property in their very own corporate tribunals. And so the fleecing of America began in earnest. The hirelings had our credit cards, had stolen our identities, and were ready to begin a crime spree unheralded in human history.
They claimed that we all knew about this arrangement and consented to it, because we “voluntarily” gave up our gold when FDR sent his henchmen around to collect it—-when as millions of Americans can attest, people gave up their gold in preference to being shot or having to kill federal agents. They chose life for everyone concerned over some pieces of metal, and for that, they are to be honored; unfortunately, their decision gave the rats responsible an excuse to claim that Americans wanted to leave the gold standard and wanted the “benefits” of this New Deal in “equitable exchange” for their gold, their identities, the abuse of their good names as bankrupts and debtors, the loss of allodial title to their land and homes, and their subjection as slaves to the whims of Congress.
According to them—that is, those who benefited from this gross betrayal of the public trust— we all voluntarily left the Republic and the guarantees of the actual Constitution behind, willingly subjected ourselves to Congressional rule, donated all our assets including our labor and property to the Public Charitable Trust (set up after the Civil War as a welfare trust for displaced plantation slaves), and agreed to live as slaves owned by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation in exchange for what? Welfare that we paid for ourselves. Social Security that we paid for ourselves.
The criminality of the “US Congress” and the “Presidents” acting since 1933 is jawdroppingly shocking. Their abuse of the trust of the American people is even worse. They have portrayed this circumstance as a political choice instead of an institutionalized fraud scheme, and they have “presumed” that we all went along with it and agreed to it without complaint. Thus, they have been merrily and secretively having us declared “civilly dead” as American State Citizens the day we are born, and entering a false registration claiming that we are “US Citizens” instead. We are told, when we wake up enough to ask, that we are free to choose our political status.
We don’t have to serve as debt slaves. We can go back and reclaim our guaranteed Republican form of government and our birthright status if we want to—- but that requires a secret process in front of the probate court and expatriation from the Federal United States to the Continental United States and all sorts of voo-doo in backrooms that can only be pursued by the few and the knowledgeable and the blessed. Everyone else has to remain as a debt slave and chattel serving whatever corporation bought the latest version of corporate “persona” named after us.
So let me ask you, as members of the FBI and as US Marshals—- does this sound like something you want to be involved with enforcing on innocent people, or does it sound like something you want to end as expeditiously as possible? The frauds that took root in the wake of the Civil War and which blossomed in the 1930’s have come to their final fruition.
Employees of the “District of Columbia Municipal Corporation” and its United Nations successors are being used as jack-booted thugs to throw Americans into privately owned “federal correctional facilities” when those who need correction—- the members of the American Bar Association and the euphemistically named and privately owned and operated “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE”—continue to ignore the fact that Americans DO have a choice and that by the millions we are demanding our freedom from all these pathetic false commercial claims and presumptions.
We are standing up before the whole world and telling these privately owned “governmental services corporations” to go bankrupt like any other corporation that doesn’t do its job and mind its budget. These entities deserve to go bankrupt and worse. They have spent money and credit that was never theirs to spend. They have defrauded millions if not billions of innocent people and they have prevented Americans from claiming their birthrights for far too long.
These people— the members of Congress and the various “Presidents” of the numerous “United States” corporations — have acted as criminals. They deserve to be recognized as such. The members of the American Bar Association have attempted to wash their hands while profiting from the situation and obstructing justice. They stand around shrugging and saying, “Well, it’s a political choice. We don’t have anything to say about that.”—–yet at the same time, they refuse to correct the probate records to reflect our chosen change of political status when we plainly identify ourselves and enunciate our Will for them.
They, too, deserve to be recognized as self-interested criminals and accomplices to identity theft, credit fraud, and worse— which is why we have recently issued a $279 trillion dollar commercial obligation lien against the American Bar Association, the International Bar Association, and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. All our assets— our bodies, homes, businesses, lands, and labor—have been signed over into the “Public Charitable Trust” by con men merely claiming to represent us. Then, when we object to their lies and entrapment, they use the same fraud against us as their excuse for bringing more false claims against us and throwing us in jail. Enough is enough.
The British Monarch and the Lords of the Admiralty have promoted this fraud against us at the same time they have claimed to be our trustees, allies and friends in perpetuity. It’s time to clear the way for us to politely and peaceably exit from any presumption that we are or ever were “US citizens”, willing participants in the “Public Charitable Trust”, or willing “sureties” for the debts of any private bank-run governmental services corporation merely calling itself the United States of Something or Other.
We repudiate any presumption of private municipal citizenship or obligation to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation or any successor thereof, and demand an immediate and permanent correction of the civil record to reflect our birthright status as American State Citizens, nunc pro tunc.
As for you, as “Federal Agents”, you have a lot to think about. For starters— who really pays your paycheck? Is it the goons in Washington, DC? Or does it all come from the American people you are supposed to be serving? Do you believe for one moment that anyone just lined up and gave their gold to FDR voluntarily? Do you believe that anyone gave away all their property and the guarantees of the actual Constitution for the “privilege” of paying for Social Security? No? Wake up and smell the java and start doing your real jobs. If anyone complains—arrest him.
We are reopening the American Common Law Courts expressly for the purpose of settling disputes related to living people and their property assets in excess of $20 as mandated by the Seventh Amendment. We, the American people, are the ones holding absolute civil authority upon the land of the Continental United States, and we give you permission to arrest the members of Congress, the President, the Secretary of the Treasury, and any other politician or appointee pretending to speak for us so as to enslave us and bring false claims against us via this institutionalized fraud scheme.
We want it recognized for what it is and dismantled and repudiated tout de suite. Any court that is caught arresting and prosecuting Americans under the presumptions just described to you— such as bringing charges against foreign situs trusts with names styled like this: John Quincy Adams, or Cestui Que Vie trusts styled like this: JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, or Puerto Rican public transmitting utilities styled like this: JOHN Q. ADAMS—-it is your responsibility to make sure that any individuals being addressed by these courts were actually born in the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, or one of the other Insular States and that they are not ignorant American State Citizens being falsely registered and railroaded.
