Monday, July 18, 2016

Unfreakin'believable! Part IV

UPDATE:  I just got an order back from the judge, concerning my little motion.  You ready for this?  There's been a complaint of Harrassment filed.  That's it.  I imagine from the cute li'l law firm of Methodist's.  They don't like hearing that these subpoenaes are going out again, and that I'll have plenty o' time to serve them, and properly this time.  'Magine that.  Their secretary, Ms. Diekema or whatever her name is (see 2 posts down) has been playing tattletale with the Administrative Law Judge, like she's gonna put up with that kinda nonsense....idiots.  She promptly put us both in our places, and said "see ya at the hearing".  Oh, we'll be seeing ya all right.  :D

So, like I said...there's been a complaint.  No formal charges have been filed though, so therefore, no crime.  Now, you wanna 'splain to me how I can be wanted...and there's NO CHARGES FILED???? And no crime committed?  And they know where I am...they were here just two weeks ago!!!  But I'm on the board again, like this is gonna scare me from going through with my hearings.  Go finger.


Well kids?  Let's see how the judge in my harassment case; Judge Birkenholtz; handles this the meantime, this father is in the process of a duck and cover, per usual, to avoid landing in the Polk County Jail again.