Do you understand? Is it now completely clear who the criminals are? Your actual employers and benefactors are being attacked and defrauded by criminals pretending to act as their elected representatives and accomplices in black robes who are serving as enforcers of this fraud for profit. This has been happening right under your noses. This whole circumstance has escaped broad scale public understanding because it was being pursued by private governmental services corporations owned and operated by international banking cartels who claimed that these “private arrangements” were none of the public’s business, despite the grotesque and far-ranging impact these cozy understandings have had upon the people of this and many other countries.
Let it be perfectly clear to you that the business of these private corporations has become our business because they have operated in violation of their charters, in violation of the treaties allowing their existence, and in violation of the National Trust. The American Bar Association and the Internal Revenue Service have both been owned and operated as private foreign bill collectors and trust administrators by Northern Trust, Inc., in violent conflict of interest. They are not professional associations, non-profits, nor units of government. They are con artists and privateers whose licenses expired as of September 1, 2013.
The United States Marshals Service is enabled to act in the capacity of constitutionally – sworn Federal Marshals and we invoke their office and service as such; failure to accept the public office means rejection of all authority related to us. The same may be said of the FBI. Either you do your jobs as constitutionally sworn public officers, or you act as private mall cops in behalf of the offending corporations and under color of law when you pretend to have any public authority or function.
This is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Alaska State Superior Court"
Fiat CurrencyFolks, this country has been absolutely dead-broke since the civil war. You think those dollars are REALLY worth what they say they are, just because they buy things? They aren't. They aren't back by a metal standard, nor is there gold to represent them. They are, by all intensive purposes, pieces of paper only that represent the debt we have. That's all. Debt notes. Promissory notes. Think about it this way folks. When they print a $1 bill out of thin air, and state, to us, that it buys a dollar worth of goods, what deems that note to be worth anything more than the paper it's printed on? Is it because there's a "One" on it? What about a $100 dollar bill out of thin air. Is the paper a much higher quality? Is the Ink more soluble, or made from a higher quality ink? No folks. It costs the same to print the one as it does to print the $100. All they did was change the plates. Why? Because debt notes ARE NOT MONEY. They aren't a currency, they're a promise to pay off our national debt, which, in case you hadn't noticed, has quadrupled since Obama took office. Why? Because he wanted to give back to the American people for electing him? Nope. For the purpose of giving the poor of America cell phones so that they can communicate in times of trouble? Hell no. Was it to reward homeowners to buy their first homes? No, No, and hell no. In case you really don't know why all of this money was spent by Mr. Obama? It was for the purposes of driving us into a massively overdrawn state, in order to crash our currency.
But why would our president do that? Ok, first, let's crunch the obvious numbers. First, Mr. Obama has spent more...in his FIRST TERM ONLY, than all 43 presidents before him....combined. Over 6 trillion dollars. What's he on now? You really don't want to know, but it's double plus what I just told you, if that helps. And, worse yet, he's still got a year to go!
So, for you folks that have no clue how our currency works, is printed, or is valued; and this scam of the Federal banking system that has and was pulled over our eyes as early as 1913, and more so in 1933. Maybe this video will teach you a few more things along the way, and prepare you better for what's to come in the next section, on the Cabal, and the Elite that are attempting, as we speak, to put in place the FINAL measures they'll need to implement what a lot of us have been fearing for quite some time....Nazi Germany...on a global scale....A.K.A., the New World Order. One Government, one currency...one religion...and one owner. More than likely, the real criminal (in a lot more than one way too, I imagine) will reveal himself...and I'm betting it won't be Mr. Rogers, re-incarnated.
This video is the best way to describe the scam that is the Fed, and what happens there with our "Currency", and is only 3 mins. long.
Here is a much more comprehensive (and, of course, much longer) video that explains in absolute detail why the Fed is a scheme, how that scheme works, and why our financial crash is imminent, very soon, thanks to Mr. Obama's actions against America.
If you like increasingly detailed explanation of our our system is corrupted by the Fed, here is a nice long hour and a half video for you to watch, provided us by our FRIENDS at Anonymous:
Mr. Obama is an indoctrinated communist party member's offspring. He was, in fact, NOT bred in Kenya, as they presented, Mr. Obama is American born, from Hawaii...and was taught, by the CIA, and shaped to be the person he is today. Supposedly Representative of us Americans...but whose real purpose is to destroy western culture and our capitalist system, finally...utterly...and absolutely, once and for all. Mr. Obama is only in office because we weren't given much of a choice, thanks to our Electoral College (which, if you read the blog, has been and was put into place to protect the Government, in case We the People wanted someone that they didn't care for, like Kennedy). Please see my article of America's Original 26 deadly sins, back at the beginning of this blog, on day 5. If case you don't choose to hunt it down, I will, of course, provide that article for you:
So what happens when our economy crashes, and it becomes obvious that the dollar is worth...nothing? Less than nothing?
Well, there are two things that happen, should the market tank. Either we pay the Government's loan back, using the only collateral this country has ever been in possession of, and what has been used to secure these loans. Us (via our consented to and monetized birth certificates) and our land. When our loans default (as I'm sure it has several times over by now), you and I, as well as our property, become the property of someone else, who purchased our "Debt". You, more than likely, and your land, are probably owned by someone in Germany...or in China. Or, the other option...we replace our tyrannous Government, and start again, praying all the while that those who lent us that "Money" just go away.
How do we avoid this from happening AGAIN? As is our wont? For starters, we abstain from war. War is perpetuated to create more debt, and vice versa. Ever notice how prosperous we were during and after World War II? That has happened, and, has been the reason for each war we've been involved in...since. Why do you think the majority of these wars weren't popular, and didn't carry the backing of the people in America? Because they were created...usually for an alternate purpose, and usually involving the greed of our Government. As with the Judiciary, wars and fighting with others is just another one of the biggest schemes used to create a higher debt ceiling. Starting to get that MAFIA feeling yet? Well, I hate to say it, but it gets much worse than that even.
The "War on Drugs"
Remember the war on drugs? It wasn't, isn't or never will be a "War on drugs". The war on drugs has only been the war on competition in the drug game. While it was presented to you, the people, as a war on drugs in our country, what it is, is a way to make sure that no one cuts into our action. We created addiction in our country. Drugs were allowed in, brought in on purpose, and fed to the addictions that demanded it. Funny thing, heroin is considered one of the worst drug addictions there is...but more medicines (legally given to us) contain heroin than almost any other drug. So where then, is the war on drugs now? It doesn't...and has never existed. The War On Drugs was only a way for the Government to legitimately make money off of the addictions caused by the drugs they shipped into our country. We have, over the years, protected major drug dealers from prosecution many times...why? Because America makes a lot of money off of the drug trade...so it only makes sense to present these drugs as legal, in the form of pharmaceuticals. But if you were to take those pharmaceutical drugs and try to sell them to others to make some money for yourself, without the government getting their share of the profits? 'Magine that...you are jailed for it and charged. You are a drug dealer now. But it doesn't work that way when the Government...and their pet pharmacy companies do the same "legally".
This also serves to fund those of the judicial system by allowing them to make money off of those in prison. Did you know that inmates are now required to pay room and board at the prison they were jailed in, and charged $5.00 for two aspirin, when they get headaches? So they work in the prisons...yes, for like $.75 cents an hour, but are paying exorbitant prices for items they wouldn't be able to get otherwise. Let's not even talk about the fact that these people are also paying for their supposed "Justice" that they didn't get in the courts, and for probation, parole, drug testing, you name it, while they're on "Paper". Justice, according to the Constitution, is meant to be FREE...not charged in the form of "Court Costs", filing fees, etc.
Big Brother
Finally, my fellow citizens, I beg you, stand outside. Go out at night, and look at the stars that used to twinkle blue and white only, look away when you see some much different colors, and look again. You may notice a goodly portion of stars that appear to be twinkling green and red. If you watch them long enough, they move across the sky. You know what those are? Those are satellites and drones my good people. The Government that is in place here, hand in hand with others that will be identified in the next section, are afraid. They spy on us daily. Through technology (all of which, you'll notice, is fully equipped with mics and cameras), the advent of the Internet (and our full and crazy acceptance of it), and emerging breakthroughs in said technology, they have the ability to...and do, watch our every move, and listen to our every word. They know civil unrest is coming...they count on it. And believe me, when I say, they are ready for it too. Call up your local police departments. Ask them if they have military vehicles. You'll notice that quite a few do, even in smaller towns, where this kind of thing is TOTALLY unnecessary. Military gear is being issued to your local police departments, and the officer that beats your street is ready to shoot on sight, and ask questions later. Cold blooded murder on the streets of our towns and cities, by law enforcement, are becoming more and more commonplace. This is a very frightening turn in events, friends...there are even satellites in the skies that can see through walls, and hear even the slightest whisper.
For those of you that find this hard to believe, familiarize yourself with 3 websites, where you can see this sort of thing happening more and more every day.
www.copblock.org (at the very tippy top there is a gray bar with an "Articles" button, and a "Videos" button, will be all you need here, trust me)
www.thefreethoughproject.com (look through the "Badge Abuse", "Government Corruption", and "Police Brutality" sections.
www.youtube.com (do a search for Police Brutality and "Badge Abuse" here, as well)
For those of you still convinced that our Government is good, representative of the people, and only has our best interests at heart, documentation will be added to this blog on the day of the completion of this article, and will show in full detail, what the real plan for our great nation really is. Hold on to your seats folks, because what you see next will be horrible, and the facts of the matter at hand will soon be revealed. The time of our demise is at hand.
All Government Employees (The FBI, CIA, Secret Service, U.S. Attorneys, U.S. Marshalls, etc.)
Folks, it's important that you are aware that the majority of these folks in the employ of our federal Government have no interest in doing what SHOULD be their first and foremost duty...serving YOU, the taxpayer. If you should happen to find yourself in a position of dealing with corruption in Government, you have to remember that these folks SERVE the Government...because they ARE the Government...and you will find them quite un-sympathetic with your plight. Should you have been done wrong by someone in Government or in any elected office, chances are very likely that you're more than welcome to fill out some pre-fabbed complaint form against them, provided by their respective offices, and overseen, more than likely, by MORE of that office (in other words, you may hear that they got suspended without pay for a few days, or maybe got yelled at a lot) but chances are good that you will never see what you really want, them losing their jobs, or getting jailed for what they've done; mostly because it just doesn't work that way anymore. As a matter of fact, it's very likely, that because you DID complain, YOU are the subject of their investigation now...not the people who actually the law-breaking or nasty deed. Why? Probably because you DARED to make a stink about it, and rather than deal with the actual criminals, you are now considered to be a likely terrorist, because you are unhappy, and are complaining and speaking out that nothing is being done about it.
So, should your children be taken; or if you thrown out or off of the property you supposedly own, or have been done wrong by an elected official or Government employee, be it known that calling the FBI because they committed a crime against you is not going to work out in your favor. Filing against them in federal court works somewhat, when you're suing others or, small business owners...you know, people like US...but when it comes to suing big business or elected offices or employees, you can bet almost 100 percent that nothing will ever come of it, and it will end up costing you more money than you can ever hope to recover. State attorneys, Bar Groups that supposedly chastise those practicing law, judge oversight committees, U.S. Attorneys, the U.S. Marshalls, the FBI, ect...all of these people these people are a part of our rogue Government, they all protect each other and will do nothing to assist you in matters that concern others of Government, up to, and including your President, all the way down to the local beat cop. Everything these folks do is, in some way, written off as "Part of their job", or "in the line of duty". State and federal provided immunities cover the rest. Winning against the state, city, county, and U.S. Governments is a rarity, at best; and getting these people out of their tax-payer provided cushy jobs, vehicles and homes is a wasted effort. At best, you may get put on a watch list as a domestic terrorist, harassed by law enforcement or by the ones you've named in whatever suit you're attempting to bring against them, and the problems with whatever elected officials you're having will only get worse, trust me. I am right there....right now, and have been for over 5 months.
How do I know all of this? Well, of course, as you know, my child was stolen from me by CPS. Since this time, I have done all I can legally to make all involved suffer almost daily for their crimes. I constantly find articles (and write my own, of course) and send them things all the time that let them know that America and its citizenry are slowly but surely waking up to the scam that these criminals in elected office have perpetrated upon us, and that their days are numbered, and all their land and possessions, all paid for by us, the taxpayers, whether through taxation or from our involvement in legal issues brought by THEM, AGAINST US...are almost done for. When they find a way to shut me out, I find a way around it and give them even more grief. During the course of these actions in court against me, they called the Secret Service in to find out where I was, and have me arrested, so that I could not attend my termination of parental rights hearing. They had filed false charges on me, and couldn't find me (since I had moved away without informing them where)...so they then chose to scour the blog that you are reading, to find a place that I had stated, in an exact quote "I am going to Washington D.C. in person, and I am going to sit on Obama's doorstep until he does something about the corruption in my state"....and that's all I said. Now remember this folks, I have no car, and even if I did have the means to go there, chances are I wouldn't manage to even get within a 100 yards of the White House's "doorstep"....and even if I could...what am I going to do in a tent? Start a forest fire?
My point is, neither this, nor I, was a viable threat....to anyone. Yet the Secret Service got involved (to, of course, protect others in elected positions who had called them), found me, had me arrested and hauled back to my former city of residence in handcuffs for 2 hours, and thrown in jail (this, of course, worked well in my case, I didn't show up for the hearing that they were trying to get me to miss). So, because they had no evidence of the crime they said I was wanted for, and had gotten the desired results they wanted, they dropped the charges three days before I was to appear to answer for it)...and when interviewed by the agent, he then said "This is all about your daughter?" I said yes, and he packed up and rode back into the sunset, leaving me to my fate. Do you get the picture America? For those of elected office, and positions of law enforcement; they are an invaluable resource. For you and I, they are our worst nightmare.
By the way, just so you know...as some already do, my name was placed online in the "Metro's Most Wanted" of Des Moines, and I was in the foremost number one spot there for 4 weeks prior to my arrest on this false charge, as well as placed in none other than CityView Magazine in Des Moines for 4 continuous weeks, and blasted once a week on WHO-TV news as being the #1 wanted criminal in the area, and totally destroying my reputation...and no one was able to be "held accountable" for that, because they were just "doing their jobs". Screw the fact that it was a bogus charge, or that I wasn't even convicted yet...it's ok, no harm done. All in the line of duty, right?
Let's move on to those of the U.S. Attorneys office. Now, these people claim that they are attorneys; and, as you well know, are mostly from Chicago...which, in and of itself, should say more than enough. To carry on, in case you are uninformed (or, more than likely MIS-informed) as to what it is these people do, exactly, to use a direct quote, they will tell you that they "File Federal charges and cases". Now, I hate to tell you citizens, but we need no U.S. Attorneys for this...at all. No, back in the days of real Constitutional courts and justice, we the people were allowed to do this ourselves. Of course, the end result could, invariably be the same as it is now; the case could be dismissed or thrown out...but at least you never had to, before, go through a U.S. Attorney to file a Criminal Complaint Form against a corrupt official. Oh, and if your children were taken by the Government, here are a couple of things I will save you some trouble on...NO ONE "Gets involved in a child removal case"...and no one in this country is "Responsible" in managing those of CPS. Why? I think I made that quite clear in the section on "Child Trafficking". This is not a U.S. Issue...remember?
When the "Constitution" of the United States was ACTUALLY still in force, you were able to file charges yourselves in Federal Courts. Now you have to involve these folks. Why? If we're allowed via our "Constitution" to do so, then what do we need to pay these clowns for? You know what they REALLY do? What they REALLY do is file criminal charges and cases....against YOU. When it comes to going the other way, "We the People" have been deprived of the same right. The CCC, or Criminal Complaint Citation as it was called, has been laid to the wayside. You no longer have a right to complain about someone in elected office, or in an official capacity, even though the Constitution (which, no longer applies to you, REMEMBER?) SAYS that you have every right. I remember bringing in the CCC in my case to the Federal Court, and the lady there asked me where it was that I had gotten that form. They no longer WISH to have you complain against their own, so that right, as with every other right provided us, supposedly by our "Constitution" has been steered away from us. The only way this form can be filed these days....is through none other than the U.S. Attorneys. And do you know what they will say when you ask to file this against someone in Government? I won't be able to say exactly, but I guarantee it will something really close to "NO".
Let's move on down the Governmental funny farm to those of the U.S. Marshalls. Now, these guys jet around the state in their little SUV's and do what....I don't really and truly know. What I do know about them is about the same thing that I know about everyone that works for the Federal Government. They charge you for everything you want them to do for you. It's not enough that your taxes go to pay their salaries, no, anytime you want something done by anyone, I guarantee there will be hefty paperwork, as well as hefty charges to your pocketbooks involved. Folks, I have only this to say...Justice, according to our "Constitution", is free...as should be EVERYTHING the government does for us. If you think about it nice and hard, you'll see that EVERYONE that works for the Government on any level is so obviously "Double-Dipping". They take your taxes, and charge you on the spot to do things for you. This is not the way our Government was ever meant to work.
I have a little trick for you to use, should anyone at all who works in an official capacity in our Government want to "Charge You" to do something for you, the taxpayer who already pays their salary...ask them who it is, exactly, that you are paying this "Fee" or charge to. Ask for a name of the exact person who is charging you or receiving that fee. I guarantee the attitude will change, and the charges will, upon your insistence, be magically "waived", should you speak loudly enough. Hold these people PERSONALLY liable for what they are doing, and chances are that the attitude of the employee that you're dealing with concerning this "Charge" will change.and her insistance on them will more than likely wane or disappear altogether when you ask WHO exactly it is that's charging for it, I highly recommend that you look into "Commercial Liens". Just the mention of the phrase around anyone who works for the Government sends them into a real panic. Commercial liens work some real magic, when dealing with anyone on any level in Government.
Now, my favorite...about those of the FBI and the CIA.
For those of you that know little to nothing of these offices, I present this. Unless you are cutting in on their "Action" (something that makes the Government money), or are anti-Government in any way, shape or form, these folks have NO interest in anything you have to say, or anything that you do unless it in some way constitutes a crime of someone else JUST LIKE you...and involved the criteria I just mentioned, above. Whether that is good or bad, of course, depends on the Administration at large. These days, everyone is a problem to them, because this administration is REALLY messing things up, Their jobs are only secure because our Government has gone against the people of our country...and as long as we're the bad guys (and believe me, we ALL are), they of course are quite happily, securely and gainfully employed. Oh sure, they have their little field offices set up everywhere, where the people there do little to nothing for you, just like anyone else in Government. They'll gladly start and investigate cases and actions we the people, the taxpayers who pay their salaries, but they will do nothing at all against their own...or those of elected office. Here's how it all works.
They have operators at every location. No one there answers the phones themselves; no, that would give opportunity for you to actually find out what's going on, and to be able to actually complain about and to someone meaningful. What you'll find out is, that no matter how much you might insist, talking to anyone that actually WORKS at the FBI is completely impossible. As with your elected officials, no one there wants to be accountable, transparent, or responsible. Therefore, the farthest you will ever get in dealing with these people is their front runners, the "Operators" that take your information. Other than that, whether or not they have a case against YOU will never be known; except by one thing...your electronics; which, of course, have all had, built in, front and back cameras and microphones. Here, using specialized software programs, they can listen to your voice mails, record your conversations, take video of you without you ever knowing it, dig through your emails, and delete things off of your accounts, and your computers. Back doors have been built into about every laptop and computer sold on the planet, so, of course, your security is pretty much ZIPPO.
So how would you ever know if they're dipping their investigation into you, personally? There are several ways, actually. The first, and most obvious way will be that you will notice things are quite operating right. Your phone starts doing strange things, like calling another person as you're calling someone, or playing voice mails off of other people's phones of you. This happened to my brother, after the secret service took an interest in me. Text messages and voice mails will be deleted right out of your phones, and your devices will develop major issues at a very high rate. On your land line, you may experience a crackling sound, that prohibits you from making phone calls, and you may experience a constant booting off of your internet, if you're using a DSL connection. I've seen it where their intrusion into your gadgets completely destroys it. I imagine that this happens when some caller pees in their coffee, or maybe you're just not very much fun for them to spy on, and they destroy your gadgets so they no longer have to.
On your computer, if you are the subject of an investigation, you will, immediately start experiencing logins from strange locations around the country, in places you've never been; and where you know almost no one...Omaha...Minneapolis, Kansas city - all the usual larger cities...as well as another one...."The United States". This is a location that you will be getting more and more as they get smarter and figure out ways to stop you from knowing that they are connected to you. Places that you will be sure to receive notice from, where other logins to your computer and your accounts are concerned are Google, Facebook, and in places ON your computer. Following this segment will be screen shots where you will be able to look and find these intruders on your life, and several links to ways to rid yourself of them.
Now, you may believe that changing your password, or adding an additional step verification to get into your accounts is the way to go, to keep them out of your accounts and data....but I assure you that it is NOT. There are folks called "Key-loggers" that have a way to watch every stroke you make down to the individual letters you type, in order to get your passwords. Google lets me know once...via email. Facebook, thankfully, tells me every time. In the case of Facebook, I once changed my password 3 times in a day...and, in every case, I was notified within a couple of minutes that they had logged in from this "other location" right behind me; where, and that this had been done.
So, how to be rid of them? There are several ways for you to verify that they are, indeed there, and several ways to be rid of them. If you're a big fan of the network command prompt that was more readily available for our use in the older versions of Windows, like XP, and 7 and 8, it's pretty simple. Simply begin pinging for strange connections, and delete them. Rid yourselves of open ports into your network that you don't recognize.
Now, for the rest of you technologically challenged people out there, you have to, first, only get a little Chrome add-on called Sidekick, by Hubspot. This allows you to see that emails that you are sending to certain people are, not long after that, being opened in some of these large city locations where FBI offices are located. This program is invaluable in a number of ways, and can very easily identify criminal and rogue FBI intrusions into your life. All you have to do is send email...and when your emails are opened, and Sidekick tells you they have been, all you have to do is watch the locations...who opened them where. Here are some of the screen shots that have let me know that the FBI has been dipping into my emails:
Now, this shot here is a way that you can check your network connection to see if you've been logged in from someplace else, even when you don't go there, don't know anyone there, and don't plan on it
This shot gives you a clear indication that a keylogger is following you into your account on Facebook. A keylogger is also known as a "RAT".
The Sidekick program is only $10 a month, and you can try it free for 30 days, with no provided credit card, and you can continue to use it for free, if you invite others to use it and they accept it. Then YOU get it free FOR ANOTHER 30 days, and they get to try it free for 30 days as well. The one truly nice thing about this add-on, is that you'll never have to sit around and wonder if people are opening your emails again, probably the best reason to get this add-on.
Now, once you've determined that you are indeed being intruded, how to get rid of them? I can tell you that calling them will do you no good, and neither will calling their administrative headquarters in D.C. No real person, agent, person in charge....NO ONE is interested in what you have to say, nor will they help you at all. They'll politely take your info, but that's where it all ends. After that, secrecy and cloak and dagger is all you can expect...and some would have to wonder if they even do that. Who's to say after we get off of the phone if they even look at your info, or do anything about it at all? It's not like we talk to anyone that actually works there...how do we know they aren't all at home just watching TV and collecting their pay, laughing it up at the retards who call in, and the stories they concoct? I'd say that's a very real possibility.
So what other option do you have? Well, thank God for Youtube. Here, you can find the solution to just about any techno-problem you've ever endured or will endure in your future. They, thankfully, have provided us with several means to rid ourselves of our intruders:
I'm afraid I can't really "Recommend" any of these methods as yet, as being the best at doing it...since I don't even have the time to spit, let alone rid myself of someone that, if I get rid of them, will probably just use another avenue to get back onto my gadgets that I haven't thought of yet. I say, try them all, until you're sure you've cleansed yourself of this obvious Constitutional violation of your privacy.
In closing, just ask yourself...don't these folks have better things to do with their time, than harass an innocent father whose child had been wrongfully stolen by CPS, assisted by some crooked elected officials in Des Moines Iowa; who had, at this point in time, done nothing at all wrong, save send them a few emails telling them about crimes that had been busted up in the field, and to show them things I had written online about them? Nothing. Nothing at all. But oh my God, I'm hindering them from doing their official duties! Like stealing children....OH NO!!!!
Do you get the picture yet America? These folks in Government are paid by you...the taxpayer. They are supposed to, like law enforcement, serve you, and protect you. What they are REALLY doing is protecting their own best interests, their own "investments" in our country and our Government, and moreover, their own...other employees and elected officials in Government. What do we really need these people for, if they don't do their jobs...for "We the People?". We don't.
The Cabal, and the NWO
The faces of the men you see above are just some of the wonderful people that are at the head of what is going on in our country, and in our world. There are, of course many more. Each of these people has more money than they can spend in 10 lifetimes, and own the better portion of the property and land in this world. They are all members of secret societies, hold secret meetings all over the globe in more secret locations, and hold the keys to the future of every one of the citizens of this earth. These are the inventers of the previously mentioned Reserve Banking System, and control, through debt, more countries in this world than any of us are aware of.
There is, in this world a group of folks that have been instrumental in working with these powerful men on the sly, along with many other people in key positions of power. These people have formed a group known as the Bildeburger Group.
Many people who have attended meetings of these people are right here in our own country. People such as Ted Turner. Bill Gates. Chris Hines, the Co-Founder of Facebook. Presidents such as Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton H.W. Bush Sr. Sentaors including John Kerry (the man now trying to get our arms confiscated), Tom Daschle, Chuck Hagel, John Edwards, and Sam Nunn. Governors, such as Rick Perry of Texas; Mark Sanford of South Carolina; Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; John Huntsman Junior of Utah; and Mitchell Daniels of Indiana.
There were many other key U.S. men and women involved in meetings with this group; military, financial, etc. For a complete list (including many men and women from the U.S.) of the past and present attendees to the secret meetings of these folks, go here:
Now, there are many other secret groups out there that these men supposedly belong to; key conspiracy theory types, such as the Illuminati and more; and at the risk of putting out there more than you care to believe in, I won't list them. Please, if you would, however, do your own research on these supposed "Masters" of our race, and what sort of things they do in all the time that they enjoy. Remember, if you would, that everything comes to them, they don't have to work for anything, and are bored out of their minds, and sit around thinking of new ways to experiment on the human race, and, thanks to the world as their oyster, have all of us to play with.
For over 2 centuries, the desire of people such as this has been to rule the world with an iron fist. For the same centuries, it needs be said that they have never before had all the tools, as well as the technology with which to accomplish this. For one, there is no such thing as "Off the Grid" anymore, what cameras don't cover, satellites do. Tracking devices and privacy devices have been found from everything from cell phones to cigar packaging.
So anyway, as was mentioned before, these people have an agenda. And oh, what an agenda it is too. Probably the craziest thing about this agenda, folks, is that they don't and aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Why? Well, I would say that the best explanation I have for that is the fact that you are very much asleep, drugged, brainwashed, blinded and attached to Hollywood and your TV sets. They figure you just won't notice (which, is pretty much the way it is), and even if you do, well there's always that "Conspiracy Theory" thing we all know and love, isn't there?
How do I know that they aren't even trying to hide it? Probably the best example is this little gem:
Funnier still, even though this monument was erected in Georgia over 35 years ago, and states very clearly what these elitists have in mind for us, and a lot sooner than you think, it has been sitting there in plain sight of America, and people just walk by it like it's not even there. Even more crazy yet, might even go as far to get their pictures taken standing next to it, like it says that "love, peace and wonderfulness" is the true goal. I'm sorry, but were I within 10 ft of this thing, I would have blown it to bits by now. I didn't even know it was there until a year ago...and people in Georgia have been privy to its existance for over 35 years. Now, if that doesn't convince you of the utter naivete and ignorance of the American people, nothing does.
So, are you ready for the "Agenda", that has, by the way, been written and documented for any that wish to read it...which, I'm guessing is none of you, if I was correct about my statement earlier? Well, those documents will be coming in shortly, after the last words of this article are written. For now, this video will do quite nicely. The "Depopulation" video I provided earlier pretty much says it all...but this one will sure help you understand things a whole lot better too; as well as the Wikipedia link that proceeds it:
Pertaining to what's being done to Children, with Child Trafficking, around the Globe!
Below is a letter sent to me by someone in England, a Monique Thomas, who has been fighting her own country's nightmare for many years
More will be added as they come to me from other countries around the world:
"Dear Mr MP
I write to inform you of the child trafficking within the Social Services which is at a vast scale. I am certain that these are well known facts and are being ignored by the Parliament.
As you are aware that this business represents a multibillion pounds. It needs to be dealt with within the House of Commons and Laws need to be introduced or changed. Many families including children are in despair. This is absolute ruins for the economy as these parents are unable to concentrate on any form of work and are instead diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which leaves them incapable of work and they remain on state benefits on a long term basis.
Social Workers mislead the courts by the lies and fabrication of the evidence. This is to gain their bonuses which has been introduced by Tony Blair in 1992. This occurs in order for the Social Services to reach their set targets for adoptions. The Social Workers are offered bonuses of up to £24,000 per case and are usually promoted after succeeding in a difficult cases. The social workers instead open companies for tax evasion.
The adoption agencies are represented by social workers. These agencies earn £47,000 per child. Again these monies are paid by the Government. There was an adoption agency once it reached £1m + in bank balance decided to sell their agency. Either this is loophole within the law or else the Government is involved with Money Laundering. Government appears to be turning a blind eye to these payments but instead are restricting the benefits of these parents who are incapable of work due to the removal of their children and are completely in despair.
Children, as they want to go back home to their parents, are prescribed drugs for their cries. A child who should be drinking milk for their development are put on these drugs, which for a child is unheard of in most of the world. This is happening in the UK on a regular basis.
You must also be aware of Governments agenda of depopulation. Is this the way? So parents are left to die as they are unable to live without their children and some commit suicide. And children when they grow up are psychologically affected and some turn to drink and drugs and most have criminal records and be in prisons. Their children are then taken and put for adoption or in long term care and this cycle continues. The state interferes in the private family life without any guarantee for better life for these children. There needs to be a break in this vicious cycle, so called system.
Social Workers whose main responsibility is unification of families are tearing them apart. They are liars, deceitful and fabricate evidence. Parents are frightened, become angry and are overwhelmed with stringent, vigorous monitoring and scrutinising and building of a case against them, that is never supportive. Families are faced with living nightmares from Local Authorities in the child protection cases.
There should be a procedure of random investigations and where the fabrication of reports are found law should be amended to put these social workers into prison in line with the rest of the public. Where the perjury in the courts is clearly evident then like the general public of imprisonment they should follow suite. Instead, they are allowed to get away with a slap on the back of their hand by the judge. If this continues, then social workers will continue with their illegal acts knowing Judges are “on their side” and their confidence increases.
There are social workers who buy their degrees from Africa. They come to the UK, intimidate parents to show their importance and yet they cannot write proper English. This is UK. Their incompetence dictates the family lives. Human Rights is non-existent in this country.
As you are aware the European Courts are initializing the investigations of Child Protection in the UK. As to how long it will take and whether it will proceed is yet to be seen.
Social Workers initiate the investigation of families. It commences with immediate removal of the child and who is placed with absolute strangers, foster carers. Children are abused and bruised in foster care. This is unreported and continues and again a blind eye is turned to these injuries. For this foster carers earn £400+ per child per week plus their expenses. Further costs for the Government.
There are multiple fostering placement breakdowns. The sense of being abandoned, unloved; and loss of their identity and being separated from their siblings and grandparents, repeat changes of schools and hence loss of friendship circles. Feelings of never truly belonging. Irrespective of the parent's background and the struggles they face most parents would do their best for their children, good enough parenting as perfect families do not exist.
As the social workers initiate these investigations they prepare the first report. By this time they will obtain emergency order with this first report. Emergency order will be for 72 hours. During this period further reports are prepared by the same social workers giving justification for removal of children. This will allow them to obtain Interim Care Order in the courts, this is just showing how Judges take everything at face value. Courts will at this stage appoint Guardian ad Litem, who are EX-SOCIAL WORKERS. And naturally the Guardian would want full investigation of this case. I have heard that these Guardians earn substantial amount of money, though I am uncertain as to the amount. I am sure you would know.
These Guardians ad litem are nested in the Coram organisation which offers sure start for the families. Coram also offers food vouchers to these families of £1 a week for fruit and vegetables for their families. My opinion is Coram identifies families living in poverty and reports to social workers within the relevant Boroughs. This initiates social workers investigations and they see multiple pound signs. Coram is a very dangerous organisation for these families and in particular children, and is very tightly woven for outside influences to penetrate.
There is lack of Independence at every stage of the care proceedings. Being initiated by the social workers, being dictate and finalized in the courts by the social services and the Guardian ad Litem. This allows the social workers to request a Psychiatric Report, the Psychiatrist being appointed by the social workers and the only reports that would be with these Psychiatrist would be these court orders and Social Workers Reports and the Guardians report for full investigation. It is also reported that the professionals meaning health visitors, GP, teachers, nurses, anyone interfacing with the child, is encouraged to think the unthinkable. That is any parent might be capable of deliberately harming their child.
Social Workers also request the courts for a Parental Assessment, and not surprised, they are dictated by and edited by social workers. Again, no independence. Parents are labelled as providing inadequate care to their child.
Therefore, we have a system heavily guarded by social workers and Judges going by face value of the misleading cases. Social workers break the families for their bonuses, adoption agencies for their monies, Guardian ad Litem making their monies. If children are not adopted they are put into care homes which receives £100,000 per child per annum. All this money is from the Government, which is being looted or is money laundering.
Let us not forget the adopters are given the incentive of receiving £600 per child per week, again all from the Government.
The Psychiatric Reports are all negative as they are based on these social workers reports and the Parental Reports are negative as the notes and final assessments are edited by the social workers. These reports are all presented to the courts and with the blind justice, a hammer strikes that child is removed from their families permanently. Social Services also ask for gagging orders on the parents so they cannot tell their stories or disclose on twitter, face book, papers etc. They are afraid of media exposing the truth. However, the reason given is it is exposing the child to media attention. Voices of parents and children remain unheard who are the most vulnerable in the society and need the most representation.
I will also mention that these family courts are closed courts. This means it is only for parents and social services and their legal teams. Grandparents, newspaper reporters are not allowed in these courts – why, do they have something to hide? Family courts are perverting the course of justice as is social services. Courts do not have the discretion to disregard the opinions of social services, in favour of a distort parent desperately trying to navigate the complexities of the legal system, desperately trying to prove their innocence up against the full might of the state. The reasoning given by social services and family courts is that it relates to children and their best interest. Naturally, this is understandable. But, what about the Grandparents, to hold a distorted parents hand – not allowed! Why can children not be given to the grandparents or their immediate families? I suppose social workers will not make money. So, where is the best interest of the child?
Care proceedings should be of the last resort, however many families find themselves on which there is only one outcome. The most preferred outcome for social workers is adoptions, as there is more money to be made. Most parents do not consent to the adoption of their children and the courts use their discretion to dispense with their consent, in the best of the children, and very likely not. Kinship care, where a child could be placed with a grandparent or extended family is ignored. Surely, kinship care should be considered as the best interest of the child instead of adoption as it allows the child to stay with siblings and within similar environment to birth parents so that they can retain their identity. Sometimes reason given is their connection with children's birth parents.
The mainstream media do not report parents' stories as I believe they have been instructed/ threatened by the courts. Hence, truth is not in the public eye except for the extreme cases of children dying in the hands of the parents. Children's death in the care system remain unreported, and statistic shows it is a high number and on the increase yearly. These tragic high profile cases of child abuse and neglect has led social workers taking extreme measures of removal of children rather than finding alternative best solution for every child.
Children's welfare in the UK is the last agenda by the family courts and social services as otherwise most children would still be with their parents instead of adoption or long term care where the financial incentives for social services lays. Most of the time children are removed for “risk of future emotional harm”. This is assessed by that their “5-20” years old past pattern and that will repeat in the next “5-20” years which will cause emotional harm to children in the future. Such predictions by such incompetent social workers. Poverty, single parents, poor housing are also factors frowned upon; and all given by the Government to its people?
This is a vicious cycle, of loss, wounds that never heel and bond between parents and children is broken with many families every day. I have heard that a child is removed from their parent one every 20 minutes. Government is either intentionally or again just another body turning a blind eye to the children, this is so called Child Protection System in the UK.
I would suggest a complete reform of the Family court and Social Services system. I would also strongly suggested regular ad hoc investigations by an independent body of these cases on an individual basis.
In particular, whether adoption or long term care children should be returned to their birth parents. This will be Justice Served!"
-M. Thomas
For more on Child Trafficking around the world, please, if you would, visit this website from my friends in the Nederlands:
Friends, let it be known....those of you of our formerly great nation, those of you in the Americas, and those of you in brother Europe, in all English speaking nations, and around the world...that this article is primarily finished being written, and all that I know for a fact is related in as plain a language as I can put out there. This article, tomorrow, if I am NOT arrested for...whatever bogus thing they claim they will arrest me for, will be laid out with all of the promised documentation that will, more than likely, get it taken down. I myself will more than likely be jailed or killed for putting it out there...but never fear, for many things are already taking place that will put a halt to those who purport to serve our best interests, but whose intent it will be shown will be to instead kill the majority of us off, then place the rest of us into a world-wide slave force.
See, what you DON'T know, is that they SAY there are too many people living on the Earth, and that WE are destroying it....and they're right too...too many people for their liking, too many who complain about those who own the majority of it, More and more people are recognizing that Government and the corporations they serve are destroying the Earth, as well as the people who keep us divided and warring with each other. This keeps Government employed, and in control...and we, the people of the earth are standing in their path. We are recognizing, all too late, that we have allowed those who say they are here to keep order and lord over us, are actually PART OF THE WHOLE BALL O' WAX's PROBLEM! Not only are they part of it...they are the creators of it. We are, in fact too many people...but not for us....for THEM. We are too many people for them to control on a world-wide scale, and too many people complaining about what they're doing...to us, and to the world. They wish nothing better than to kill us all off, and start over again. And we, the people of this Earth, and those who would rule us with a global iron fist will do whatever it takes, and kill as many as they're allowed to, before a lot of us realize what is ever going on.
There is no global warming, and there is no destruction of this earth that the rich and powerful of this world didn't create and aren t already doing themselves. We haven't destroyed the Earth. We haven't messed up the atmosphere. They have. And they want us to die for their destruction of it. You folks that I've had this translated for, you can feel in your hearts, and in your souls that something is not right with our world...and you're right. Government is not right. We are human beings that wish to move forward...to grow and produce, to create and to live. We don't need Government....we don't need people that oversee us and who punish us for every little thing we do. We certainly do NOT need the UN, and the Cabal who pull their strings. These things were set up, initially, to further their wont for power and control. Bio-engineering, Genetic engineering of food, vaccines, these aren't needed, and have been proven to be dangerous, even deadly...yet they're starting to be required, mandanted by a greedy and self-serving Government upon us without our consent...and we need to be rid of this evil now...today, before things begin to worsen.
And worsen it will. It's already begun. I myself will probably be arrested, tomorrow, for stirring things up. Maybe even killed. If I am, never fear...for I will remain in the hearts of those who followed my every word, and they will not let me die without cause, and will spread my words for me so that they will never die. What are those words?
Take your countries away from your criminal Governments. They do not rule over you. You do. You don't need them to exist, they need you to exist. You don't need their laws, statutes and codes, these are only in place to make sure they have revenue. It's been a tried and true scam, one that has worked for decades...but that can only work on an uninformed or misinformed public. You are not sheep. You cannot be herded and forced to support rogue out of control Governments, ran by greedy monsters whose only purpose is to keep the money flowing in by keeping you in fear, perfect for controlling. They are screwing up an entire generation of children, to make them a better slave force, I have made that blazenly clear in the previous sections of this article. And now, they're coming for us, their supposed Corporate property...to kill off the majority, and keep the rest to work off the debt....THAT YOUR GOVERNMENT PUT US IN, with us and our land as collatoral.
Finally, I'd like to mention that there is more out there...we all know it. There is life besides us, it would be stupid of us to believe there isn't; in this entire universe. There is, also, obviously, a force that means to keep us ignorant of this, or to keep us from evolving into a race that could, feasibly, communicate this to those who seek our contact.
Now, please, if you will, try and keep in mind these facts, with what I hope will be an open mind.
There is, in the back of your brain, a small pinecone shaped gland...it's called the Pineal Gland. Look it up, along with a search term of "The Third Eye". This gland is responsible for issuing forth Melatonin, and it is the natural hormone responsible for our sleep...as well as our dreams. This gland is a very important part of our evolution...and it's being attacked by those in power, on an almost daily basis. Why? Well, that should be obvious. If we were to ever discover who really DID build the pyramids...or whatever history that has been, in fact, kept from us...the elite of this world would lose their control....and we would, in fact, be truly free from their rule.
There are, by the way, two things that we have already discussed that should point to their obvious intent to keep this gland at bay from our exploring mind...one is flouride. This chemicals main side affect is that it kills the pineal gland...irreperably. The other is Mercury. Mercury is found in our meats and our GMO food, and also in our vaccinations. Why? It's not to preserve the vaccine, as they lead us to believe. Mercry calcifies the Pineal Gland. Imagine that.
So if you have psychic abilities, or if you're able to communicate with others, or evolve into better human beings...then what better way to keep us from discovering all of this, and keeping us ignorant of these facts...than to destroy the very gland responsible for these gifts, and keep us where THEY intend...dead, buried 6 ft. under....or ignorant and brainwashed as well, totally ignorant of this tiny gland and all it would be and beneficial for, where our eventual evolution as a race is concerned.
Now, I leave you with only one charge. Should you receive this article as a share, share it back to the world. It is my INTENT, though I will, more than likely be instantly jailed for the things I'm about to present tonight, come hell or high water; to get this to ALL the nations of the world...regardless of their race, creed, color, etc., whether it applies to them or not. Do not war. Do not separate. Stop fighting each other, and let's fight for what is rightfully ours...our right to rule ourselves. Our right to be free, to reproduce as we will. Our right to own what we worked so hard for. Finally, OUR RIGHT TO LIVE!